Full disclosure, dear Pandas: some of us may not have ever tried online dating and might keep getting ‘swipe left’ and ‘swipe right’ confused whenever someone’s talking about it. But as we understand it, Tinder is some kind of fancy wood-finding service (you’d better believe that this pun is intended) on those fancy futuristic devices people call ‘smartphones.’ 

You meet someone you like, you drink some coffee, and then you get married, right? Correct us if we’re wrong, but that’s exactly what’s happened to a lot of our friends! One thing’s for sure, though—dating is tough, especially when you have to learn about your potential soulmate through a magical digital mirror that only shows you their good sides.

However, there are some hilarious and entertainingly awkward (and sometimes even downright creepy) moments to be had while chatting on Tinder, that’s for sure. Check out our collection of best Tinder conversation starters and funny things to say on Tinder, upvote the ones you enjoyed the most, and share an interesting online dating story in the comments.

Are you in the mood for some more digital romance? Funny Tinder conversation starters? Or perhaps you’re looking for other funny things to say on Tinder? Either way, we’ve got you covered. Instead of the traditional flower bouquet and a box of chocolates, have yourself some hilarious Tinder puns!

To understand the world of online dating better and to learn how to determine whether somebody on Tinder is genuine, we reached out to the founder of The Modern Man, relationship expert Dan Bacon. 

According to him, online and traditional dating are both fundamentally different ball games, texting is easy but can deceive us, and while it’s important to be playful and attention-grabbing on Tinder, it shouldn’t be overdone as it “can come across as try-hard or desperate, which results in rejection just like in real-life interactions.” You’ll find his insights below, so be sure to read on.


I Wonder How Fast She Will Unmatch

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about sleeping with socks

Dubdaddy69 Report


This Couldn't Have Gone Any Better Than It Did

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking in rhymes

mvarner60 Report


Navigating Beyond Funny Tinder Messages

If you want to find out whether somebody is telling the truth and generally being genuine on apps like Tinder, then it’s vital that you don't just stick to chatting via text. “Get to a phone call, or video call as quickly as possible, so you can actually get a feel for each other and see if you click.” 

“At the very least, send voice texts back and forth so you can determine each other’s level of interest, as well as personality type and temperament,” relationship expert Dan explained that you should put in the extra effort and go for various different types of interactions.

And while just texting back and forth can seem like a fun and easy way to communicate, it can be deceiving. As a result, this can lead to someone’s feelings getting hurt because they’ve interpreted their potential partner’s words or emojis in a way that’s far too removed from reality. 

“A man might send a woman a text and she then replies with a laughing emoji, with tears of laughter. He thinks he’s doing well, but in reality, she is rolling her eyes and thinking that his joke was lame. He might then continue using that type of humor and causing a disconnect between himself and her,” Dan said. He reiterated that phone calls, video calls, or even those humble things we call voice texts can be a way to solve this conundrum.


Ladies And Gentleman. We’re In

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about being friends

snkrbjorn Report


My Tinder Is A Joke Account Where I Tell People Train Facts And Answer Questions About Trains. I Research Railway History

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about train facts

Remexa Report


I Made A Tinder Funny, How'd I Do?

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging sarcastic messages

Damsai_ Report


Looking Through My Phone And Found This Gem Of A Tinder Conversation

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging rhymes

schaae Report

Dating Platforms Increase Women’s Standards for Men

“Online dating is more superficial and based on appearances compared to real-world interactions, which is more about how both people feel when interacting with each other in person,” the founder of The Modern Man put it bluntly.


What’s more, online dating completely changes the ‘positions of power’ that men and women are in. In short, the relationship expert noted that online dating seems to favor women while traditional dating favors men. Dan said that when it comes to Tinder and similar apps, women are ‘in the position of power’ because of the large amount of attention they’re getting from many men who want to be their match. According to him, this can then lead to women  ‘significantly’ increasing their standards.

