Whether we're opening our mouths without thinking, have social anxiety, or are just trying to cut through an awkward silence, everyone is bound to say something foolish every once in a while.
So it should come as no surprise that when Reddit user AlgorithmOmega asked people on the platform to share the dumbest statements they've heard, the responses came pouring in, showcasing just how common and relatable these moments are.
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My personal favourite was the anti-vaxxer who told me all about how dangerous vaccines are. How many weird and toxic chemicals are in them, and what those chemicals would do to my body. Then she lit up a cigarette…
“Women are responsible for men’s loneliness epidemic.”
My dudes: Go get yourself a friend, a hobby, a dog. Your relationships, entertainment, and play dates are not our responsibility.
Have a misogynistic coworker who claimed the male lions do all the hunting, because he couldn't stand the idea of a female anything being better.
The US has “never been a racist country” is up there. Leaving out the fact that the civil war was fought over slavery is pretty stupid too.
The USA was born a racist nation. Slavery is a black mark on our history that can never be cleansed.
"Healthy women don't get periods."
Windmills cause cancer.
Global warming isn’t real because it’s cold outside.
Some people actually think that windmills are stealing the wind and that's why the world is getting warmer. I wish I was making this up but that stupid is a congressman for the state of Georgia.
"The vaccine can't survive 24h outside the fridge, and our body is not a fridge, so the vaccine can't last more than 24h in our body."
It took me 10second to even comprehend and recover from the stupidity of the statement.
The earth is flat and only 6000 years old.
"American Healthcare has some issues, but it's still the best in the world" some ignorant redneck to me, a literal nurse working in an American ICU while he accumulates tens of thousands of dollars in medical debt
"You shouldn't speak Spanish if you're not Mexican"
- a customer who got mad at me for helping another customer in Spanish
"The center of the Galaxy and the earth are aligned! We so are in the end times!"
To which I responded, "two points are always aligned, it's called a line!"
He was super religious by the way...
The Mayan calendar ended in 2012. We're living AFTER the end times!
Had a friend insist Hawaii is a seperate country, not a US state. (We're both Americans) I'm still very embarrassed that we both attended the same high school.
In the middle of a "Bill Gates created Covid to microchip us" (which itself is pretty up there) rant: "He tested it in Africa. There were no diseases in Africa until Bill Gates went there and started spreading them"
I was talking about how terrible the homeless situation in America is and my step mother said "well It's mostly brown people and that's what they get for coming here illegally". All I could do was lol and say you need to quit watching Faux news 24/7. The struggle is real people.
No idea where you would get this idea. I live in Portland Oregon and I'd say about 80% of the homeless folk I see on a daily basis are white born free American citizens.
“The way you’re raised has nothing to do with the way you turn out”
- my mom to me when I called her out on her behaviour
Kinda like saying that the big five fingers welt on your cheek has nothing to do with the slap I gave you earlier...
“If China’s been around for so long, how come they never invented anything?”
If it were a genuine, ignorant question, that’d be one thing, but it was rhetorically asked as if to say China’s never accomplished anything. Baffling.
Just Googled it. China has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions. This includes the Four Great Inventions: papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing (both woodblock and movable type).
"pseudoscience is still science"
Coworker: "If vegans care about animals so much, and they eat all the vegetables, then all the animals who eat vegetables will go hungry"
He genuinely thought it was some gotcha about vegans and I had to jump out of the argument for a minute to be like "wait is that actually something you think could happen?" Apparently we're competing with rabbits in a zero sum game of who can eat the most carrots
What about all the animals that have to be killed & stuff to actually grow the veggies anyway?
Heard from a guy I was working with over the weekend. He was on the phone with his mom.
"Im not even going to vote. I just hate politics nowadays. Now if I say i hate black people, they say I'm a racist. What's so racist about that?!"
The fact it is actual racism. Bro is describing actual racism.
On a conservative forum, some person was lamenting cost of his medical procedure AFTER insurance paid their part.
"I can't image how much it would cost if it were free!"
"I can imagine how much money I would have to spend if I didn't have to spend any money!"
That’s why you have autism!
Response to “Well I’m getting the vax being I don’t want to die”
My response to that was “I thought you get Autism **after** the vaccine?”
“I’m not racist my dogs black”Heard it more than once. Abhorrent statement to make. And yes that is the first time I’ve used that word Abhorrent in a sentence, but needs must.
I write software, had a boss with little technical knowledge for a bit.
He asked me to 'make the software do X or Y depending on what the user wanted when they clicked the button'. I asked what he meant, he got upset, told me it was simple. If the user wants X to happen when they click the button, do that! If they want Y to happen when they click the button, do that! At first I thought maybe he meant there was some other way to figure that out from context.. but no, ultimately he meant 'read the users mind and intent when they click the button'.
There was a certain politician that, speaking about some military business, said "I know more about that than the generals". He was wrong.
"I don't get why they keep changing the all the sciencey facts in schools." - Some lady at a truck stop in Louisiana.
Because Science adapts to new information and evidence. Dogma does not.
It's your duty as a woman to have a child and whether you want one or not, doesn't matter.
"The Bible is historical fact and never contradicts itself."
"No matter where you are, you're always going North."
"You can't cook with gas."
"Cool ranch doritos are ranch flavored?!?" -Me-
No one mentioned this gem---"All I know about magnets is, if you put water on them, they don't work!"~ 3 guesses which orange faced criminal said this.
Oh, did you hear the one about the boat, boat battery, and the sharks? If it wasn't so worrying that this man is running for president again, it would have been hilarious.
Load More Replies...I was watching "Schindler's List" with a friend. A half-hour into the movie she said "What war is this?" About an hour into the movie she said "You mean they were doing all of these terrible things to people just because they were Jewish?" She was a college graduate.
If her parents, school, or friends didn't talk about it, she didn't know all the facts. I say she's mostly innocent in her question if her upbringing supports what I said.
Load More Replies...I once made a comment about a concentration camp only to discover that the person I was speaking with thought a concentration camp was somewhere you went to meditate. He was in his twenties and had never heard of them.
Load More Replies...No one mentioned this gem---"All I know about magnets is, if you put water on them, they don't work!"~ 3 guesses which orange faced criminal said this.
Oh, did you hear the one about the boat, boat battery, and the sharks? If it wasn't so worrying that this man is running for president again, it would have been hilarious.
Load More Replies...I was watching "Schindler's List" with a friend. A half-hour into the movie she said "What war is this?" About an hour into the movie she said "You mean they were doing all of these terrible things to people just because they were Jewish?" She was a college graduate.
If her parents, school, or friends didn't talk about it, she didn't know all the facts. I say she's mostly innocent in her question if her upbringing supports what I said.
Load More Replies...I once made a comment about a concentration camp only to discover that the person I was speaking with thought a concentration camp was somewhere you went to meditate. He was in his twenties and had never heard of them.
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