Nature, in all its majesty, has created many fantastic creatures. Big and small, with or without tails, flying or running, they never cease to amaze us with their beauty and diversity. It so happens that some animals have big ears. For some, like the elephant or the bat-eared fox, it is a means of adapting to their living environment or even survival. For others, it was a whimsical gift from nature.
Personally, every time I see a small dog with big ears, I wonder if the little fella is going to grow into them or remain a canine version of Dumbo. Of course, there are also dogs with big ears that are a trademark of their breed. In both cases, they look equally cute. By the way, can you guess which dog breed has the biggest ears? Post your versions in the comments.
While the African elephant is the animal with the biggest ears on our planet, other animals with long ears include lots of rodents, and also certain breeds of foxes, dogs, and even cattle.
For this article, we collected some of the biggest ears in the world. Which ones do you think take the prize? If your pet has a remarkable set of ears, or you happen to be friends with a wild animal with the same characteristics, show us their photos in the comments.
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Hello World, 15 Minutes Old
Meet Wally, The Bunny With The Biggest Wing-Like Ears
Is that his little tongue sticking out? IS THAT HIS LITTLE TONGUE???? OMG, I'm in heaven. I'm going to save this pic so when I want to murder my manager for being a tool I'll have something to calm me down before I go ape s**t. This is like the best thing ever - I've forwarded it to so many ppl 😁
The Long-Eared Jerboa Has Ears 2/3 The Length Of Its Body; One Of The Largest Ear-To-Body Ratios In The Animal Kingdom
My Sister Rescued This Baby Girl And Gave Her New Ears
Who the F thinks cutting ears especially so close is ok? I always want to cut the wiener of the person responsible.
This Is Jubilee. She Just Happens To Look Like Bad Taxidermy
My Dad Said My Puppy Looks Like Richard Gere And I Can’t Unsee It
The Littlest Fella
One Ear Always Up
When It's Bath Time But Your Doggy Doesn't Like His Ears Getting Wet
His Ears Are Longer Than His Legs
To Stop Frost Bite, Baby Cows Are Knitted Ear Warmers
It’s The Ears For Me
I'm sure that this is a Pharoah hound, they are gorgeous and very very energetic, usually the ears stick right up :)
This Dog With Big Ears
How About This Big-Eared Goof? A Baby Okapi!
Meet Cinnamon. She Was Born With Ears That Look Like Cinnamon Rolls
Bolt The Basset Hound
Oh the things this little one would get away with me. Perfect little angel baby
This Hedgehog With Really Long Ears
And here I thought hedgehogs couldn't possibly get any cute. I happily stand corrected
This Amazing Long Eared Bun
Meet Remy, The Dumbo Eared Black German Shepard
Fully Engaged
Eve The English Lop
A Little Reminder Of The Day When This Two Met
You've Heard Of Shoulder Cat, Now Get Ready For Shoulder Fennec Fox!
Snuggles With Our Beautiful Baby Henry
He Does Not Have Ears. These Are Antennas. He Was Sent To Earth To Spy On Humans
Baby Donkeys Are So Cute
My, What Big Ears You Have!
I Want To Drink Your Milk
Meet Ace. Heckin' Big Stompers And Floppy Ears
The Cutest Little Pink Nose And Tufty Ears That You Ever Did See!
Oriental Kitty With Big Ears
My Dog Is Really, Really Ridiculously Good Looking
My Dog Ghost Is Very Suspicious Why I'm Home On A Work Day
These Popper Ears Are Adorable
The English Lop
Seriously. Most majestic bunny I've ever soon. They deserve a proper title that must alway be used.
Baby Cutie
It's Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This
No no. They can't possibly be real. I'm definitely hallucinating from no sleep. Too freaking cute to accept its real
Somebody Made It To Santa's Nice List
This Is Gouda. Gouda's Ears Are Too Big For Her Illegally Smol Head
This i think its a malformation ( like the 4 ears kitten ) but She is a stunning little furball.
Their expression looks like almost everybody’s drivers license and/or work ID photo.
He Can Get Wi Fi Signals With Those Ears
Love cervals, love them, alas they are a forbiden species to have here since they are supose to be wild " cats ".
My Brother’s Flemish Giant. Yes He’s As Big As He Looks
I Think I've Already Taken The Best Picture I Will Take In 2023
We Have Found Our People. My Little Deer In Headlights
Favorite Ears
My Little Rescue Girl. Them Ears Though
5 Hours On A Plane Yesterday With This Little Chunk. Meet Hamilton The Bracco Italiano
My Kitten Has Extra Large Ears And Curly Fur
This is typical for this Breed ( Cornish Rex ) short wolly fur and big ears.
My New Basset Hound Puppy, Opie
Breakfast Companion
Meet Charlie, Our 2-Month-Old Sausage
All Smiles At The Brewery Tonight!
Ball Of Floof
Best Day Ever!
Airplane Ears
Tho I Am But Smol, My Ears Be Big
I've never wanted a kitten as much as I do this little one. I'm a nut for fluffballs but something about that face has stolen my heart