“A woman who would normally accept an average, confident, good guy in real life, will often have very high standards and only accept very good-looking men on Tinder, or online dating. This results in millions of average-looking men wasting their time trying to match up with women who just aren't going to give them a chance. It also results in some women being able to date very good-looking men who normally wouldn’t be interested,” he said.


I Think I Found The One

Tinder chat screenshot of a man using a math pick up line

pythzon Report


Crocs Are Finally Good For Something

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about Crocs

LemonPFC Report


An Eye For An Eye, I Guess

Tinder chat screenshot of people rhyming name with a pun

TheAssAge Report


How Did You Know I Was A Painter?

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about paint

MikeFromKamloops Report

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bpbperic avatar
Night Owl
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

LMAO I love the end. We share so much information and later forget about it

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Matched With The First Boy I Ever Kissed, I Wasn’t Sure If He Would Remember

Tinder chat screenshot of people remembering the past

blazedddleo Report


Swing And A Miss

Tinder chat screenshot of a funny conversation

zeebo42 Report

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ii_3 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

he knows what a group of baboons are called , what else do you need ???

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Well I Got A Response

Tinder chat screenshot of a girl giving a woman a second chance

Laws_of_Coffee Report

Men Tend to Use Tinder Conversation Starters More

“With traditional dating, average-looking men can enjoy the position of power because almost all men are afraid to approach and talk to women in real life. When an average-looking man has the confidence to approach and talk to a woman in real life, as well as the ability to flirt and create a spark during a conversation, he will find that many of the single women he meets show interest and give their phone number,” Dan detailed how different traditional dating is from its online equivalent.

“In some cases, a pretty woman who would never be interested in him via online dating or Tinder, can fall in love, marry and start a family with him, all from him having the courage to walk up and say hello to her in person.”


However, there appears to be a crisis of courage in modern society. Dan pointed out that most guys don't have the courage to walk up to someone in person and talk to them, so they choose to go down the path of online dating. And, while that’s easier, the competition’s also far bigger. “They end up competing with tens of thousands of other men for the same woman on online dating [apps] or Tinder,” he said.

“Many guys spend years trying to get a match via online dating when they could get a match in real life in a matter of minutes or hours if they just had the confidence to approach and ability to flirt and create a spark,” the relationship expert hinted that online dating shouldn’t be used in isolation but perhaps as a supplement to traditional dating which requires more effort and, well, courage.


Gotta Admit I Felt Pretty Creative For That One

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging funny messages

sadieperson Report

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southon avatar
Bobert Robertson
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dang. Clever. Reminds me of the girl named "Le-a" and her mom was getting all peeved off in the news because teachers could never pronounce it saying Leah, Le-uh, Lee, but the mom was quoted saying "how can't they read her name? It's Ledasha. That dash don't be silent!"

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Simon Says

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging funny messages

maditob Report


Tinder Delivers

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging messages with long intervals

Wes_03 Report

See Also on Bored Panda

I Think I’m Getting The Hand Of This Now

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging flirty messages

grand-autismo_ Report


The Pick Up Line With A 99% Success Rate

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about hoodies

oAkimboTimbo Report


Psychic Powers

Tinder chat screenshot of people about bakery

TeleVegangelist Report

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southon avatar
Bobert Robertson
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Family last names befuddle me. Sure the Bakers were likely bakers, Carpenters were, well Carpenters. Smiths, obvious. But what about Mr. Dickenson? That's a family I wouldn't want to grow up in.

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To Break Up or Make Up: Relationship Advice From Dan

We had a chat with relationship expert Dan, the founder of The Modern Man project, about the ups and downs of relationships and what to do if you’re sitting on the fence about breaking up. He explained that every situation is unique, however, if you feel like your relationship is in trouble, you should try to find the reasons why you seem to be having issues.

“It really depends on why you are on the fence about breaking up. If you’re temporarily feeling that way after a fight, or a problem that occurred in the relationship [or if] you feel that way all the time, or very often,” relationship expert Dan said that you shouldn’t make rash decisions if your problems can be solved and if your feelings of doubt are only temporary.


That's What They Mean, Right?

