30 Wild And Wholesome Moments From The ‘90s, As Seen On This Dedicated IG Page (New Pics)
For those of us who are now in our 30s, the 1990s was probably the best decade. Indeed, earlier this year, a YouGov poll asked 2,000 American adults which decades had the best music, economy, and so on. Unsurprisingly, many viewed the '90s as the best time for fashion, radio programming, and even the economy.
Surely, their answers might've been painted with rosy nostalgia glasses, but there's no denying the '90s had style. Nineties Anxiety is an Instagram page that showcases the cool side of the '90s, so here are some more posts to feed your nostalgia-hungry hearts, Pandas!
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Lisa Kudrow Aka “Phoebe” Wearing A Team Lithuania Basketball Tee While Filming An Episode Of Friends In 1997
After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Lithuania couldn’t afford to send its basketball team to the 1992 Olympics.
The iconic group Grateful Dead agreed to help sponsor Lithuania’s national basketball team alongside with the designer of the ‘Skullman’ t-shirt Greg Speirs, if they agreed to wear tie-dyed uniforms.
Getting the Dead was a major coup. The band wrote a check for $5,000 but more importantly granted Lithuania the rights to sell a Dead t-shirt, a stoned-out psychedelic masterpiece splashed with Lithuania’s national colors of green, red, and yellow and anchored by the Dead’s skeleton symbol.
Between the excitement of Lithuania taking home the bronze medal in 1992 and sales of the t-shirt, it financed most of Lithuania’s participation in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. The shirt kept Lithuania in the news while telling the story of the country's heroic struggle for freedom and its battle to get the team to Barcelona.
“Good Will Hunting” Directed By Gus Van Sant. (1997)
Kurt Cobain’s Journal Entry
I'd love to see this happen. A few thousand years for a few thousand years. It'd only be fair, right?
While browsing through these pics, you'll notice that many of them feature '90s fashion. Some pop culture experts argue that the 1990s ushered in the birth of the supermodel. Models became celebrities, with people idolizing them perhaps more than fashion designers and movie stars.
As Lilah Ramzi writes for Vogue, the '90s were the decade models became far more famous than the clothes. Supermodels became icons; people wanted to know where and how they lived, who they were dating, and what they were like. If before, models were a blank canvas, almost mannequins for the clothes they modeled, this decade wanted models with passion, character, and personalities.
For 738 Days, Between 1997 And 1999, Julia ‘Butterfly’ Hill Lived In The Canopy Of An Ancient Redwood Tree In California Called Luna On Two 6 X 4 Foot Platforms
At a height of 180 feet, she set up camp to stop the Pacific Lumber Company from cutting it down and to help make the world aware of the plight of ancient forests.
She sat in the tree, originally expecting to be up there for one to two weeks like many activists were in the 1990s, not aware of the impact her act was going to have.
After a long period of negotiations, Julia agreed to come down from Luna after agreeing that the tree would be permanently protected and a near three-acre buffer zone would be put in around the tree.
The stunt also raised awareness of the lack of trees left standing in America.
When Julia came down, she was a national hero and quickly became recognized for the memorable protest.
In 1994, Gilbert Baker Created A Mile-Long Rainbow Flag For The 25th Anniversary Of The Stonewall Riots
The Stonewall riots, also known as the Stonewall uprising, Stonewall rebellion, or simply Stonewall, were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City.
Although they were not the first instance in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back against a government-sponsored system that persecuted sexual minorities, they have become the defining event that marked the start of the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.
Born in 1965, I grew up in Greenwich Village. I was an adult before I learned that being gay was a controversial and despised thing in most of the country. We think of growing up in social bubbles as being a conservative and bigoted thing but it works the other way, too. I'm very grateful for the bubble that I was raised in.
I Feel You Charlie, I Miss The 90s
The most well-known supermodels of the decade were Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, and Christy Turlington. Or, as known to fashion enthusiasts, "The Big Four." Some people also add Claudia Schiffer to the group, making it "The Big Five." But the '90s also gave us many other icons: Tyra Banks, Carla Bruni Sarkozy, Helena Christensen, Elle McPherson, Yasmeen Ghauri, and many more.
By the second half of the decade, many new young names surfaced. Designer Karl Lagerfeld described them as "very young, very much like children—what's referred to like an elf. There is a kind of vulnerability about them. They need protection…" These models were Kate Moss, Amber Valetta, Stella Tennant, Shalom Harlow, and Kirsty Hume.
