“Total Nightmare”: Man Who Faked Doctor’s Note Gets Reality Check After Blasting Employer
A man working in a real estate agency in the United Kingdom (UK) is facing suspension after complaining about the lack of adjustments made for his ADHD disability. As it turns out, the worker faked a doctor’s note to access an automatic company vehicle, leaving a lawyer completely baffled.
Daniel Barnett, a lawyer, appeared in a new LBC’s Legal Hourepisode on Sunday (June 9) on a call with a certain “Sam” to offer his legal expertise and advise him.
- A man named Sam faced suspension after faking a doctor’s note to request adjustments for ADHD at his workplace.
- Lawyer Daniel Barnett revealed Sam's demand list included a standing desk and control over office music.
- Daniel advised Sam on the consequences of faking a doctor’s letter in LBC’s Legal Hour episode.
Sam presented himself as a real estate agent who was protected under the UK’s Equality Act 2010 as a person diagnosed with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (not being able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting), and impulsivity (hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought), according to Psychiatry.org.
According to Sam, his employers failed to make “reasonable adjustments” to help him work efficiently while coping with his ADHD symptoms.
Sam, who works in real estate, is facing suspension after complaining about the lack of adjustments made for his ADHD disability
Image credits: LBC
Nevertheless, Sam stunned Daniel upon mentioning that he demanded a standing desk, among other surprising requests.
“They’ve provided a couple [of adjustments], which I’m grateful, but overall, it’s just been a hesitancy in providing it.”
Sam admitted that he had a list of “about 15” different kinds of adjustments he demanded, and among those listed was control over the music in his office, “so [he’s] not distracted.”
“I’ve got nowhere to a point where they try to sort of set me up, and now, it’s it’s gotten really bad,” the employee confessed.
Daniel went on to explain that adjustments requested by an identified disabled worker had to be granted by employers. However, such adjustments are needed to alleviate a disability’s symptoms.
As a result, the lawyer argued that a standing desk might’ve not met the criteria because Sam could technically move from his seat.
However, Sam claimed that his bosses had told him they would supply his working space with a standing desk four months ago when he was presumably hired.
“I’ve raised the grievance, and now, I’m suspended,” Sam strikingly revealed before adding that his employers didn’t involve Occupational Health (OH) in his case.
As it turns out, Sam faked a doctor’s note to access an automatic company vehicle
https://t.co/JlfVfCbYis All public services should make ‘reasonable adjustments” in order to access that support. It’s part of the Equality Act 2010 – Public Sector Equality Duty
— Autism and ADHD Journey (@SENDinfoBucks) November 16, 2022
OH is advisory support that helps to maintain and promote employee health and well-being.
OH services provide direct support and advice to employers and managers, as well as support at an organizational level (for example, on how to improve work environments and cultures), the UK’s Department for Work & Pensions states.
The real estate staffer went on to say that he was currently facing a suspension, admitting: “I’ve been backing up everything to myself, and I’m just terrified.”
Sam continued: “I’m suspended, they [are] investigating some bogus charges [after I] raised a grievance against this.”
Image credits: pexels/Standsome Worklifestyle
But Daniel was left in shock after learning that the grounds for Sam’s suspension were faking a doctor’s note, in addition to “forgetting” he was the director of a company he had “forgotten” about.
“I’ve set up [a company] and completely forgot about [it], to be honest with you,” the troubled worker said.
Sam went on to admit that he faked a doctor’s letter that stated he had back problems “so [he] could get an automatic vehicle.”
“I’d sack you for that, Sam,” the lawyer acknowledged.
Daniel Barnett, a lawyer, addressed Sam in a new LBC’s Legal Hour episode on Sunday (June 9)
Quite remarkable that someone cannot see the wrong or seek to justify faking a doctor’s letter to fool their employer.
Credit to @daniel_barnett for calling this out firmly.
Sometimes a lawyer will tell you the harsh truth! https://t.co/8OorOnYEYL— Daniel ShenSmith (BlackBeltBarrister) (@dshensmith) June 10, 2024
After establishing Sam’s unlikely discrimination claim against his workplace, Daniel declared: “Frankly, Sam, I think having worked for four months they’ve got very good grounds to dismiss you.”
After pointing out the worker’s gross misconduct linked to his fake doctor’s note, Sam noted that he did not feel comfortable disclosing his disability when he was first hired.
“Sam, you can’t, I’m sorry, you must know this — ADHD does not justify faking doctor’s letters,” Daniel argued.
Some viewers were left perplexed by Sam’s testimony, as a YouTube user commented: “This is the exact sort of person you should never employ.”
Image credits: pexels/kindel
“He sounds like a total nightmare.“
An observer wrote: “He’s just making excuses for his basic fraudulent conduct.
“He’s entitled and he is unemployable because of his attitude.”
A person penned: “An absolute grifter, we’ve all worked with someone like this.”
Daniel was left in shock after learning that the grounds for Sam’s suspension were faking a doctor’s note
if you think disability discrimination in the workplace isn’t still rife i don’t know what to tell you. my sister lost her junior position because she had a psychiatry appointment for adhd on a workday. apparently it’s ‘dangerous’ she didn’t disclose her dx at the beginning 🙄
— 𝒞 (@4utelsie) April 9, 2024
A separate individual chimed in: “I have ADHD.
“I can’t sit still either, so I get up every now and again, have a quick wander around the office, and answer a few emails on my phone while I’m standing somewhere else.
“I listen to music on my AirPods to block out background noise & I have a million phone reminders set to remind me to do boring life admin tasks.
“He speaks about it like it’s on a level with really serious disabilities.”
— Harshmallow 🏳️🌈🏴☠️ Rogue Antifa, Inc. (@Nikki2U) June 2, 2024
“I know it’s a spectrum and others are more severely affected than I am but this guy just sounds like a nightmare.
“His employers sound really nice, they’ve given him a chance & tried to be accommodating and now they’ll never hire anyone with ADHD again thanks to this guy.”
The latest reports show that ADHD diagnoses have been booming, leading to increased demands for tests and prescription medications across various public health sectors.
Within this surge, a troubling gender bias has emerged, as female patients often endure delayed diagnoses, revealing systemic disparities in recognizing ADHD in women.
“What a joker,” a reader commented
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Because we’ll get distracted and end up on the other side of the planet if we have to walk too far from the parking spot to the store. (Very much kidding lol, I have ADHD and I have no idea why anyone with ADHD would require use of a parking spot for disabled folks).
Load More Replies...That's why you never fight for your rights alone : either you will need help when s**t hits the fan, but it also helps you get reality checks and understand what you can ask, and what will come back to bite you later
Because we’ll get distracted and end up on the other side of the planet if we have to walk too far from the parking spot to the store. (Very much kidding lol, I have ADHD and I have no idea why anyone with ADHD would require use of a parking spot for disabled folks).
Load More Replies...That's why you never fight for your rights alone : either you will need help when s**t hits the fan, but it also helps you get reality checks and understand what you can ask, and what will come back to bite you later