Hello everybody! We all appreciate the little things that make our lives better. So, what is the nicest thing anyone ever said to you? I’m eager to know!


An English teacher (in a Russian university) told me at the final exam "It's been a pleasure to teach you". In front of all the class! It was both embarrassing and nice.


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Deidre Snee
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4 years ago

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Once I complained to my husband that I had gained some weight. He said, “I would love you if you were the fattest woman in the world.” ❤️


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

sounds like my grandpa :) he said to my grandma "i love every pound on you no matter what" and stroked her belly while saying this. she hated and loved it the same time. i hope they are happy together in paradise now :)

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Once I got an anonymous letter that said "Trust in yourself as much as I trust in you, and then everything will be alright." It resonated with me because I have self-confidence issues, and trusting myself was always a big problem.


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Difficult to pick one nicest to top them all, but I'll choose one that I remember because I found it funny in an adorable way.

So, it was back when I was in university. My hair is long and naturally straight, but also easily electrified and it can, to my eyes, look like a total mess if I don't brush occasionally, or if I didn't wash it in the morning. So, I was having a bad hair day, and I didn't feel very pretty that day. At the end of classes, as I was walking on campus towards the exit, I overheard some young women commenting on my hair and they were positive comments, they literally called it "the hair of a goddess" (여신의 머리). I must admit, it made my day.


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You deserve to live.......Don't ask.


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Lana Gramlich
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You deserved to thrive. I'm sorry that was so violently taken from you, hon.


We picked this nursing home because of you. Not because of how it looked, or how it was run, but because of you and your demeanour. (I showed them around when their mother was needing nursing care).


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a nurse, there is nothing more wonderful than when people truly trust you to look after them and provide their care


You're tolerable. From the grumpiest person alive



My dad told me he loved me. He told me that all the time, but the reason it was the nicest thing I ever heard is because it was the last thing he said before he passed away while holding my hand.



After being up all night, I was lying exhausted in bed with our finally-sleeping newborn on my chest, bedraggled hair, face, bathrobe. My husband leaned over to kiss me goodbye as he left for work and said: "I've never seen you look so beautiful."



From a grumpy old man 30 years my senior: "If is was queer, you'd be my guy."



"You are one of the most giving and kind person I know".


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When I said I was nervous for middle school on bored panda and everyone gave me supportive comments. It made my day. :)



As a single parent, being told the kids you raised were just really good people. Hands down the best one ever .


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- You have the right to be treated well and stand up for it, no matter what. (my flatmate)

- With you I had the healthiest relationship in my life so far. (a good friend with whom I had a love relationship for several years in the past)

- Maybe you didn't know, but you create a safe space for the queers of this university. (a student in one of my seminars)


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“I think that we are still going to be soulmates in the after life.”


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"We are glad to have adopted you"


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Uriel Grey
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This makes my heart happy 😊 my sister bonded with her son's photo :) I remember when she was showing me her foster son pic saying this is my son. She is one of the best moms I have ever met. Every year their family celebrates adoption day / family (it changed because they unexpected had a child of their own after they adopted my nephew and his brother) man I just love my nephews and nieces :) I am so glad you seem to also have gotten epic parents :)


“I met you 10 minutes ago but you are my new best friend.”


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"You can do it."


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You fought so hard, I'm so proud of you. Now it's time that I care for you, time for you to enjoy your well-deserved dinner. (nurse allowed me to eat a small pizza on ICU)



When I was young and tended to give myself worth based on my looks, a boyfriend told me what he liked about me was that I was "insightful". I knew I had a brain, but acted dumb to 'get guys'. He helped me reconfigure that worth away from my physical looks and centered on my mind.


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We were all writing down compliments for each other on the last day if fifth grade and someone wrote "Thank you fro being so beautiful."



You were the only one that loved me unconditionally.


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i worked in customer service a while ago. I answered the phone cheerfully. a very angry customer let out a big sigh. "I wanted to be so mad, but you have such a sweet voice, I can't anymore":D



Well, I had a very difficult and violent childhood. Me and my two siblings did not have the typical parents/kid moments. My parents both beat us, sometimes so hard that we could not go to school, I even got a splinter of my glasses in my Versand couldnt see for weeks because my mom threw something to me that broke my glasses.

Me and my siblings, we all moved out really quickly as soon as we grew older and saw a possibility to leave.
The mom of my best friend, who helped me getting out of there (its been nearly 20 years ago since i moved out) said recently: "Well, looking at your childhood and all you went trough, you became such a loving and amazing person, I am so proud of you".
I dont think she understands how much that meant to me. After all, I'm proud to be myself and never want anybody to go through what i went through.


