Hold onto your leg warmers and crank up that Walkman, because we're about to take the most radical trip down memory lane with 93 snapshots that'll transport you right back to the glory days of the 1980s! Before TikTok trends and Instagram filters, we had wood-paneled everything, the synthetic smell of strawberry lip gloss, and drive-thru menus where a whole burger meal cost less than today's cup of coffee (seriously, peep those prices!).
Remember the sound of your Velcro shoes hitting the sticky floors of those wonderfully weird McDonald's PlayPlaces, where that creepy talking tree watched you inhale your French fries? Or that distinct crackle when you'd fire up your Atari? The '80s were a fever dream of amazing tackiness – from the blindingly gold Mr. T jewelry sets (yes, that was actually a thing) to the satisfying click of pushing those chunky buttons on your parents' cable TV remote.
Whether you were practicing power chords on your electric guitar in your bedroom (with obligatory Van Halen poster, of course), rocking a pastel Miami Vice blazer, or fighting with your siblings over the last New Coke in the fridge, these memories hit different. So grab your Aqua Net, adjust your shoulder pads, and let's revisit 93 totally tubular moments that'll make you pine for the days of pure, unfiltered '80s magic.
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Does Anyone Else Remember When These Cereal Boxes Had Perforations (Drawn In Yellow) That Allowed One To Turn The Box Into A Really Soggy Cardboard Bowl?
Yes! We had these as our Christmas morning breakfast treat every year in the 90s (yes, we were fairly poor)
My Dad In The 80s
I Too, Still Use A Mid 80's Alarm Clock
These alarms would send me into an instant panic, they didn’t just go off, they screamed YOU GOING TO BE LATE!
My (Future) Wife With Her Nintendo In 80s
Oh, good heavens! I hope the poor thing got some meat on her bones after puberty! I was a string bean-shaped kid, too, but I was much shorter. I’m imagining the hell the rotten kids put her through. 🥵
Me With The Original Hulk In The 80's
Handed Down To Me, A Blanket Made By My Great Grandmother In The 1970s/80s
My Aunt Running Her Own Video Store In The Late 80s
Late 80s Bosnia - My Skate Crew
90’s Mall Fountains
Yes, mall fountains from the 90's certainly captured peak 80's energy
My Mom Sometime In The 80s Messing With My Dads Guitar (Birmingham UK)
One day a few years ago, my hair somehow accidentally looked like this. I rocked the 80s look that day but no one else was as excited about it as I was.
You Wouldn't Last An Hour In The Asylum Where They Raised Me
I was always jealous about people on tv wo had a basement. Most houses in Australia at the time didn't have basements, so I thought it was peak cool. Instead mum let us use the garage (that we couldn't get our wheelchair van into anyway) into a rumpus room, with a Nintendo, our inherited pool table and a futon sofa still didn't seem as good. (Especially when I had a kettle out there briefly and made myself a milo, bit into what I thought was a milo clump but turned out to be some big cockroach like black bug!)
80s Saturday Morning Gold
80s McDonald's Party Room
Going To The Mall In The 80s And Having A Wall Of Cassettes To Choose From
Me In '87. It Doesn't Get More 80s Than This
I think it was because of the quality we bought, but I used to get so frustrated because we had to keep taking them off the track and straightening the wires because they stopped mid-race.
My 80's iPod Was Still In The Attic
Pizza Enthusiast Since 1987
The Big Parachute In Gym Class Was The Best Thing About Elementary School In The ‘70s And ‘80s
The Pencil Sharpener In Our Graduate Lounge From The 80's
I have the same one. Worked well until a couple months ago when it caught fire.
Had This Thing Since The Late 80s, And She’s A Workhorse. Hated The Design For A While, Ive Come Around To Loving It Like An Ugly, Faithful Dog. Hamilton Beach Crock Watcher
Had This Exact Garfield Mcdonald’s Glass As A Kid, $1 At A Garage Sale And Looks Brand New
Mcdonald’s Drive-Thru Menu Board, Circa 1983. Photo Courtesy Of Pleasant Family Shopping On Facebook
Retro 80s Stereo Jambox
that is called a ghetto blaster and is carried on your shoulder
If You’re Going Out This Weekend, Wear Your Finest Jewellery
Circa 70s/80s Ernie And Bert
These two belonged to my brother born in 77, passed to me born in 87, passed to my niece born in 2011, and now belong to my daughter born in 2021.
