21 Lighthearted Comics Perfectly Capturing The Funny Side Of Daily Life
Interview With Artist‘Shiki’s Cozy Comics,’ as the name suggests, is a series of lighthearted comics that are both funny and relatable for many of us. Inspired by real-life events from the author of the series, the situations depicted in the strips often fall into the slice-of-life genre.
Since the comic is closely connected to Shiki’s life, the characters are also inspired by real people. As the cartoonist told us: "Most of my characters are based on people in my real life—friends, family, and my partner. There’s one character, 'Miss High-Horse,' who represents a persona I developed as a judgmental, arrogant, and condescending figure."
We’re excited to share a selection of comics that the creator of the series has kindly agreed to showcase to our comics-loving Bored Panda community.
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The Pastry Chef
We continued our conversation with Shiki and asked her about the most challenging aspect of being an artist in today’s world. Here’s what she shared with us: “I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, it’s taking care of my mental health. Making personal comics about childhood traumas or grief, and putting it out there for everyone to see, it takes a toll on me. The process is painful, to say the least. But I’m lucky enough to have a supportive and kind community. And I’m working on overcoming the way I get affected by the few hurtful comments I get on some of my Stories.”
The Ring
Any moment now, I'm going to break that horn off and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Next, the cartoonist shared work from contemporary artists that she particularly admires: “Sarah Andersen inspired me to start publishing my comics online. And Meg Adam encouraged me to be vulnerable with my audience through mental health-rooted comics.”
After Hike
When asked about the most rewarding aspect of creating her comic series and sharing it with her audience, Shiki responded: “The most rewarding thing about sharing my work is undoubtedly how the readers connect with my comics. When I read comments or messages about how one of my stories resonated with someone or helped them through difficult times, I feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. And I know that the pain I go through while revisiting difficult moments in my life is truly worth it.”
Lastly, we were curious to know which of the strips Shiki has created so far is her personal favorite. Here’s what we found out: “‘The Pastry Chef’ is definitely one of my favorite comics. It holds a special place in my heart because it’s rooted in a real precious memory. It was also one of the first deep personal comics I released, and seeing how people connected to it, I decided to make more heartfelt stories.”
German Trains
The Book
An argument could be made for the cheese if it's Apple wood smoked.