50 Beautiful Photos That Could Hang In The Louvre, And No One Would Question It (New Pics)
Few would argue against the fact that the Renaissance period produced some of the most beautiful art the world has ever seen. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael would spend years to achieve the level of skill and detail we admire in their paintings and other works. However, nowadays, with technological advancements on our side, it seems that this level of craft can be obtained just by snapping a picture with a phone.And the Accidental Renaissance subreddit is the perfect proof of that. Scroll down to see some of the best unintentional artworks that even famous artists would be jealous of and be sure to upvote the ones that look like they came straight from a Renaissance painter's workshop.
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He Knows How To Pose For The Camera
Some People Said It Looks Like A Renaissance Painting
🐎 🐕
But what makes these photographs resemble the Renaissance era, you may be asking? Well, to find out, we need to first learn about the period.
Renaissance in French means ‘rebirth.’ The choice of words here isn’t merely accidental, as the whole era spanning from the 14th to 17th centuries was defined by Europe's cultural, artistic, political, and economic revival.
Help Me Find This Bride Who Got Married At York Oratory On Saturday?
Something My Dad Sent In The Family Group Chat
My Window’s View Looks Like A Painting
Following the Dark Middle Ages, which saw few advancements, the Renaissance era promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art.
This push created the humanism movement, which encouraged the idea that man is the center of the universe and that every human being should embrace their achievements in education, classical arts, literature, and science.
Kitten Under The Table
Dad And Infant
Renaissance Deng
The invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1450 allowed scientists and thinkers of the era to spread their fresh ideas more quickly. It also improved communication throughout the entire Europe.
Mom Napping After A Long Flight
Cats On Expired Fuji Velvia 50
Woman In Kazakh Church That I Snapped A Pic Of
You wouldn't have convinced me this was a photo instead of a picture if this wasn't in this gallery.
During the Renaissance, science and art were fused seamlessly, which meant that artists like da Vinci included scientific principles like anatomy in their work to recreate the human body with a precision never seen before. The influence of science on art also made it realistic and naturalistic. Artists strived to depict people and objects as close to real life as possible.
I Was Told I Should Post This Here
A Rose M’lady?
Neighborhood Cat Knocked Over Our Half-Full Watering Can And Was Gloating Over Her Victory When I Got Home
Artists’ most used techniques during this era were perspective, shadows, and light, which added depth and emotion to their work. Similar to Renaissance paintings, “accidental Renaissance” pictures entail natural, warm colors, and a shadowy look.
The Basement
The Rebirth
Ack! I am now overwhelmed with all these cats, but in a positive way! I just want a few more!
A Guy Trying To Explain What An Nft Is
However, unlike the “accidental Renaissance” photos, the actual paintings of the era would take several years to make. For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper took three years to paint, while the infamous Mona Lisa was made in the span of 16 years. Some researchers suggest that his works took so long to paint due to an attention disorder.
Yawning Beauty
Oh gosh, I need so many of these cats! I'd take this little girl in a heartbeat.
Brussels, Belgium, 2024 (Photo By Nadia Eeckhout)
A Picture My Father Took Of Me When I Was 4. He Is Not A Photographer, And I Was Not Posing; According To Him I Was "Grumpy" That Day And He Liked That My Face Was Half In The Light, Half In The Shadows
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli also took time and patience, as it was painted in the course of 2 years. Just like Michelangelo's David and Raphael’s The School of Athens. It’s true that good things take time since the era produced some of the most beautiful artworks the world has ever seen.
Was Told To Cross Post My Sheep Photo Here, Enjoy!
Me Getting Dressed For My Adventure
Snapped This Photo On My Way To Work, Cold Boi Keeping Warm
For those who might want to dabble in some intentional or unintentional Renaissance-inspired photography, light and composition are key to achieving this look, according to Chroma, photography, film, and art YouTube channel. Just as we previously discussed, shadows are very important here. There’s a good reason da Vinci said that “a painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.”
Picture Of My Bestie Taken By Her Friend, Figured It Fit Here
Golden Hour Ground’s Keeper
So Begins The Fall
I believe the energy is going from the cat into the fire to heat it up.
Snapped A Shot Of The New Puppy At The End Of The Couch
Reflection In A Mud
My GF Send Me A Picture Of Her Breakfast
What Book Would You Read?
Cat Doing Security Job At Hagia Sophia
The Haves And The Have Nots
Thought It Would Fit The Trend
Tehnically Baroque
Long Day For Everybody
This Photo Of A Burned Kitchen
Friend Snapped A Picture Of Us After The Wedding Party
This Picture Of Duoduo
This Is Me - Told To Post Here From Another Group
Kitty From The Streets Meets Her New Sister From The Shelter
Fall Of A Rebel Angel
Accidental Pietà
Meal Prepping Post Farmers Market
Girona, Spain
Was Told You Guys Might Like This. Flew By A Thunderstorm Last Night And Took 1,500 Photos. Here's One Of My Favorites
My Boy In The Sun
My kitten does this every now and then and I just love it! (Edit) I don't have that mug, however.