Classic 80s Film Meets Classic 80s Household Item: I Just Rediscovered My E.t. TV Dinner Tray. I’m So Happy
I forgot all about the TV trays! I had a Holly Hobbie one. I can still smell the metal.
Restored Ms. Pac-Man
My wife surprised me by having my childhood Ms. Pac-Man machine restored after years of living in the laundry room collecting dust. Nostalgia is flooding my house.
Me Sending It 1987 Style On My Homemade Ramp. Totally 80s.... No Helmet, Huffy Bike, And A Little Mullet Action
80s With My Gi Joe Collection
There is so much to take in. My parents sold it at a garage sale for $100....
My Cousin In Mexico City In The Early 80s, He Posted: In Those Times, Nothing Matter Except Who Could Fly The Highest
LEGO Nintendo Set Is Awesome! Serious Nostalgia, Just Like The One I Got In 87 :) Anyone Else Have This?
Stove Top Jiffy Pop
308 Gts
My Dad, Me, My Little Brother, And A Dog; Early '80s. Does Anyone Recognise The Car Make/Model?
They Built An 80s-Era "Toys R Us" In Burbank For The Michael Jackson Movie They're Filming, Complete With Vintage Toys Inside
Lasko/Galaxy 3150/2150 12" Oscillating Fans Circa 70s-80s. I've Had The Blue One For Several Years And Just Got The Amber One To Complete The Set. Quiet, Powerful, And Efficient, They Perform Just As Good As They Look
80s School Chairs
My Buddy Has Had This Alarm Clock Since The 80s
Sears Free Spirit 10 Speed 27inch Bike From The '80s. Found It On The Side Of The Road In Poor Condition. Got It Running Today With The Help Of My Cousin
My Mom’s Food Processor Bought In The Early 80s
I have a similar, but lower budget, one my mum got in the 80s (possibly wedding present). It still works well, but the handle broke off more than a decade ago.
Just Found A Little Nostalgia While Going For A Walk. Who Still Has A Vcr?
My dad has one with a dvd player too, but I don't think he ever uses it.
Brown Hazy Rooms In The 80s
My Kenmore Refrigerator From The Mid 80s. Still Running Strong
Early 80s Ruhla Digital Watch. Made In The Gdr And Still Worn Almost Everyday
Uh, that’s not digital but rather analog (which I’ve always preferred).
Christmas In The 80's
Vintage 80s Blanket I Recently Got
A McDonald's Officer Big Mac Jailhouse With A Mouth, Burger, Jail For Kids To Climb-Into. It Was Part Of The 1970s Era "Mcdonaldland" Playgrounds
Could do with a banana for scale, it doesn't look big enough for children to climb into.
You’re 10 Years Old And You Read Enough Books Over The Summer To Cash In On Some Weepuls At The Scholastic Book Fair…
We had ones like this on the mother's and father's day stalls at school, saying I love you. I think there were other promotional ones too.
My Dad Is Retiring Today. He’s Used This Hp Finance Calculator Almost Daily Since The Late 80’s
I See Your Christmas Vacation Vhs And Had To Post This
Ttimex, Overwhelming Nostalgia. The First Watch I Ever Owned As A Kid In The 80's
Me And My Nana Playing Duck Hunt On Nes Late 80s
Who Else Was Riding Bmx Freestyle In The 80's?
Who Wore The Baja Hoodies Aka D**g Rugs In The 80s Or 90s?
Haven't Seen These Yet For Nostalgia Day
This Was Made In The 80s. Hasn’t Lost A Minute Since
Bean Bag Chair, Beer And Atari, Circa 1980
Which Was Your Favorite?
We had the red one in the 90s, I think mum must have gotten it at an op shop. I bought a similar one (but newer) at an op shop for the kids I teach last year and they loved it. Stil had the inevitable glass of water tipped over a whole sheet though!
