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- Bachelor degree of Physiotherapy at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas
- Master degree of Health and Rehabilitation at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas
Activity & Interests
- Like to play many games: God of War (all parts), TLOU, Ghost of Tsushima
- Can play many instruments like guitar, drums, bass guitar, piano and also sing
- Performed at many concerts with a band
- Have a black belt in Traditional Karate and have been practicing for about 12 years
- Have 350k subs music gaming channel. Video editor for 3 years
I’m a visual editor for Bored Panda, trying to find and select high-quality images to enhance articles across different formats. With a keen eye for detail, my goal is to ensure that each picture helps to attract readers into captivating visual experiences. As a freelancer, I’m also working as a video editor for a YouTube channel that makes music games. After work, I like to play with guitar, go to karate classes or just relax at home at play video games.