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50 Interesting Historical Photos That Might Change Your Perspective On Things (New Pics)

"This page is to remember history by sharing historic photos and videos from around the world."

"This page is to remember history by sharing historic photos and videos from around the world."

‘Retrogeist’: 50 Posts About The ’80s And ’90s That Show How Much The World Has Changed Since

Maybe you’ve been feeling it lately, too—that aching longing for the '80s and '90s.

Maybe you’ve been feeling it lately, too—that aching longing for the '80s and '90s.

Hey Pandas, What’s Something That You Did That You Regret A Lot? (Closed)
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During Abandoned Place Exploration, I Take Selfies To Keep A Little Memory, And Here Are 30 Images Taken Over The Last 11 Years

It's now been ten years since I started visiting abandoned places around the world. Every time I get the chance, I try to take a selfie in the most memorable place of the location to keep a little memory.

It's now been ten years since I started visiting abandoned places around the world. Every time I get the chance, I try to take a selfie in the most memorable place...

People Are Sharing Pics Of Life 100 Years Ago, And They Might Put Things In A New Perspective

In case you woke up wondering how life looked exactly one century ago - we got you covered!

In case you woke up wondering how life looked exactly one century ago - we got you covered!

“The Ultimate ’80s Page”: 50 Posts About The 80s That Today’s Kids Probably Won’t Get

Let's all take a walk down memory lane to the simpler days.

Let's all take a walk down memory lane to the simpler days.

AI Time Traveller: Artist Shows How Iconic People From The Past Would Take Their Selfies (28 Pics)

Jyo John Mulloor is a graphic designer with long years of experience in the field. He always manages to surprise his followers with new and original projects.

Jyo John Mulloor is a graphic designer with long years of experience in the field. He always manages to surprise his followers with new and original projects.

30 Old Photos Of Cats Posing Together With Famous And Interesting Personalities Of The Past As Collected By This Journalist (New Pics)

The "All Vintage Cats" project on Instagram, which shares impressive vintage photos of cats, has been gaining popularity with over 500 posts.

The "All Vintage Cats" project on Instagram, which shares impressive vintage photos of cats, has been gaining popularity with over 500 posts.

A Photographic Comparison Of University Life Across The 20th And 21st Centuries

Acclaimed Lithuanian photographer Antanas Sutkus began documenting the people of Vilnius University in the late 1950s when he became a student himself.

Acclaimed Lithuanian photographer Antanas Sutkus began documenting the people of Vilnius University in the late 1950s when he became a student himself.

30 Extreme And Crazy Weather Examples From The Past, As Shared On This Twitter Page

