Lockdown is still going on even almost a year and a half into the pandemic. What have you learned?


People are so much more stupid that I thought.


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Night Owl
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never underestimate the stupidity of people. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein (allegedly)

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That I really really like being alone without noises from coworkers aroung me.



I'm much more of an introvert than I thought. I loved being able to go days without seeing another soul. I have always been able to amuse myself so boredom was never a problem.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are like me. I watched other people lose it. I like to think of myself ads self contained..

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I don't really like people. And people are very selfish.



That I can live with a lot less of everything.



How to waste less food. Pre pandemic, it was easy to be lazy, easy to go out instead of using what was in my kitchen, and easy to skip the grocery store. When the restaurants first closed, I was forced to grocery shop weekly. I became really good at meal planning. Leftovers are now another meal, and I throw away so much less food. Even though everything is open again, I still keep the habits I formed during the pandemic and it has been so much better for my health and my wallet.



That my lifestyle already was exactly like a lockdown (without the pandemic). Now I don't know if I laugh or cry :):



That its possible to work entirely from home and being much more productive, without wasting time in traffic and unnecessary meetings and polluting the planet.

It just seems nobody has learned anything from this - companies pushing employees to go back to work as in the past.


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Leigh C.
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The businesses I contact, some of them want to go on a tangent how they can't get their old employees back and want to just "sit on the couch watching TV all day." I felt a bit attacked. But, hey, I'm working much less the same as going to the office.

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Even introverts need some contact


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Curry on...
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, I'm an introvert, but after the first six months of the lockdown, I started missing human interaction and sought out a few friends/acquaintances. I've come to the conclusion that once a month is plenty to keep me balanced.

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I live with my elder parents. I seldom spent time with them because of work or because I rather hanging out with friends. But in lockdown it was just the three of us. They are seniors. Sometimes forget stuff, sometimes struggles with technology. Things work slower with them and honestly, patience is not my strongest point. But I learnt to slow down, take time to understand other people and cherish the time I've got left with my elders.

Best time ever I've had in many many years.



That I actually do have depression and anxiety, and I wasn't just overreacting or being a stupid attention-seeking baby. Quarantine and doing school from home gave my mind the space and my life the time to realize how bad my mental health was doing, tell my parents about it, and eventually get a prescription from my family doctor that has really been helping. My family says they've noticed I'm laughing more, and I've noticed that I have a more hopeful view of my future.

Also I realized how much I love going to the library. I missed everything about it... being able to wander in and browse through the shelves with my head bent uncomfortably to the side to read the titles and struggling to carry a stack of 10+ books out with me and immediately starting to read one in the car on the way home.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm, more than I can express here, so happy for you that you've been able to obtain everything positive about your post. I'm worried, for myself because I don't know where you live, and others, because I don't know where you live, about your last statement of immediately starting to read a book as you drive away from your preferred library.

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If you have two children (3, 5) and an old mattress in the living room, you can exhaust them.



I'm a registered nurse and tend to stay home doing house projects when I'm not working... other than some great lessons in versatility at work, my life essentially remained the same.

Oh - I also discovered that there are a ridiculous number of people who believe toilet paper is the key to survival. If anyone doubted the immense stupidity of people these days, there's our definitive proof.



That I married the right person! My husband is the sweetest, most caring and funniest person in the world. I knew that when I married him but so many relationships have been falling apart, ours grew stronger then ever. I am truely blessed to have met him.



Social media and TV news can be bad for your mental health mainly facebook where all the corona deniers are collected in one place and piss you off, you have enough time to find hobbies, rethink consumerism and the ability to work from home which was a taboo before pandemic.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not for nuttin, since you are so convinced that you have all the answers-- we didn't shut down for SARS, Brird Flu, SWine Flu, AIDS, Ebola, Anthrax nor any of the other billion proclaimed disasters we've faced-- far worse diseases that didn't have a political reason to ram socialism down our throats.

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to be even more gratefull for having my job, so many people has lost their income


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes! On crappy work days I try to remember that I'm lucky to have been employed thru this.