Funny tweet about girls on Tinder

fknjshaw Report

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deborahbrett avatar
Deborah B
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She's toxic, will be lovely in front of your parents, but at home there will be screaming, verbally abusive, smashing things, meltdowns because you got a text from your colleague Francis.

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Perks Of Being My School’s Mascot

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about mascots

Yaksho Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Love Finding Girls That Share The Same Hobbies

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about stalking kids

cameronarchambault Report


Hello, You're Not Tall

Tinder chat screenshot of people talking about heights

juliaisnothere Report

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ryandeschanel avatar
Ryan Deschanel
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can figuratively s**t on men because of their height, but not on women because of their weight.

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Turning Relationship Challenges Into Strength

Dan said that difficulties in relationships can be an opportunity to strengthen your relationship: “You need to understand that overcoming problems together as a couple can make you closer, stronger, and more committed if you approach it correctly.” 

“If wanting to break up is a feeling that you have all the time, or very often, then that person isn’t the one for you,” relationship expert Dan said that good, strong relationships have to be clear and unambiguous. If you can’t decide how you feel about someone, then perhaps, it’s time to move on.

“When a couple loves each other and truly wants to be with each other for life, they won’t be on the fence about it. It will be as clear as day for them that they want to be with each other and no one else, so breaking up won’t even seem like an option to them. It will almost seem laughable because they know they wouldn’t want to be with anyone else as much as they want to be with each other,” he told Bored Panda.

According to Dan, getting temporarily annoyed at one another in a relationship isn’t the same as the relationship breaking down. “If they happen to have an argument or experience a problem in the relationship, they might temporarily feel a bit annoyed at each other, but they’ll both be willing to fix it, grow and make the relationship better from then on,” he said. “That’s what the happiest, most in love couples do.”


That’s A Big L My Friend

Tinder chat screenshot of people misspelling a word

beckyjenkinss Report

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michel_2 avatar
Marcellus the Third
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ever considered who programmed autocorrupt? A lonely sun-deprived and eventually incel programmer...

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I’m Impressed How Quickly I Came Up With This Response

Tinder chat screenshot of people roasting each other

gavin92 Report

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demi_zwaan avatar
Demi Zwaan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had to Google what a 'me anie' was. I didn't realise it's just 'meanie' :D

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I'm Proud Of You

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging cheeky messages

BigBlackTaco1 Report

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jmscargill avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have never really understood this 'daddy' thing. Is it normal to fantasize about having sex with your father? Somebody please explain to this out-of-touch dimwit. Thanks in advance!

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Was Swiping At The Dispensary When I Looked Up And Saw The Girl I Was About To Swipe On

Person posing with a Tinder match

ColfaxDayWalker Report

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southon avatar
Bobert Robertson
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He's dressed like he just skydived into the dispensary. Skydove? Skydived. Just did some skydiving and ended up there.

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Not A Meteorologist

Tinder chat screenshot of people exchanging messages about rain

Pockesh Report

Note: this post originally had 111 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

See Also on Bored Panda

Popular Questions About Navigating Relationships on Tinder

What Are Some Funny Things to Say in Your Tinder Bio?

Here are some examples of funny Tinder one-liners that you can use or modify for your bio:

  • I’m on Tinder to make friends the same way I’m on PornHub to see the plumber repair the sink.
  • You can’t choose your father, but you can choose your daddy—Aristotle.
  • I like my partners like I like my coffee. Hot and bitter.
  • I’ll treat you the way Kanye treats Kanye.

What Should I Say to My Tinder Match?

Start off strong by using funny Tinder conversation starters that showcase your quirky personality, sense of humor, and interest in them. Here are some examples of funny Tinder conversation starters that you can use:

  • I’m not sure if you’re a dream or a reality, but I’m not taking any chances. Wake up!
  • I just got out of a bad relationship. It was with my phone company.
  • You look so familiar. Do you have a twin, or do you just look like all my fantasies?
  • I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
  • I’m not here to play games. Unless it’s Scrabble or Monopoly.