Bride Insists 17YO Stepson Babysit Her 3 Kids During The Wedding, Loses Her Cool When He Says No
Interview With ExpertBlended families can be tricky, especially when everyone’s trying to figure out their new roles. And for teens? That transition can feel even messier. Just when they’re focused on gaining independence, they suddenly find themselves navigating awkward family dynamics—sometimes with expectations they didn’t ask for.
One Redditor shared his frustration when his dad’s fiancée suggested he spend the big wedding day not celebrating, but babysitting her three young kids. Because, apparently, nothing says “new family” quite like turning the teenager into the wedding nanny.
More info: Reddit
Being a teen is already hard enough, but when you throw in 3 young stepsiblings and a stepmom with questionable expectations, things get even trickier
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Years after his wife passed, the teen’s dad decided to get remarried to a woman who has 3 kids under the age of 8
Image credits: Sunvani Hoàng / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The stepmom has been trying to force the teen to have a relationship with his new stepsiblings, but the 17-year-old has no interest in acting as a big brother to them
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Dad and his fiancée expect the teen to be the wedding babysitter on the big day and keep an eye on the 3 kids, but the 17-year-old refuses, causing tensions
Image credits: Few_System_3289
The 17-year-old is being called “childish” by his dad’s fiancée for refusing to babysit her 3 young kids at their wedding
The OP (original poster) is a 17-year-old who has been living a pretty peaceful life with just his dad since his mom passed. Things were going smoothly until his dad decided to shake things up by tying the knot again, and to a woman who came as a bonus package with 3 kids under the age of 8. Think Brady Bunch reboot, but with fewer feel-good vibes and a lot more questionable demands.
Now, here’s the thing: the soon-to-be stepmom had grand visions of our Redditor stepping into the role of the coolest, most fun big brother ever. She imagined him being the guy bonding with her kids, teaching them life lessons, and being their personal hero. Except, the OP wasn’t feeling any of it. With his 18th birthday around the corner and plans to fly the coop as soon as he could, being a cool big bro wasn’t on his to-do list.
Then came the request, although “demand” might be more accurate. Dad’s fiancé asked the OP if he’d watch her kids during the wedding. Because, you know, every teen’s dream is wrangling toddlers instead of enjoying the cake. The OP, understandably, said no to the request. Simple enough, right? Nope. Not when guilt-tripping is in full swing.
His soon-to-be-stepmom pulled out all the stops: “You still live with your dad” and “It’ll give you a chance to get close to your new siblings!” She even threw in a gem about how he was being “childish” for not stepping up. Oh, the irony.
Dad, bless his heart, tried to play peacemaker by offering to pay him for his troubles, but his fiancée wasn’t having any of that. Apparently, family bonding shouldn’t come with a paycheck. But what about the babysitting gig? That should be done out of the goodness of his heart… and, let’s be real, because it would save them the cost of hiring a sitter.
But the OP wasn’t budging. The more he refused, the more things started getting awkward. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was being a jerk for sticking to his boundaries. The Reddit gallery rallied around him, crowning him “not the A-hole,” and we’re here for it. Because asking someone to babysit during a wedding is like giving them the worst party favor imaginable.
It’s basically telling them that, while you’re popping champagne and having the time of your life, they should make sure the kids don’t start a frosting fight with the wedding cake. Uhm, no, thanks.
Look, being a teenager is hard enough. Throw in a trio of stepsiblings, a stepmom with some interesting expectations, and a wedding on the horizon, and you’ve got a recipe for some serious family tension.
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Blended families come with challenges, especially when boundaries aren’t clearly set from the get-go. And the OP’s story is a prime example of what not to do. To find out more on this topic, Bored Panda reached out to Darby Fox, LCSW, a child and adolescent family therapist and author, for some comments.
She told us that, when blending families, especially if each of the partners has kids, it’s important to first observe how the children react to the new blended family structure and build from there.
When establishing boundaries with stepkids, it helps to involve them in the process. While the parents make the final call, having the children feel heard and included from the start makes the transition smoother. Challenges tend to arise if one parent doesn’t have a solid relationship with their kids before blending the family.
We wanted to know what common emotional challenges teenagers face when their parent remarries. Fox explained that “Kids’ biggest fear is they will be replaced! They feel a loss of significance in their parent’s life. A simple verbal reassurance is not enough to allay the primal fear.”
We asked Fox how stepparents can approach bonding with their partner’s teenage children without coming off as forceful. She suggested that the best approach is to develop a relationship directly with the teens, independent of their parent. Many teens may initially resist the label of “stepparent,” so it’s wise to take things slow.
“Teens frequently say ‘you’re my dad’s wife or mom’s husband / partner, not my dad.’ They are correct. It is so important when kids have no choice in the matter that you allow them to go slowly and get used to the new situation before insisting on roles or titles,” Fox explained.
Weddings are already a circus of emotions and chaos, and throwing in the added responsibility of keeping an eye on three kids would turn the OP’s day into a stress-fest. He should get to kick back and enjoy the festivities too, right? After all, it’s a pretty big day for his dad, and asking him to play nanny instead of just being a guest seems a bit unfair.
So, what’s the final verdict? Is OP in the wrong for refusing to babysit his dad’s fiancée’s kids during their wedding? Or was he just setting some much-needed boundaries? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Netizens side with the teen, saying he’s not the jerk for telling his dad and future stepmom that he has no intention of being the wedding babysitter
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She sounds entitled AND illogical. What kind of idiot doesn't think that this is the best way to kill any chance of a relationship between the OP and the children? I don't blame the ex for being no contact with her (not the children). If I were the prospective groom, this is a massive red flag. Back away, double pace!
yeah it seems like she "wants" a relationship but is not actually doing anything for it
Load More Replies...No means no. OP should refuse to come to the wedding since it's pretty clear step-mom only wants him around for the free babysitting.
No means no, yep, for sure. You're right about that. Still, not sure this is the right answer. If OP would like to be to be at his dad's wedding, he doesn't deserve to be punished by his dad's girlfriend's actions.
Load More Replies...Three kids under 8 at a wedding are a handful. Its a lot to ask of a teenage boy whos not used to kids and who they probably wont listen to anyway. Plus, is this really the first memory she wants him to have on their first official day as a family?
From reddit: "My only experience was babysitting my two cousins, who were in bed the entire time and I watched TV or played video games. But it was just being in the same house as them. Never babysat during the daytime or where I had to do anything with the kids."
Load More Replies...She sounds entitled AND illogical. What kind of idiot doesn't think that this is the best way to kill any chance of a relationship between the OP and the children? I don't blame the ex for being no contact with her (not the children). If I were the prospective groom, this is a massive red flag. Back away, double pace!
yeah it seems like she "wants" a relationship but is not actually doing anything for it
Load More Replies...No means no. OP should refuse to come to the wedding since it's pretty clear step-mom only wants him around for the free babysitting.
No means no, yep, for sure. You're right about that. Still, not sure this is the right answer. If OP would like to be to be at his dad's wedding, he doesn't deserve to be punished by his dad's girlfriend's actions.
Load More Replies...Three kids under 8 at a wedding are a handful. Its a lot to ask of a teenage boy whos not used to kids and who they probably wont listen to anyway. Plus, is this really the first memory she wants him to have on their first official day as a family?
From reddit: "My only experience was babysitting my two cousins, who were in bed the entire time and I watched TV or played video games. But it was just being in the same house as them. Never babysat during the daytime or where I had to do anything with the kids."
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