Business names are the faces you show the world. A bland name like The Okayest Bar, This Is Where You Buy Food, or We Make Your Hair Shorter isn’t going to cut it in today’s consumerist environment where small businesses have to go beyond the limits of creativity to get noticed.
Sometimes, you have to be extra creative and come up with punny names for your business or product to get noticed. The funny shop signs you will find in this article are anything but ordinary!
Some people will claim that these funny shop names are a mistake. Nay! They are examples of the wittiest wits the internet and business world has to offer regarding creative branding. Which one is the funniest? Vote below for the best puns, or if you have any photos of punny store signage, share them with the rest of us in the comments!
This post may include affiliate links.
Bread Pitt
Windows On 14th Street
Marketing 10/10
Life Of Pie
The Little Restaurant That Never Grew Up
Despite the previous comment, this restaurant isn't in Greece; it is located in Queens, NY, and their food is very good.
Do Funny Business Names Work?
There have been numerous studies on how a brand name can affect a business’s success. Experts have come to the mutual conclusion that customers associate the brand name with credibility and trust. Moreover, the brand name is what draws consumers in and piques their interest in exploring what the brand has to offer.
Think for yourself: which shop are you more likely to enter, the one that’s called Bakery or the one that’s called Bread Pitt? Punny names tickle your curiosity and create an expectation that the customer will enjoy the product or service of the business just as much as the name itself. Of course, a further stable relationship depends on the quality, but punny names play a significant role in establishing that first bond.
Harry Potter's Favorite Place In Town
Fish And Chips Restaurant In England
From Rock Music To Ironing
Where We're Going We Don't Need Rhododendrons
Tequila Mockingbird
Quite A Dangerous One This, When You’re Line Of Work Most Likely Entails Dressing Up Mutton
Brace Yourselves
I'll Have Mine Lightly Battered Please
They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab But I Said No No No
A Now Closed Down Florist In Huntington, York
Can You Use Any Pun for Funny Shop Names?
While punny names make your business or brand recognizable, make sure you’re using the proper technique to create it. Any name, especially a funny one, should be associated with something positive for the customer. And it goes without saying, your funny shop name shouldn’t be offensive! Here are some often-used pun types:
- Homophonic puns play with the phonetic similarity two or more words have while having different spellings and meanings. Example: Flour Power Bakery (play on “flower” and “flour”)
- Homographic puns make use of identical spelling, where words are pronounced differently and mean different things. Example: Lead Zeppelin Records (play on “lead” as a heavy metal and “Led Zeppelin”)
- Homonymic puns are probably the most difficult ones to master because they rely on both the spelling and the pronunciation being the same while differing in meaning. Example: Bare Bear Salon (play on “bare” and “bear”)
- Visual puns work best with pictures and are often used in logos. Example: A logo of a coffee mug with a bee flying above it, called “Brew-Bee Cafe” (play on “brew” and “bee”)
So, when opting for a funny name based on a pun for your business, consider carefully if you are using the right type of pun and whether the name you come up with is truly funny. Hopefully, the funny business name ideas we collected in this article will serve as motivation for your creativity. And now, keep on scrolling for even more funny business names!
Are You Pho Real?
I Would Like To Order Stairway To Leaven, Please
Sew It Seams
Seven Sea Of Riata
UGH. I hate it when they spell his first name wrong. It annoys me so much.
Welcome On Board!
"Welcome to British Hairways where we take your safety into consideration!"
Denim Store
This Barber In Truro Has The Force On His Side
Looks Like Obama Got Into Fast-food
Kung Food
Dolce & Banana
Absolutely Phobulous
By The Way, Do You Feel Like Eating Ice Cream At The Buy The Way?
He Was A Skater Boi, She Said See You Later I'm Off To Try To Break Dfs's Market Dominance
Eye Carumba
What About Some
Thorassic Park
Found In Godalming
Planet Of Grapes
Wind-ow Yeah!
That Is A Place That Sells Spanish Doors
No, it's a place that puts an end to the life of Spanish doors. (Mata is one of the Spanish tenses of kill. )
I Hope Your All Spending Valentine's Day With Your...
For The Shave Of Your Life
Just Spotted Darth Vader's New Venture
Take It Easy And Go To The Tech It Easy
Dinner Dinner, Dinner Dinner, Dinner Dinner, Dinner Dinner
Master Beef
Barber Streisand
It Certainly Wood
Wouldn't it be lovely if we could spend all our lives looking those?? Loll
Bamboleo, Bamboleo
They've Been In Stiff Competition With Their Rivals Mattple
Fuckoffee, Drink Tea
That’s Not Poor. Simple, Yes. But It’s Complete
For You And Only You
A New Donut Shop Opened Up In Town. My Friend Didn't Get Their Name At First
Das Wok
Pizza Huh
Pour Boy
Even The Glitterati Of Monaco Like A Bit Of Punny Business
With all of those customers, they'll have to rope off the entrance and admit only small parties at a time. Maybe they should drop the "a*s" from their burgers.