“Am I The [Jerk] For Making The Nurse At My Hysterectomy Pre-Op Appointment Feel Stupid?”
Interview With ExpertOne intriguing thing about some humans is how they love to poke their noses where they don’t belong and give unsolicited advice. They think that they know what’s best for other people without even understanding the whole situation, and then they try to enforce their opinion.
For instance, the nurse that the original poster (OP) encountered at her hysterectomy surgeon started giving her “advice” about why she should not go ahead with it. When the patient put her in her place, she rolled her eyes and wrote in the notes that she was “rude and combative”!
More info: Reddit
There are some people who shamelessly provide unsolicited advice to unsuspecting strangers
Image credits: MART PRODUCTION / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster was at her surgeon for a hysterectomy pre-op appointment and a nurse was checking her vitals when she started questioning her choice of surgery
Image credits: Goddess_Skadi
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
She also started suggesting some other things that the poster could do, but the poster just shut her down by saying that she wanted a hysterectomy
Image credits: Goddess_Skadi
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The nurse was so annoyed by the poster’s back answer that she rolled her eyes and wrote in the nurse’s notes that the woman was rude and combative
Image credits: Goddess_Skadi
Shocked by the note, the poster emailed her doctor, who replied that this was the third complaint that they had received about the nurse
Today, we dive into the world of Reddit user Goddess_Skadi and how she had to deal with a nurse who came bearing unsolicited advice and a snobby attitude. Our protagonist had a hysterectomy pre-op appointment and went to her surgeon where this nurse was taking her vitals.
Suddenly the conversation turned very personal as the nurse asked why she was doing something so “drastic” for period pain. OP explained that it was not just the crippling pain, but also the extreme bleeding due to which she had to alter her daily life accordingly.
The nosy nurse had such a strong sense of entitlement that she went on to question the poster about her future and what she would do if she got divorced and her new partner wanted more kids. Later on, the nurse also started pointing out other things that the poster could do, and fed up with this interrogation and opinion-bombarding, OP answered back to her.
The nurse rolled her eyes and OP felt that it was the end of it, but after going home, she saw that in the nurse’s notes, the woman had written that she found the poster “rude and combative.” When the poster vented online, she expressed how she couldn’t believe the nurse tried to talk her out of something she had discussed with her doctor for years, and even Redditors felt the same.
Many of them suggested that she should complain about the nurse, and the poster heeded their advice and did just that. Well, the doctor replied to her, stating that this was the third complaint that they had received against the nurse! It looks like the woman is just running around and shoving her opinion on people.
Image credits: Keira Burton / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Quite a few people expressed their annoyance about how the woman was trying to enforce her “values” on others, which was definitely not normal behavior. To get deeper insights into the matter, Bored Panda interviewed Sujata, who has been a nurse for the past 7 years and currently works at the Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital.
She stressed how it’s important for nurses to maintain professionalism at the workplace by never forcing their opinions on any patient. She believes that when the patients themselves have decided to go ahead with something, it’s not their place to tell the patients not to do it.
“Making them aware of the advantages and disadvantages of any procedure is fair, but patients already discuss them with the doctor. So it sounds very unprofessional of the nurse to dish out her opinion to a patient who might already be nervous about the procedure,” Sujata emphasized.
Our expert also explained how the patient and the doctor know what’s most beneficial for the patient and what will help them get better. Sujata strongly advocated that a nurse’s personal opinion doesn’t matter and that expressing it should be avoided at all costs, as the patient’s choice always comes before anything else.
Well, it definitely sounds like the nurse went overboard in the story, and the fact that she had the audacity to call the woman “combative” just shows how snobbish she is. Many Redditors expressed that she should be fired for stressing patients before such important procedures.
Do you agree with them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Folks found the nurse way out of line and stated that it was not her place to push her “values” on the poster, and they urged her to lodge a complaint
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For the last time, WE ARE NOT JUST BREEDING CATTLE. WE HAVE WORTH BEYOND PUMPING SARDINES OUT OF OUR CAN. Will the world please GTF on board with this?
As a uterus cancer survivor who was forced to have a hysterectomy or die i would be hard put not to rip that nurse a new one if anyone i knew was exposed to her garbage. Poor woman already had several signs her uterus was problematic and she had heavy bleeding, if you dont want another child why leave a problematic unnecessary organ there to potentially cause even worse issues later? Would she even know the difference of bleeding because of cancerous tissue or bleeding due to period when its already so painful and heavy all the time? If not, she is left with no tell tail obvious signs somethings gone wrong in an organ she simply does not need any longer.
Even if you don't have any kids yet, why is it the expectation a woman should live with horrific pain for years of her life over the possibility of a hypothetical child? It's still the attitude that this is the 'be all and end all' of our existence - to pump out babies. Medical staff need to stop being so sexist that this is all a woman is worth, even above her own comfort.
Load More Replies...For the last time, WE ARE NOT JUST BREEDING CATTLE. WE HAVE WORTH BEYOND PUMPING SARDINES OUT OF OUR CAN. Will the world please GTF on board with this?
As a uterus cancer survivor who was forced to have a hysterectomy or die i would be hard put not to rip that nurse a new one if anyone i knew was exposed to her garbage. Poor woman already had several signs her uterus was problematic and she had heavy bleeding, if you dont want another child why leave a problematic unnecessary organ there to potentially cause even worse issues later? Would she even know the difference of bleeding because of cancerous tissue or bleeding due to period when its already so painful and heavy all the time? If not, she is left with no tell tail obvious signs somethings gone wrong in an organ she simply does not need any longer.
Even if you don't have any kids yet, why is it the expectation a woman should live with horrific pain for years of her life over the possibility of a hypothetical child? It's still the attitude that this is the 'be all and end all' of our existence - to pump out babies. Medical staff need to stop being so sexist that this is all a woman is worth, even above her own comfort.
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