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In terms of life wisdom, I've learned that over-reacting to a critical situation is as detrimental as under-reacting, sometimes even more than that.

I've improved my mental health significantly, and overall I'm a much happier person than in the "normal" times.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd say that over-reaction is, many times, much more detrimental than under-reacting. It seems that, most times, over-reaction is driven more by emotion than by rational thought. At least under-reaction is driven by the emotion of apathy and apathy keeps it under control.

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That I have talents I did not know I ever had. I tried all sorts of things... from sewing, punch needling, crafty stuff, woodworks, planting herbs and vegetable, making my own moisturisers....the list goes on.

I found out that we ALL have hidden talents... its all within ourselves... the lockdown drew out the best in me.

I love dancing to my favourite music and finding out new talents I never knew I have on my own. And yes, I too am an introvert!



When people stay home , nature/animals can return to where they belong; healing the planet.


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Tee Witt
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People staying at home has proved that can help the planet


How important everyone in my life was. My friends, family, even just people in general. I didn't realize how much I needed them until I couldn't see them. Never taking them for granted again.


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Concept-Peter Roosdorp
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And remember that you take a lot more for granted, but haven't noticed because you haven't lost it yet.


I do not have enough self control to work from home.


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Night Owl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think many people realized that about themselves. You need structure and rules, no matter where you work

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I'm so glad I retired just before this started



people bad animals good, offline bad online good also I'm not very smart


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Tee Witt
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not all people are bad and not all online good, but I get where you are at.


That many peoples are full of bullshit. Gaining more peace on solitude.

Also as a bonus, I've improved my musical skill (playing guitar, alone).


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That the closet is overrated anyway.



The ozone hole can be smaller if produce less sh*t and people stay the f*ck at home.



Selfish entitled Americans do what they want regardless of what's best to keep others safe



How anti social I really am. I work from home anyway and the lockdown hasn’t changed my life one bit.


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Greatly improved my cooking and drawing skills



Politicians are in it for themselves, and neoliberal governments cannot be relied upon.


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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I agree with this statement to the extent of what it states but disagree with it because it assumes that neoconservative, liberal, conservative or some other form is blameless and right. If you're going to talk politics at the very least you should have the integrity to acknowledge and state that there is no political affiliation that can be relied upon.

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Given how many people could possibly be evicted, I realize just how ridiculously high housing prices and rents have become.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you tell landlords that they have to continue to maintain the properties, but can't get paid-- increases risk, decreases retal availability, hence prices will explode. Aint no such thing as a free lunch....

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Mental health is just as important as physical health



How much I love my little babies( my pets)


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What wonderful neighbors I have. We’ve been meeting in the street for the Pandemic, clapping for 1st responders, & grocery workers and…. It gives us a chance to check on each other and not be so alone. I never want to move.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me personally, I don't need applause. I do my job(s) which I excel at-- don't need outside acclaim-- my compatriots support on the job is all

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that cats are just people in lockdown


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texas won't let a 16-year-old adopt because she isn't mature but they won't let them have an abortion


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This is how I want to live my life.



Work From Home is not for everyone. My work change from 8-5 (plus 2 hours commute) 5 days a week to 24/7/365 (exaggerated but close enough) just because we can utilize zoom meeting anytime anywhere. For the first time in my 30 something, I have been diagnosed with anxiety.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can't upvote this enough! One week I pulled 65 hours instead of my contracted 40... Put boundaries in place, coz you can bet your life the bosses ain't working all those hours

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How to mute myself on Zoom. Unfortunately there were times I muted myself spiritually, physically, and emotionally as well.


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I always wondered why my bedspread was messed up everyday when I came home from work. Unbeknownst to me my male and female cats (both fixed BTW) were having rowdy make believe kitty sex everyday on my bed. Discovered this when locked down and heard a bunch of cat yowls and meows and investigated to discover them going at it > or trying anyway. They both looked super embarrassed when I caught them, yet now do it right in front of me whenever the mood strikes!


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mankind is very close to be lost



There are two very distinct types of people: considerate ones and absolute c***s and it's about 50/50. However, after coming out of it and being able to socialise again, I see how nice it is to mingle with the good ones again and I see that they feel the same.



