314 Of The Funniest Reactions To United Airlines Violently Dragging A Man Off A Plane (Add Yours)
Thinking of taking a trip somewhere? Then you might not want to fly United Airlines. Not unless you want to get your ass kicked that is. Because as you might already be aware, the airline is currently weathering a storm of controversy after disturbing video footage emerged of them violently removing a man from an overbooked flight from Chicago to Louisville, US.
The video shows the man refusing to disembark the aircraft after United announced that four people had to give up their seats. Despite declaring that he was a doctor who had patients to attend to, the airline had law enforcement wrestle the man from his seat before dragging him bruised and bloodied off the plane. Since then, the internet has been ruthlessly trolling United Airlines with funny tweets and memes. Scroll down to see some of our favorites, and feel free to add to the list!
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Southwest Airline's New Slogan
You Know It's Bad News When A Porn Site Shames You
While People Are Getting Violently Removed Of An United Flight , I Got Upgraded To Business Class On A Emirates Flight When My Flight Got Overbooked
United: Eeny Meeny Miny Mo
United Airlines Logic
Pepsi And United Airlines, Bringing People Together
Since United Needs Some Clarifying
It All Makes Sense Now
Let's Hope This Flight Is Overbooked Too
Meanwhile Over At United Costumer Service Desk
I am very very disappointed at how i was treated on the phone today.......by United Airlines. After seeing a video clip on the news i phoned them up, and i was polite and courteous, and asked if i could please get a price on how much it would cost to get my brother in law beaten up and dragged screaming off a plane. I even tried to explain to them that he was an obnoxious drunk and it would be best to get him early . I received very poor service in my opinion, so i shall not deal with them any further
Yo Adrian!
The First Rule Of United Airlines
4 Out Of 5
Actually ...
"Sorry, We're Overbooked"
New Photo Of United Airlines Asking For Volunteers To Deplane
This Isn't United
Often Overlooked Options
United Airlines Situation So Burgers Can Understand More Easily
Can you imagine being the employee who took that seat and had to sit there with everyone staring daggers at you. Most uncomfortable flight ever!
A Tiny Can Of Pepsi Could've Changed Everything
Not The Travel Experience I Expected...
May The Odds...
New Slogan
Rare Picture Of The United Airlines Seating Team At Work (2017)
If United Airlines Insists On Acting Like Thugs...
United Airline Thing Reminded Me Of This
United Airlines Employee Manual
We Bring You United Airlines' Official Statement Regarding The Costumer They Dragged Off The Plane
They Asked Nicely First
Wouldn't It Have Been Cheaper To Pay For Another Flight For Your 4 Employees???
United New Slogan
Honest United Airlines Logos (by Viktor Hertz)
Confidence And Sadness
That United Airlines Passenger
" I paid for one - and I thought my Boarding Pass was my receipt :'( "
There's Always A Hook Behind Those "Special Offers"
They're Also Calling Their Staff The Saviors Now
Challenge Accepted!
Behind The Scenes Shots At United
Wow, United, Just Wow
United Knows How To Deal With Overbooked Flights
Mandatory Seat Volunteering
Literally, the policy...you "volunteer" by either walking off or being dragged out and beaten so someone they deem more important like staff can have that seat. They were not overbooked because paying customers were in their seats. Just shows that you are truly second class when you pay for second class and anything can happen to you.
It's About To Go Down
It Is Known
Don't Fall For It
United's New Ad Campaign
United Airlines Passenger Protection Kit - A Must Have.
Especially Helpful When You Need To Be Re-Accommodated
Force You Outside How Bow Dah
Credit For Honesty.
Beating Pass
The Friendly Skies
United's New Spokesperson
At Your Service.
Nicholas A Cage Is United
I Need A Volunteer - #ineedavolunteer #united
United Airlines Travel Pillows
Ode To Glenn
Remember, No Doctor
You're In My World Now, Grandma
The Greater Your Name, The Greater Your Shame!
And This Is My Re-Accopdation Tool, Lucille
This is making me upset, is that even a word? Reaccopdation?? You mean re accommodation?
Meet The President Of United Airlines
Fly United
United - Fly The Friendly Skies
I hope this Doctor sues United, and wins enough to bankrupt them. If you were on the jury, how would you vote!
United Review
No One Left Behind
Thank You For Volunteering.
Another "volunteer" leaving another overbooked United Airlines flight!
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Where's Katniss When They Need Her?
When You Fly United
Book A Plane, Get An Ambulance!
#bradswife Was Reaccommodated
I remember seeing a post about this when they fired her on his birthday