Who Remembers This Cereal??? It Was Out Of My Mind Completely, Then My Memories Resurged
My Grandpas 80s Honda 4trax
Found These In My Late Grandfather's Art Studio, Circa 80's - All Still In Beautiful Condition. Eberhard Faber Design And Berol Prismacolor Art Markers
My wife’s cousin just gifted me his 2600 and all these games. Pac-man, pitfall, Centipede, E.T. Nostalgia overload.
Follow Up To A Recent Post. I Have An Original One That Still Works To This Day
This has been in my family since a year before I was born. I can’t believe it still works. This was the number one toy at grandmas house for all the grandkids. When she died this is all I wanted. Now my kids get to play it.
Remember These Guys?
The California Raisins!!! 🎵 I Heard it Through the Grapevine 🎶
Anyone Ever Make These Or Remember Them? I Made This One With My Sister When I Was Kid. Recently Found It While Rummaging Through My Memory Boxes. She Taught Me How To Do It, But I Have Forgotten How
Nostalgia: My Son Was Recently Given One Of These - The Fidget Spinner Of The 80s!
This Cool Blanket From My Grandma (Made In The 70s Or 80s) Reminds Me Of A Red Dead Loading Screen
My Dad Gave Me His Records From When He Lived In London In The 80s
That School Bus Leather You Smelled And Loved
Late 70s Early 80s McDonald's Garfield Glasses
Christmas In The 80s
My Brother’s Hulk Costume From The 80s
I’m laughing, as that’s not how you make a costume. You don’t simply print a photo of the creature in the front of a sheet of plastic! 😆
My Bin Of Treasures From My Moms House Pretty Much Sums Up My Childhood In The 80s And 90s! Trolls, Polly Pocket, Simpsons, Slinky… I’m Rich In Nostalgia
My siblings and I are definitely going fight over the ViewMaster my mum has in her shed. I live closest, so I might be able to get it first!
My Father Got This Comb In The Late 70s Early 80s And I Have Been Using It Pretty Much Daily Since The Early Aughts
Dad’s Rubbermaid Cooler. We Took It Camping When I Was A Kid In The 80s And 90s, It’s Still Indestructible
Finex Foldable Picnic Table - Bought In ~late 80s By My Parents. Comes Along On Every Camping Activity. Although Four Persons Of My Size Around It... A Little Cramped
My dad had one of these! As kids, my siblings and I liked it on camping trips. It would probably feel a bit wobbly trying to hold our weight nowadays. 😁
Anyone Else Wear Out This Tape In The 80’s? Troll And Scholastic Book Order Memories!
Had This Since I Was A Kid. Still Works
My Folks Turned 80 This Year, And They Have Realized That They Are Done With Skiing. They Asked Me To Do Something With Their Skis. Not Yet Sure What I’ll Do With Them, But Here Are Their Skis, In All Their Mid-80s Nostalgia
Board Games In The 80's And 90's Were Pretty Cool. Any Specific Games You Used To Play A Lot As A Kid?
I Took A Photo Of My TV When I Beat Contra In 1987
Simplicity 7117 From The 80s. 3rd Generation Owner
Laundry Basket From The 80s
I remember this laundry from my parent's house as a little kid in the late '90s. I went to college and took it with me. My parents said that they bought it sometime in the 80s. I'm still using it today!
Remember Square Pegs?
A show I watched in the 80s and forgot about it. Was at a Dollar General store and among some clearanced DVDs I found this ! All 19 digitally remastered for $3 ! like totally awesome!
I’ve never forgotten it. Oh, how I loved it, and oh, how Sarah Jessica Parker was ruined in a subsequent show. 😰
Remember My Pet Monster? A Very Cool 80s Toy
Nostalgia Wave! Vintage 80s Summer Reading Club Stickers
Anybody remember these little treasures? They are vintage library Summer Reading Club achievement chart stickers from the 1980s. Visiting my childhood library today and they had these little summer reading club stickers to craft with in the Children’s Room art station. Just about blew my mind!
Anyone have any information on them? Or who made them? The illustrations are so interesting.
Seeing them really unlocked beautiful memories from my years as a wee one participating in the summer reading club in the 1980s. They have to be over 40 years old! Now to track down some vintage Diener eraser prizes to complete the memory!
Hope everyone is having a great Summer Reading Program and finding some really great books!