Amazon is a horrible place to work. Unsafe conditions, unreasonable expectations of employees, and it breeds a new kind of employee the 'oh don't worry about, someone else will get it'. But desperate times, desperate measures. There was food to eat and bills were paid.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry you were stuck in this situation. I'm UK based, but if you need a CV, just let me know, no charge x

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To be still and listen to the universe. And realize that mankind is vastly more flawed than anyone could understand, and that we have choices, between violence and non violence, and the history we leave behind and what it could be if we just try a little harder.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

bruh im just trying to procrastinate stop giving me an existential crisis


My family get really pissed off when you use all the toilet paper for paper mache sculptures. Now who regrets stealing my chilli?



I learned that there seems to be a link between viruses and toilet paper.


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That there is such a thing as a cookbook


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That brothers are motherf*uckers



That I have ADHD.
TL;DR - if it feels like something is off with mental or physical health, advocate for yourself until you get answers. You’re worth it.

It took months of pandemic lockdown to figure out why working from home reduced my stress about 80% compared to an office. Despite long term therapy and many unsuccessful treatments for anxiety, depression, and PTSD - I hadn’t seen much improvement to those issues. All the puzzle pieces started coming together after exploring why remote work was better for me, and my first time hearing about inattentive ADHD on TikTok. I researched clinical websites (Mayo Clinic, NIH, etc.) and fit almost every diagnostic criteria perfectly - turns out I had ADHD signs and symptoms since childhood. Even found research that adult women with undiagnosed ADHD often have depression and anxiety that don’t respond to standard treatment… major lightbulb moment. I advocated for myself and got to a psychiatrist, then was immediately diagnosed and medicated. Treating the ADHD changed my whole life. I cried the first day I took meds because I had never known what ‘calm’ felt like before. I have seen dramatic improvements in self-care, mood management, depression, some anxieties, and am even able to work on some PTSD blocks I’d been stuck on in therapy for years. Now 19 months into working from home and having more mental space to learn about managing ADHD in my daily life, I finally have hope again.


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I created my own nail salon and taught myself nail sculpting and nail art


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Anime is the best and I’m not mentally stable



That despite what my brain says at night, my friends miss me when I’m not there.


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I will (and have) watch literally any documentary on Netflix. I have no discerning criteria!


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Concept-Peter Roosdorp
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good for you, it's a good way to get informed. Just remember that it might not be 100% true.


I shouldn't take having a normal life for granted because things an change


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Concept-Peter Roosdorp
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Atm I am living a very "dull" and ordinary life. And i cherish it. The simplicity of just being..

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Anti-social can equal super productive when it doesn't equal supersized wine glass.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you can conquer that during lockdown, you can stick with it through anything ❤️


I learned how to amuse myself without a screen- immerse myself in solitude, art, self-care, and nature


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A national emergency does not necessarily bring out the best in people or bring them together. Quite the contrast from 911, from which we are still standing in long lines at the airport, taking our shoes off, getting our bodies scanned and probed and our water bottles tossed and yet we have heard barely a peep about this "infringement on individual liberty".



I love my girlfriend and we want to now move in together.


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How annoying people can get (having little siblings in lockdown is… not fun.)



raiding the pantry and fridge non-stop is a very bad idea.


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I learned I'm Trans!


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

(and how to finally be happy with who I am! amazing the self-discovery you can go through when you're finally forced to confront feelings you've been putting aside for years and years!)

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I became disabled, prior to the Covid Pandemic, with a lung condition which limits my activities on a good day but mostly keeps me at home. That was a bit frustrating-wanting to be out-and-about and not being able to leave home.

The pandemic did not allow me to go out, not even to Dr. Appointments-All done through the telephone, even still (09/20/21).

The main thing that I have learned is that I totally enjoy my own company. I am really happy spending time with Me! I am a decent person, funny-way too Funny (I keep myself entertained and laughing all the day long). I am my own best friend and I will never let myself down.

