We're guessing that many boys and men alike would love to know exactly how to tell if a girl likes you. Now, we could give you some tips and pointers on that, but sadly, it's not so simple with the girls. The foxy ladies like to include some subtle hints into sending signs that she likes you. And the signs themselves can be so faint that misinterpreting them could lead to all sorts of disaster. But even when a woman tries to make her intentions as clear as they possibly can, some guys just don't know how to take a hint, no matter how obvious that hinting might be. Check out these funny stories of missed and mixed signals to see what we mean.

The texts contain some of the funniest examples of women trying - and failing - to seduce oblivious members of the opposite sex. Have you also tried going after someone but they were oblivious to your intentions? Or maybe you have just realized how blind you were and couldn't spot someone's delicate hints in trying to seduce you? If so, share your stories below and don't forget to upvote your favorite ones!

Cover Image: senshistock


In high school I walked into a classroom and a very attractive girl that was an acquaintance at most came up to me and said "djw, did you know that Rodrigo and I broke up?"
I said, "oh, sorry to hear that," and went on my way.
Then I spent the rest of the day and night thinking about that. Why the hell would SHE tell me that? Why they hell would she tell ME that? Why was she smiling when she told me that?
The next time I saw her, I asked her what she was doing that weekend and she said, "nothing, do you want to go to a movie?" And that was the moment that I realized what was happening. And I wound up getting a date out of it.
And eventually, a family.

djw319 Report


    I was living with my then-boyfriend a few years ago. Feeling a little flirtatious, I suggested we could take a shower together, you know, to save water, wink wink.
    His response? "Why? We don't pay for water."
    Shut. Down.

    Eternally_Curious_ Report


    Girl kisses me in the dark in her bedroom at her birthday party. "You should leave before we do something stupid," she whispers. I nod and leave.

    reddit Report


    Can I say one I was oblivious to?
    I was out of town, chatting to a girl at a bar. We figured out I was 13 inches taller than her. She said, "That's funny, I'm going on a date with a guy who is 13 inches taller than me tomorrow. And I'll probably f*ck him after."
    My response? "Well, that's a weird coincidence!"
    I didn't figure it out until I was on a plane home.

    reddit Report


    Early interaction with my boyfriend-
    Me: "That suit looks great on you. It would look better on the floor."
    Him: "That would wrinkle the suit."

    Truffleshuffled Report


    "Hey, there's room in my tent if you want to join me"
    "Thanks, but I brought my own tent!"
    And that's the story of why my friends think I'm socially retarded

    Jetstream-Sam Report


    Watching TV in my living room at roughly 2am, in the dark
    Her: applying strawberry lip gloss.
    Me: why are you putting on lip gloss?
    Her: strawberry lip gloss tastes so nice.
    Me: haha youre weird
    Her: want to taste?
    Me: nah I already know what it tastes like
    Commence several years of late night self loathing and regret

    LordCande Report


    Via text
    Girl: Are you going to that party?
    Me: Yeah for a little bit. Probably gonna be boring.
    Girl: Yeah...was thinking of just staying in.
    Me: Probably a good plan.
    Girl: So yeah...I'll just be here tonight. Roommates are gone.
    Me: Sounds nice; my roommates never leave.
    Girl: Ok. So. I'll be here all alone in my apartment. If the party sucks.
    Me: Very good.

    duh_metrius Report


    One time I was texting my bf and told him that I bought a vibrator for the nights he was away at work or something rather. his exact response was, "oh cool, what colour?" I sent him a pic of it and he replied with "can you put it up your butt too?". I sent him a text replying, "come over and find out" and he replied two minutes later, "nevermind, I just Googled it"

    wheat-empress Report


    A few years ago I was working at my elementary school's annual spring fling. That day I volunteered to be the school mascot(a big-ass bear costume) for the morning shift. It was a boring job of feeling like a pedophile the whole time because little kids would hug you constantly and be all over you. They were at just the perfect height for every kid's face to be just in your crotch. It was nearing noon and my shift was soon to be over when a girl my age, 17, stole the bear head right from my own head and ran away with it. I wasn't gonna pay for a damn bear head if she didn't return it, so I ran after her and followed her into an empty classroom with the lights off and the shudders shut tightly. She said something like "oh looky here, mr papa bear, I'm holding your head, I'm a bad girl" I was pissed she took it and wasn't thinking so I, being oblivious to her remark, took the head yelled "THE CHILDREN NEED ME" and stormed out.

