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Rutuja Dumbre
BoredPanda Staff
Just a witch who sits in tiny cafes and scribbles poetry on tissue paper.
- Master of Arts - English Language and Literature
- St. Mira's College (2018 - 2020)
- Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature
- St. Mira's College (2015 - 2018)
Activity & Interests
- Published two really, really sad poems in a poetry anthology
- Badly bruised both knees and twisted both ankles while playing soccer and skateboarding
- Can definitely win an Oscar for clumsiness
- Holds a record of falling down on every single Himalayan trek ever done
- A total sucker for books and will listen to ANY story, even if it's coming from a two-year-old
Hey, am Rutuja! A storyteller at heart and a writer at Bored Panda. I have a strange love for words, and I mostly survive on coffee which is the driving force behind my writing. I enjoy working on articles that purely entertain our readers. When am not writing or trekking, you can find me staying up late and watching all the matches of Football Club Barcelona!