A Bond Like No Other, Scenes From ‘Thelma & Louise’ (1991)
The Man Who Came Back From The Dead To Win The Lottery…(Twice) In 1999
In 1998, Bill Morgan, an Australian truck driver, was involved in a severe road accident that left him clinically dead for 14 minutes. Miraculously, he survived but was in a coma for 12 days. when he recovered, he decided to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket and won a car worth $27,000.
Bill Morgan was asked to reenact his recent lottery win for TV after local news outlets decided to feature his incredible story and suggested to him that he buy another scratch-off ticket.
Astoundingly, while the cameras were rolling, Bill scratched off the ticket and discovered he had won $250,000. An incredible chain of events played out in his fortune. Almost unbelievable if it weren’t documented.
"Clinically dead" is not a medical term, but if it were it would better translate as "not quite dead yet". I hate it when its used like this to refer to people in the state of atrial fibrillation, just because they dont have a distinct discernable heart rhythm does not make them dead.
A True Inspiration To Many Of Us, Anthony Bourdain
These new faces also ushered in a new aesthetic: somewhat a return to the gamine form of the '60s. But this time, it was more minimalist. The way Lagerfeld described the younger models, "as if they need protection," went hand in hand with their waifish appearance.
These models were less about the perfect skin and hair and more about dark circles under their eyes, and, according to Ramzi, "possessing bird-like hollow bones."
Diego Maradona’s Daughter Dalma Picks Flowers For Her Father Which He Proudly Wears During Training. (1989)
Great footballer, but a major ásshóle. I'm glad Argentina have Messi now
Memorable Quote From ‘Fight Club’ Directed By David Fincher. (1999)
These new models signaled what was to come in a few years: grunge. Emerging from Seattle primarily as a music style, grunge soon had young people clamoring for the edgy, effortless aesthetic. In fact, some even call grunge-style clothing an anti-fashion statement. Professor of American popular culture Thomas L. Bell wrote in 1998 that the goal was to appear as nonchalant as possible.
Forrest Gump Directed By Robert Zemeckis (1994) "My Momma Always Said There's An Awful Lot You Can Tell About A Person By Their Shoes”.
I agree. You can tell that people who wear Nike trainers are not put off from financially supporting a company that has engaged in child exploitation and run sweat shops.
Matthew Mcconaughey In Dazed And Confused Directed By Richard Linklater (1993)
Scene From ‘Trainspotting’ Directed By Danny Boyle (1996)
"Flannel shirts and Doc Martens boots were worn as an anti-fashion statement that is undoubtedly related to the unassuming and unvarnished nature of the music itself," Bell wrote. The New York Times described the '90s style as cheap, durable, and timeless. "It also runs against the grain of the whole flashy aesthetic that existed in the '80s."
Louise Bourgeois ‘Spider’ Sculpture In The 90s
Louise Bourgeois created the first of her darkly compelling spider sculptures in the mid-1990s, when she was in her eighties. The artist saw spiders as both fierce and fragile, capable of being protectors as well as predators.
For Bourgeois, the spider embodied an intricate and sometimes contradictory mix of psychological and biographical allusions. Partly a reference to her mother, partly to herself, spiders for her represented cleverness, industriousness, and protectiveness.
"The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. My family was in the business of tapestry restoration, and my mother was in charge of the workshop. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are therefore unwanted. So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother."
Shannen Dohetry Photographed For TV Guide In 1991 Rest In Peace
Anjelica Huston Photographed By Annie Leibovitz For Vanity Fair. {july•1990}
Grunge trickled down to the runways too. Marc Jacobs' 1993 spring/summer collection for Perry Ellis was inspired by grunge. Unfortunately, it was also what he got fired for. Jacobs created a grunge aesthetic by imitating flannels with silk shirts and chiffon dresses to look like they were made out of polyester. He "reinterpreted these rough garments in the finest fabrics," according to Lynn Yaeger.
A Message From Samantha Jones: "These B**ches Need To Be Put In Their Places"
Go All The Way. -Charles Bukowski
Excellent author, highly recommend. His books illustrate exactly why governments don't really want to tackle unemployment; if we weren't kept in fear of losing our jobs we wouldn't put up with such sh1tty standards in the work place. If you think 'Factotum' is about a workshy bum, then you've missed the point entirely.
Nuns Checking Out The New Nirvana Album ‘In Utero’ In 1993
Still, the '90s were the antithesis of the glamour and colors of the '80s. Minimalist designers rose to prominence, such as Calvin Klein, Jil Sander, and Helmut Lang. Some even call them minimalist-deconstructivist designers. Seamless slip dresses, utilitarian button-ups, and black, white and navy colors dominated the runways. Any embellishments were out of the norm.