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Sharon Hyatt
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so glad you have been able to build a good life for yourself after such a traumatic start ....you were so lucky to have the love and support of your best friend's mom !

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For a large lady you dance well.....


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i feel like that can be taken two ways... it kinda sounds insulting to talk like that about a person's body...

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Not words but hugs, and at work, no less. I'm a public servant, and do my best to hear people and connect them to the resources they need. Sometimes even those who came to me VERY angry or frustrated will be hugging me before we're done. To me, that's much better than words.



I remember in second grade when learning about Ruby Bridges our teacher was talking about how Ruby had silently walked to school with many people surrounding her and yelling terrible things to her. Our teacher had talked about the bravery and confidence that it took to do what Ruby Bridges had done to make that history. Our teacher then asked who would have been brave enough and strong and confident enough to have done what she did. The majority of the class had raised their hand to this including me. And then right then and their my teacher had said in front of the entire class that the only person she thought would actually be able to do it was me. And that I will forever remember.


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A music teacher told me her personal story and she said, " You are one of the very few people that I can tell this to." It warmed my heart and she is my favorite teacher and she is wonderful.


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Sharon Hyatt
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow; what an incredible vote of confidence; well-earned, sounds like !

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My current boyfriend: he had been living in our state for two years and he had no real friends. I met him online and we started talking. I listened more than I talked. Later after we had started a relationship, he told me that my kindness to him at the beginning of our knowing each other, helped him not to commit suicide.



When I was working in a famous burger restaurant, I got asked as dessert...


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A woman once told me to never change. She said never change being you, you are a special person.


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"Your funny"


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Every time my kids tell me I'm beautiful..... still hits me in the soul.



I have blonde, naturally curly hair. And so everyone I see says they "would do anything to have hair like mine" and they wish "we could trade hair". It does get annoying, but it does boost my self-confidence, at least for that day.


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At a party: "Don't worry, I will hold your hair up for you."


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Let's just say I was having... not the best day ever. I probably had a frown plastered on my face (of course, that was not uncommon, for me). Anyhow, I was walking along and one of my classmates went over to me, looked at me and said, "You're happy, today!" I'm not sure exactly why, but I suppose something in my head must've gone, "If you say so..." because the rest of my day was great.


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When corona reached my town I decided to share my phone number with all of my neighbours so they can call me and I will get them medications and groceries. In my street there are 10-12 building that are mostly occupated by seniors without kids who could help. That kind of help is unusual in my country, we are very friendly but not in thay way.So when I told my mum what I did she didn't say anything, like it wasn't a big thing.She got up to go to the kitchen, patted my head and said 'ti si bas dobro dete pile' ('you are a good kid chicken'). It is not much but her face and teary eyes gave weight to that sentence. It was so cute because I'm 25 and her expression was soo sweet. We are very close and this confirmation is so different then pride you see in your mum for good grades or chores or something like that. Made me so happy


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This one was very recent. I was feeling anxious (because CORONAVIRUS) and my mom wrote me a note--so yes, nobody actually said this to me but I think it still counts. The note just said "Everything is going to be okay."


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“My heart loves you.” ~One of my kindergarten students.


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From one of my former students: "You made me love ancient Greek.". I teach ancient Greek at a higschool - I've never felt happier in my professional life.


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My role model telling me that I'm "small but mighty". As a very short teenager who at the time struggled with depression, those three little words meant the world to me.


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A music teacher told me her personal story and she said, " You are one of the very few people that I can tell this to." It warmed my heart and she is my favorite teacher and she is wonderful.


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"You're too good a writer to make that mistake." It meant the world to me to have a screenwriter I admired think I was a good writer. (And I don't make that mistake anymore!)


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First day that our new school opens. Little Kindergarten boy comes into my library and says loudly "Hey!! This library is crack-a-lackin!!" BEST compliment ever about anything!!


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"You make me laugh, you make me happy which is something that rarely happens anymore, you're a literal cinnamon roll and just letting you know whenever you get a partner I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE THE MOST PERFECT PERSON ON EARTH BECAUSE IF ANYONE DARES LAY A FINGER ON YOU AND HURTS YOU I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN!!! Anyway you're an epic awesome person and I'm thankful for our friend for introducing me to you"

- My best friend to me, at 2 am


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Unfortunate beauty?
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My friend told me something similar and then 4 months later we got together.

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