Few things provide more creative inspiration in this world than relationships. They're the subject of a million songs, the focus of a million poems, and they provide endless material for artists and cartoonists everywhere. Love and relationships are the basis of our society and humanity, so it's only natural that you have to "deal" with them at least once in your life.
If, at first, the young love seems like a pink fluffy cloud and fireworks, then later it all calms down, and you don't have to be the perfect human specimen anymore to prove your love. Long-term relationships are mostly finding someone as awkward and weird as you. And the cartoon love birds depicted in these comics about relationships have surely mastered that!
Take a look at this list of our favorite relationship comics to see what we mean. Compiled by Bored Panda, the hilarious collection of cute relationship cartoons below is sure to make you smile if you've ever been in a relationship. Also, these relationship cartoons will definitely provide you with some answers about love affairs if you haven't been in one.
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'Borrowing' Clothes
Guys (or girls who share hoodies with their gfs), we like your sweaters for 2 basic reasons. 1: its comfy AF and 2. It smells like you, so its like being wrapped up in your hug even when you aren't around. Just let us keep it!
Always The Prettiest
Small Improvements
hahaha I'm guilty of this! or if its a haircut, I will be just as obvious.
Do Relationship Comics Offer Genuine Insights Into Relationships, or Are They Purely for Entertainment?
Relationship comics work both ways—while they are highly entertaining, they also provide some insight into actual relationships and bonds shared between two people. The accuracy of those insights always depends on the creator’s experiences and honesty and the intended audience of the funny relationship comics, of course. But hey, when you see an honest thing, you can feel it!
Most of the cute relationship cartoons that you see on this list aim not only to entertain but also to share the common experiences of that special loving bond, be it hard or be it easy. Although these are undoubtedly some very cute relationship comics, the medium itself serves the purpose of explaining complex emotions and situations in a very simple and easy-to-understand way. This isn’t always the case when you’re the one in a relationship!
That said, comics about relationships should always be taken with a grain of salt. After all, art tends to exaggerate or simplify life, and each of our relationships is unique. And that’s how it is supposed to be.
Alternative Boyfriend Uses
New vs. Long-Term
Getting Ready
Recharging The Battery
Problem Solving
My Idiot
Comfortable Together
Eating Habits
Ive eaten huge chunks of watermelon in white bite. Or four nuggets. Or a huuuge bite of his burger. He doesnt let me take bites of his food now
Always Making You Laugh
Thousands Of Times
Cute Names
I've heard my ex gfs talk in baby talk to my cats (which is adorable), but Idk I think using it towards eachother is a bit much... probably just me, but its def a turn off
Animal In Bed
Lust vs. Love
New vs. Long-Term Relationship
Small Emergencies
Romantic Weekends
Cuddling In Summer vs. In Winter
Always Share The Pizza
lol this has literally happened to me, also "Don't you DARE watch any of the episodes of our show WITHOUT me" ... choose your battles folks lol
It's My Turn
Signs Your Girlfriend Wants Attention
Sharing A Bed
Do We Need To Talk?
Dogs Are Good
me every day except I'm lonely af
Pet Names
This is like when you make fun of love songs, and then when you break up with your partner, you listen to those same songs and find them sooo meaningful and true it would make the old cynical you puke :P
The Uncertainties
My boyfriend always gets nervous when I hang around with other boys even though he knows im a tomboy and half my friends are boys
Watching Movies Together
Not Wearing Makeup
This one drives me nuts "you look sick" or "you look tired" when really "nope, just letting my natural dark circles shine through"
Gone For A Little While
The Most Attractive Things
Don't You Dare
This one is so me even when I was seven I never let even my mom watch me change
Funny Relationship Comics
Lust vs. Love
The roles expected from men and women in this society depicted in two simple images.
Expectations vs. Reality
Caption on the 2nd one is hilarious! HAHAHAHA Also, shower sex is severely overrated. Unless you are rich, and have a shower that keeps you both warm, and you have like a bench or something .... not worth it.
Can't Argue
Cold Hands
Showing Emotions
The Modern Girlfriend
The Last Slice
The Nicest Guy
This is from Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Artist is Bryan Lee O'Malley
Fluffy Dog Alert
That is so me! Any time someone is driving I always yell out "DOG!!"
The Prohibited Question
Biscuits In Bed
Seriously Grumpy
Cuddle Gauge
Hugs Are For Winners
Getting The Attention
Morning Breath
Love Language
Clearly Not Mad At All
Squishy Belly
Unique Hugs
Using The Perks
Weirdest Kisses
Sunday Mornings
Dodging The Bullet
Cozy Cuddling
How Much Do You Love Me
Lesson Learned
Halloween Candy
Changing Looks
No More Fast Food
Farting Openly
Showing Strength
Perfect Photos
Can You Carry This?
Long Hair Problems
Pizza Always Wins
The Facial Hair Debate
The Sacrifice
Sharing Chores
Netflix & Chill
Girly Things
Claiming The Blanket
Would You Still Love Me
Depths Of Wikipedia
What Men Say vs. What They Think
A Helping Hand
Funny Relationship Comics
Single vs. In A Relationship
Human Blanket
Anything For You