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Man Uninvites Brother’s GF From Dinner For Saying Her Rudeness Is Her Being Honest, Causes Drama

Man Uninvites Brother’s GF From Dinner For Saying Her Rudeness Is Her Being Honest, Causes Drama

“Just Being Honest”: Brother’s GF Roasts Man’s Wife, Is Shocked She’s Banned From ThanksgivingMan Uninvites Brother’s GF From Dinner For Saying Her Rudeness Is Her Being Honest, Causes Drama “I’m Just Standing Up For My Wife”: Man Doesn’t Want Brother’s GF Ruining Their Thanksgiving“Just Being Honest”: Man Threatens To Skip Thanksgiving If His Disrespectful GF Isn’t InvitedWoman Has A Problem With BF’s Family’s Life Choices, Doesn’t Get An Invitation To Thanksgiving“AITA For Refusing To Let My Brother Bring His GF To Thanksgiving After She Disrespected My Wife?”Man Causes Drama By Uninviting Brother’s GF To Thanksgiving After Her Comments To His Wife“Just Being Honest”: Bro’s GF Makes Man’s Wife Uncomfortable With “Honest” Comments, Drama EnsuesCouple Refuse To Host Brother’s GF For Thanksgiving After Her “Honest” Comments Lead To TensionThanksgiving Ban Escalates Family Tensions After Hurtful Remarks About Childfree Lifestyle

In a perfect world, people would treat each other with respect and refrain from making unnecessary comments. But unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world.

Needless to say, lack of respect doesn’t really make anyone’s relationship any better. Take this redditor’s story, for instance; after learning about the disrespectful comments his brother’s girlfriend made towards his wife, the OP saw no other choice but to refuse to invite said girlfriend to his home for Thanksgiving. That didn’t exactly make the brothers’ relationship any better, and to make matters worse, got the parents involved, too.


    Thanksgiving is a great time to get the family together

    Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual image)

    This man refused to let his brother bring his girlfriend to Thanksgiving after she disrespected his wife


    Image credits: freepik (not the actual image)

    Image credits: Socallivin1993


    Most people say that spending time with family is important to them

    Nowadays, it’s not always easy to visit family even if we want to; busy lifestyles, scheduling conflicts, and, in some cases, distance might make get-togethers rather scarce. However, that doesn’t diminish the importance of family time in people’s lives.

    According to a survey carried out by Pew Research Center, the majority of Americans (73%) consider spending time with those of their kin important to them, regardless of how much of it they actually spend together.

    Whether or not people visit family often on the day-to-day, many do during all sorts of holidays and celebrations, such as Thanksgiving. It’s safe to assume that the OP is far from the only one gathering his family in his home to commemorate the celebration. According to Statista’s data, last year, as much as 83% of Americans were planning to celebrate Thanksgiving, mostly doing that in their own or their relatives’ homes.


    While the holidays people celebrate differ with each family, there seem to be quite a few occasions to get together during the year. Statista revealed that while Thanksgiving is the most popular of all the national and religious events in the United States, it is far from the only one, as Memorial Day, Christmas, Veterans’ Day, and Mother’s Day are nearly equally as popular (according to data from the second quarter of 2023). Father’s Day, Easter, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Labor Day, Halloween, and New Year’s Eve line up next on the list respectively.

    Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual images)

    Coupled-up individuals tend to include their partners in family time, too

    For those who are coupled up, the holidays tend to be not only a time to get together with family, but to introduce their partner to the clan, too. Discussing the dos and don’ts of doing that for the very first time during the holidays, relationship expert Dr. Stan Tatkin suggested that it’s important to talk to your partner beforehand about how you both can look out for each other during family time.


    “When the other person has a home field advantage, it’s important that people talk about how they’re going to protect each other, particularly the person who doesn’t know anyone,” Dr. Tatkin said in an interview with Insider, emphasizing that that’s the idea of being a couple. “They protect each other. They have each other’s backs, even with people that are familiar.”

    When the OP’s brother introduced his girlfriend, Lindsay, to the family, it wasn’t her that needed protecting, though. It was the redditor’s wife, who became the target of some uncalled for comments, mostly focused on the topic of children.

