30 Savage Times Misogynists Got Exposed For Their Non-Existent Knowledge On Women (New Pics)
Women have fought a long and hard battle to be seen and heard in the world. Gone are the days of the “fairer sex” accepting being “less than”. Yet, you’ll still find people spewing all sorts of discrimination, hatred and utter rubbish about girls and women. New research also shows a widening gap between young men and women in their attitudes towards gender equality.
A community called Not How Girls Work is fighting the good fight. Calling out clueless misogynists is the hill they’re willing to die on. With more than 759 thousand members, it’s “a place to laugh at all those clueless to how girls work.” The community refuses to give publicity to podcasts, tweets or public figures "who make a profit or following off of intentionally disparaging women online/in media". But they won't think twice about clapping back at someone who needs schooling on how not to be sexist. Keep scrolling for our favorite examples of misogynists being put on their place.
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They Act As If Women Wearing Makeup Is A The Equivalent Of Having A Secret Identity
Imagine a software to reveal what I look Sunday morning right up from bed.
Having A Pricey Car Can Help You Seem Less Weird
Even in less terrifying contexts, the "it's not creepy if he's attractive" narrative misses the whole point of consent. Yeah, sometimes people are more attracted to attractive people and therefore they are more likely to consent. But the reason it's not creepy is because of the consent, not the attractiveness.
Apparently Childbirth Should Be Centered Around The Father
The term “misogyny” comes from the Greek word “mīsoguníā”. With misos, meaning “hatred,” and gunē, meaning “woman.” In essence, it’s hatred towards women. Or any acts of contempt towards them. And there are many… male privilege, patriarchy, gender discrimination, harassment, belittling, violence and objectification.
I Mean, She's Not Wrong
Ew 😬
Stories Like This Are Why The Man Versus Bear Argument Exists
The whole point, which non Americans might miss, is this. A lot of women were asked the question, "Would you rather meet a bear or a man on a strange pathway?" Most women answered, "A bear, because you wouldn't have to wonder if you were about to die." Men got upset and started yelling, "Not all men!". Women said, "Sure, but how do we know which one it is?"
This paper, published in the Industrial Psychiatry Journal states that misogyny has been around for ages. And there was mention of it in ancient Greek mythology. “According to Hesiod, before women came into existence, men were coexisting peacefully as companions to Gods until Prometheus decided to steal the secret of fire from the God which angered Zeus,” reads the paper.
“Zeus punished mankind with an evil thing for their delight called Pandora, the first woman who carried a box which unleashed all evils such as labor, sickness, old age, and death.” If you ever wondered where the phrase "opening Pandora's box" came from, now you know.
They're Really This Clueless
They Want Virgins But Get Mad When She’s A Virgin
All Of A Sudden Men Shouldn’t Be Objectified
If you are a guy who wants women to feel safe, and you see a dude being a creeper, SAY SOMETHING. If you are a guy who is a creeper, do the world a favor and earn a darwin award.
Nowdays, social media is creating a breeding ground for misogynistic thoughts and behaviors. And some young guys are being groomed into following the “cult” unknowingly. Researchers say extreme posts are being amplified by algorithms. It’s creating a culture where these ideologies seem like a way of life.
Being Against Grooming Means You Hate The Victim!
I Don't Think I've Ever Seen An Actual Reason Of Why So Many Female Sports' Uniforms Are Shorter Than The Male Counterpart
Sisters Please
“Harmful views and tropes are now becoming normalized among young people,” said Dr Kaitlyn Regehr, one of the lead researchers. “Online consumption is impacting young people’s offline behaviors, as we see these ideologies moving off screens and into school yards.”
Regehr added that adults don't realize how algorithms work and how harmful they can be. And how their insecurities shine through in their social media addictions. Some parents aren't seeing their own faults, and therefore could struggle to break the cycle.
Postmenopausal? Tf Does That Have To Do With Anything??
This pic was made in defiance of some a**hat American politician saying postmenopausal women are useless.
Why Can't They Just Leave Y'all Alone ⁉️
Watching gamer bros freak out about a woman with peach fuzz was one of the stupidest controversies of all time. Real women can be a bit fuzzy. Get over it. We are all mammals.
The study was conducted by UCL, the University of Kent and the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). The team said teens were “micro-dosing” on bad content that plays into their vulnerabilities. Like loneliness or loss of control. They added that TikTok algorithms “gamify” harmful content. So to kids, the toxic rhetoric is seen as entertainment.
So Sad
Yeah My Dad Asked Me To Beware Of You All
Apparently At A University In Arizona 2 Days Ago. No, We Are Not Property
I mean write it in Arabic and you would feel right at home in Afghanistan. Deport these people so they can be with their own kind and see how they like the reality (but rescue Afghan women and girls first).
Another member of the team, Geoff Barton said the findings show that algorithms “have a snowball effect”. While the content is quite extreme, it’s packaged in a way that makes the viewer want more. “This is deeply worrying… particularly so in respect of the amplification of messages around toxic masculinity and its impact on young people…” cautioned Barton.
“Shows Breast Shape Through Clothes” Umm? You Expect Us To Wear King Sized Bedsheets Or Go Shirtless Or Something?
How About Not Policing What Women Wear?
What The Hell?!
There is so much wrong with this statement obviously, but one thing that stands out for me is being expected to have 8 kids on the caloric intake of a toddler...
Misogyny isn't a new player on the internet. You might remember "Gamergate" from 2014. What began as a debate around gaming ethics turned into a massive harassment campaign against female journalists. The movement shone a spotlight on sexism in the gaming industry. And the need to diversify the sport.
Apologize, Women Drivers!
Do Men Even Like Women?
Breaking: Man Discovers The Process Of Aging
Saw This On My Feed And Can't Stop Wondering About What Is Keeping Them Away
Because German women have pride, self-confidence and intelligence, I think.
“Asking A Man For Sex Is Consent To Pregnancy”
This is amazing. We are witnessing the announcement of a scientific breakthrough. When he submits his findings on how to maintain 16 day old foetuses through to independent survival, he'll get a Nobel Prize. Stupendous!
Just Makes Me Sad
Those Just In: Women Don’t Have Body Hair
Welp, That’s Enough Internet For Today…
First of all, 12-18 (bar 1 day) females are not women, but girls, you self outing paedophile. Secondly, when 100 women were given assorted pictures of the OP, how many pictures were given a yellow banana rating?
Apparently They Know What Women Think
Wrong title. Barely any comebacks and no reality checks whatsoever.
I clicked on this to see idiots get schooled with comebacks, as the title suggested. Not a list to make me feel depressed. Wrong title.
What's that? You want funny, wholesome, and cute posts? Nah. How about aita, rage bait, or celebrity nonsense instead?
Wrong title. Barely any comebacks and no reality checks whatsoever.
I clicked on this to see idiots get schooled with comebacks, as the title suggested. Not a list to make me feel depressed. Wrong title.
What's that? You want funny, wholesome, and cute posts? Nah. How about aita, rage bait, or celebrity nonsense instead?