What would you consider the most severe medical episode you've ever experienced that you can either remember or was told about because you can't remember?Mine is my ongoing battle with addiction to Ativan. That's a benzodiazepine, and it wreaks a lot of havoc on the user's brain. Last year, I tried hard to quit cold turkey, without being informed that you can have massive seizures and possibly die from the withdrawals. Guess who had a grand mal at work? I could hear the one EMT telling the driver to hurry up because I was really unstable (it's like he knew me lol) and drifting in and out of consciousness. I've had brushes with death (self-induced), but that was the first time in my 43 years that I actually felt like I just brushed elbows with Death.


A motorcycle accident that left me in a coma for 2 weeks with a fractured skull and a diffuse axonal brain injury, as well as 2 fractured vertebra, smashed left shoulder and wrist, fractured pelvis and shattered left hip. I had to have numerous operations and 2 years of physiotherapy. My hip, wrist and shoulder ache every day and I get frequent migraines from the head injury. The accident was 15 years ago.


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Little Capybara
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Accidents that are that serious — such as motorcycle accidents like you said — can leave you with chronic pain for the rest of your life. It also seems like you sustained a severe head injury, which is never good! Broken bones also weaken when you break them, so you’re more prone to fractures in the future. I sincerely hope you’re feeling better and have a great quality of life!


    I had a giant cell tumor in my left femur. After 3 operations trying to "fix" my knee, I contracted staph aureas. This made my life hell. The infection would calm down a bit, another surgery to fix things and the staph would reactivate. I lost 80 lbs in 9 months (225lbs to 145 lbs). One year I missed one half of my days at work, the next I missed one third. The only cure was to amputate my leg and it still took me 15 months to recover.



    The stroke I had last year. Most terrifying experience I've ever had. Visibly, I appear recovered but my mentally and physically I still have issues. The thing that still makes me panic is the "what if?". If the stroke had happened 30 minutes earlier, I'd still have been in bed and it's unlikely I would have been able to get anyone's attention. If it had happened 30 minutes later, I'd have been on a job site alone with no phone signal.


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    Well lets see here. Not a doctor so if i get terms wrong oh well. My left knee cap decided to go for a walk. By the time i got to the er. It was dislocated. As i waited and full of pain killers i tried to relocate it myself. Dont do that. Lol

    Have a baseball bulging below my belly button and a little to the left. Named that one Harry the hernia.

    Also will have food stick in my throat. I can breathe but not swallow. Been told its a type of hernia or muscles that dont work right in my throat. I can now make myself throw up at anytime. Lol. With that purple heart burn pill my throat works.

    Needless to say im a weirdo haha


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