    Once they reach a certain age, many women—and arguably less frequently, men, too—tend to be bombarded with questions about children, be it from family members, friends, or acquaintances, even. The situation often becomes even more dire after the couple exchanges vows. A journalist and an author, Anna Goldfarb, summed up such situations perfectly, saying: “Nothing could have prepared me for the invasiveness I face about my fertility plans as a married woman in my late 30s.”

    Even if the curious friend or family member is only wishing well when asking about people’s plans to expand the family, such questions can get tiresome at best, and even hurtful. When they are presented as somewhat mean comments, like they were in the OP’s wife’s case, they are not welcome either. But neither was the woman responsible for the comments, as the OP told his brother that his girlfriend was no longer invited to spend Thanksgiving with their family.


    Image credits: freestocks (not the actual image)

    Fellow netizens didn’t think the OP was a jerk for not allowing his brother to bring Lindsay to Thanksgiving


    Some people, however, deemed the man a jerk


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    Miglė Miliūtė

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    Miglė Miliūtė

    Miglė Miliūtė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

    A writer here at Bored Panda, I am a lover of good music, good food, and good company, which makes food-related topics and feel-good stories my favorite ones to cover. Passionate about traveling and concerts, I constantly seek occasions to visit places yet personally unexplored. I also enjoy spending free time outdoors, trying out different sports—even if I don’t look too graceful at it—or socializing over a cup of coffee.



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    Author, BoredPanda staff

    I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader's experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It's like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually.

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    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the YTA comment of inviting her then kicking her out if she makes another comment. Give her and the brother fair warning and let's see if they can behave themselves.

    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Came to say the same. Also, why do they keep brushing over it - she makes a comment, look her dead in the eyes and say along the lines of "why do you feel the need to make derogatory comments like that?", or "that's rather rude, I'd prefer you keep your opinions on my life to yourself". Stop pussy-footing around it.

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    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lyndsey is not even very good at being passive-aggressive. This is full-on aggression.

    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A simple and polite "Mind your own fücking business, you judgemental dumbass" would have nipped this in the bud :) If someone says something disrespectful, speak up immediately and take none of their cråp. First time be polite, second time a bit less and, if they still don't get the message, tell them to fück all the way off. But if you never say anything, then these situations will keep happening. Communication is key in most aspects of life

    Cronecast AtTheRisingMoon
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup, Lindsey pretty clearly has bullying tendencies and she's being wildly inappropriate. Hell, it's not even appropriate to ask about other people's family plans let alone freaking judge them but avoiding her is not likely to yield anything other than estrangement from his brother. Honest to goodness, invite her and the second she says something out of line, make it a team event and make it clear that she's being disrespectful, sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong, and being deliberately unkind while doing so and that she can either apologize, and cut the c**p or leave. Also, keep in mind that there are huge red flags for his own brother being in an emotionally abusive relationship because that woman was deliberately belittling.

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    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the YTA comment of inviting her then kicking her out if she makes another comment. Give her and the brother fair warning and let's see if they can behave themselves.

    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Came to say the same. Also, why do they keep brushing over it - she makes a comment, look her dead in the eyes and say along the lines of "why do you feel the need to make derogatory comments like that?", or "that's rather rude, I'd prefer you keep your opinions on my life to yourself". Stop pussy-footing around it.

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    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lyndsey is not even very good at being passive-aggressive. This is full-on aggression.

    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A simple and polite "Mind your own fücking business, you judgemental dumbass" would have nipped this in the bud :) If someone says something disrespectful, speak up immediately and take none of their cråp. First time be polite, second time a bit less and, if they still don't get the message, tell them to fück all the way off. But if you never say anything, then these situations will keep happening. Communication is key in most aspects of life

    Cronecast AtTheRisingMoon
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup, Lindsey pretty clearly has bullying tendencies and she's being wildly inappropriate. Hell, it's not even appropriate to ask about other people's family plans let alone freaking judge them but avoiding her is not likely to yield anything other than estrangement from his brother. Honest to goodness, invite her and the second she says something out of line, make it a team event and make it clear that she's being disrespectful, sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong, and being deliberately unkind while doing so and that she can either apologize, and cut the c**p or leave. Also, keep in mind that there are huge red flags for his own brother being in an emotionally abusive relationship because that woman was deliberately belittling.

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