In 1986, A French Woman Named Nadine Bourgain Helped Her Husband, Michel Vaujour, Escape From Prison By Flying A Helicopter Into The Prison And Flying Him Away
Michel was serving a 28 year sentence for robbery and attempted murder. He had made four escape attempts before and was moved to a very secure prison.
Nadine had trained for several months to gain the qualifications to operate a helicopter. But instead of rushing to help her husband escape, she waited and became familiar with everyone at the airport so it wasn’t too suspicious.
When the time came, Michel, with the help of another inmate, a fake pistol and nectarines painted to look like hand grenades, made their way to the roof where only Michel made the escape. Nadine landed at a nearby football stadium where they made their escape by car.
Michel was eventually caught four months later when he tried to rob a bank in Paris and was shot and wheelchair bound for life. Nadine gave herself up after being surrounded by police and served 14 months in prison.
I don't think there's anything nostalgic about this story.
Pretty Woman Directed By Garry Marshall Starring Julia Roberts And Richard Gere. (1990)
Stylish Bike Ride With John F. Kennedy Jr. Throughout The 90s
As fashion moved closer to the 2000s, technology came into view. Designers presented futuristic, cyberstyle pieces on the runways, like the Thierry Mugler 1995 fall/winter collection. Latex, aluminum foil sheath dresses, and robot-chic were all the rage. Fashion trends seeped into (and, in turn, inspired designers) the cinema as well, with Jean Paul Gaultier designing garments for The Fifth Element.
‘Chungking Express’ Directed By Wong Kar-Wai (1994)
Ferrari F40 Destroyed After Bursting Into Flames In Monaco
Launched in 1987, the Ferrari F40 is one of the most fabled supercars of all time. A successor to the 280 GTO, the F40 paved the way for future flagship Ferraris like the Enzo and LaFerrari. Only 1,315 examples were built between 1987 and 1992. The average price of a Ferrari F40 today is $2,591,368.
Sadly the fire started in the engine compartment and quickly spread. At one stage, as you can see in the video, a stranger grabbed a garden hose to try and put it out. It was a valiant effort but the trickle of water was no match for the intense blaze.
Saw 40 together of them at Silverstone a few years back. Also had a race against one in the late 90's - well as a passenger - my boss took me to on an owners club day in his 348 and they had a track session on the Grand Prix circuit and the F40 easy had us down the straights, but the guy driving it couldn't get it round corners, so we kept catching him up. It was running so rich we were getting high on the petrol fumes!
Spider-Man And Mary Jane Getting Married At Shea Stadium
In 1987, Spider-Man’s alter ego, Peter Parker, tied the knot with Mary Jane Watson in the pages of Marvel Comics, marking a monumental moment in superhero history.
To celebrate this union, Marvel went beyond the panels and organized a real wedding for the iconic couple, with none other than the legendary Stan Lee officiating . The event, held at Shea Stadium in New York, attracted thousands of fans eager to witness the union of their beloved heroes. Hulk served as best man, Captain America as ring bearer and the Green Goblin even made the guest list.
The comic issue, “The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 21,” became an instant classic, skyrocketing in sales and solidifying Spider-Man and Mary Jane’s place in comic book lore.
And then "One More Day" ( in which Peter and Mary Jane's wedding is erased by Mephisto) has had fans hate-reading Spider-Man for almost 20 years waiting for them to get back together.
You'll notice one little problem with everything that we've covered here so far. Most of the trends experts refer to when they talk about the '90s are women's fashion. But what was men's '90s fashion like?
On the one hand, the effortless, laid-back style of the '90s allowed men to be nonchalant with their style choices. On the other hand, they could also partake in the cyber-fashion trend with frosted blond tips and metallic goggle-like sunglasses.
Easy Sunday With Samantha And Carrie
Cher Driving Her Gifted 1994 Jeep Wrangler In ‘Clueless’ Directed By Amy Heckerling. (1995)
Sunday Mood With Carrie Bradshaw
Seems like it was put together by someone whose 90s consisted of too much Sex in the City!
And someone without a clear gasp of linear time--events that took place in the 70's and 80's did not take place in the 90's.
Load More Replies...Seems like it was put together by someone whose 90s consisted of too much Sex in the City!
And someone without a clear gasp of linear time--events that took place in the 70's and 80's did not take place in the 90's.
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