I also learned that the world has become a nasty, hateful place. And being disabled and needing to stay home, is not that bad at all. I am actually glad that I stay home. Home is where my best friend lives and she is A-OK!


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The media has taken to saying whatever they have to in order to get attention. They lie, they don't edit, they're biased and they don't get in trouble for it.


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Concept-Peter Roosdorp
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

when you say "the media" does that include international media sites or is just everyone lying on a gobal level?

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Products essential to you are not always what the government perceives as essential. Why were non-latex, rubber dish washing gloves exempted from the essentials list? Cleaning liquids are harsh chemicals, some even toxic.

What the schools are teaching kids these days is more messed up than we realized.

I don't miss karaoke as much as I thought I would. In fact, I don't even think I enjoyed it as much as I tried to. It was just something to do during a night out of drinking and to get out of the house, and hear what songs I sound good singing to. Those empty bar nights were much enjoyed over a packed house.

My LDR will last beyond the pandemic because we've proven we can wait for each other.

People have really shown their true colours. Just as I suspected before.


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Concept-Peter Roosdorp
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What? The educational system isn't teaching the kids math, science and history? Oh, you might be american. The scolastic reviews have shown lacking for the US system.

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That you really do need space from your family and need friends



I can get a pretty good workout at home with just a few dumbells. I missed going to the gym when it was closed, but when I started going again after working out at home all that time, I picked up my old routine with very little loss of strength and was just a little sore the next day.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There are various videos of gym free workouts, especially Schwarzenegger's earliest workouts-- hook up the tv to a bike generator and u can get your cardio as well.

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Adaptation is key to one’s survival.


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I learned where my wife was going on Sunday nights and we got divorced...


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It really is possible to put on 40 pounds in a matter of months


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that it is super easy to get bored all by yourself, with just family



I learned how many random fevers I actually have. I used to only check my temp if my face was flushed or I felt especially cruddy on that particular day but I've taken to checking my temp (as well as that of my children) before taking them out to the bus. I've also gotten better at controlling the urge to eye-roll when a thermometer held by someone else rapidly beeps and they take 4 huge steps back. Not knocking their reasonable worry but it gets old pretty fast.


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How quickly some people fall into hysterics and madness, and how much I need social interaction.


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My sexuality, lockdown gave me a lot of time to question myself. Still went through 7 labels lol.


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Doomscrolling is a hell of a drug.



How much I loved the lock-down!!!, and the following rules as shops opened up again. I get very easily over-stimulated, and hate crowds. I dislike people standing to close, or shops being full of people. My depression even got less because of it! Which of being 30 ears of being depressed is just.. breathtaking wonderful.. Now that it is over, and everyone can get back to 'normal' I feel anxious again.


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How blessed I am. I already knew but I know even more now.



That launching new, untested operating systems without being able to support remote work using existing systems is a brilliant way to create additional stress for already stressed employees.



I’ve been really self reflecting/observing during lockdown, and I low key might have ADHD. I’ve looked into it ALOT, but I’m always afraid to tell people because I don’t want people to think I’m self diagnosing. Most times when I mention that I have tons of the symptoms, the person I’m talking to goes “Well, I do that too but I don’t have adhd!” So now I just refrain from talking about it. But I do want to get diagnosed just to confirm if I have it or not.



Lockdown gave depression to many people that was already on the edge


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I always joked that I wanted to be a hermit. Now I am. And I love it. Even better: married to a hermitess!


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I have such a rich inner life.


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That being an anxious person can make you stronger. When the entire world is freaking out I’ve been relatively cool and collected.


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That a zombie apocalypse cause by a virus could actually happen, even if we have the vaccine for it.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Especially when the so called vaccine exacerbates the spread of disease


To never believe the liberal mainstream media! They really are just an arm of the DNC!


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But they have some good ideas, such as spreading wealth around a little more. But the conservatives have some good ideas too, such as personal responsibility and not relying on the government too much. The two sides seem mutually exclusive, but the fact is that the best approach depends on the situation. Like sometimes it's better to make someone take responsibility for themself rather than help them with charity, and sometimes charity is the better approach. Applying the same solution to all situations is like having only one tool in your toolbox.

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