    P4TTYCAKES Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ...THE CHILDREN NEED ME!!! Ahahahaha! This one got me rolling on the floor!

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    I was staying the night at a female friend's house. I had a huge crush on her and it was the first night sleeping in the same bed.
    Her: Just so you know, jeans aren't allowed in my bed. You have to take them off.
    Me: Hahaha that's a dumb rule keeps them on
    That one still stings

    Czar-Fox Report


    Oh my god my friend fits this sign completely.
    He was working on his doctorate in some science, I think physics and he was very busy, I had only seen him once in the past few weeks and he was always with this girl who was really cool.
    They would hang out a lot while he would do research and she would do work for her masters' thesis, would text each other every day and also they would once a week go out to burger king (poor college students and have stuff from the dollar menu). It was pretty clear that they dug each other as they seemed to be very similar and were both very interesting.
    They had met when he was finishing up his doctoral work and so I asked him what he planned to do. Well he said that he planned on asking her out.
    Now this confused me, as I had thought they had been dating for roughly the last six months, so I ask him if they've ever hooked up. And he's like yeah every time she comes over and they sleep in the same bed roughly 5 nights out of the week. Do you go out with her? He took her to burger king. Do you really enjoy talking to her? Yeah I'm glad we talk all the time and stuff. And I say "Dude this sounds suspiciously close to a relationship".
    And he goes "Oh that explains this then". She had sent him a text saying "happy 6 months baby!! :D". Even after this he still wasn't sure. So yes my friend is retarded. They are still together to this day.

    jkashins Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I doubt that he is r******d. He got a doctorate "in some science".

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    A girl once asked to use my shower, and left the door wide open as an invitation. So I thought I'd be a funny guy and throw ice cubes at her.

    oh_i_get_it Report


    Me: I think you're really cute and I like you. A lot.
    Him:.... uh, thanks.
    Accepting this unrequited crush, I decided I was happy being friends with him.
    3 months down the line he spent hours comforting me after a disastrous night and then finally confessed he had feelings for me, going back 6 months. When I asked why he didn't say anything when I told him my feelings "but I wasn't sure you liked me"
    That was 4 years ago, he's still as cute and dense now, and is fast asleep next to me.

    InappropriateUnicorn Report


    Girl: Mind if we go somewhere a little more quiet to talk?
    Me: Its not that noisy in here, just tell me here.
    I'm a certified dumbass.

    stupidlygenius Report


    She told me she likes tall, muscular, hairy guys.
    A few days later she asked me why guys don't pick up on hints.
    I'm a tall, muscular, hairy guy.
    We're dating now.

    TheReginator Report


    I'm a guy, and a friend weaseled her way over to watch a movie at my place with me. I didn't think too much of it.
    We were happily watching a movie, then another. Me on my side of the couch, her on her side.
    After the second movie, she just looked over at me and said out loud, "oh f*ck it"
    At that point, she literally just jumped me.
    and, as clever as I am, that's the moment I realized she was interested in me... when she was on top of me removing her clothes.
    I'm pretty quick sometimes.

    flargenhargen Report


    My current boyfriend and I started out in this weird friends that flirt stage. I was trying to find a way to get him to make a move. One very hot evening (middle of august) we were sitting in his backyard with a few of our friends drinking beer. I sat on the SAME lawn chair as him, kind of wiggled in, and said "I'm cold".
    He left me alone in the chair and proceeded to build a giant fire. It took like an hour. When he was finished making the fire he sat back down in a DIFFERENT lawn chair.

    ironmanwannabegirl Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I consider that very kind of him! And it looks like you then made the move, as he is your boyfriend now. ;)

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    This girl was sitting with our group of boys and saying "if I was to get with one of you, it would be you [my name]" And I was just like "Ah thanks very much, very kind of you to say that"

    onthedippy Report


    I've posted this before, but I had a huge crush on the girl who lived next door to me in high school. Was texting her one night, and she told me that she always wanted to be kissed in the rain. Some short time later she told me to meet her in her driveway and I said something along the lines of "What are you crazy?! It's pouring outside!"

    reddit Report


    When I was in Senior in High School during prom season, there was this girl in most of the classes I was attending. We were good friends, we had much in common, we were at the top of our class. Also, I thought she was cute. One day she and her friend approaches me during lunch.
    Girl: Hey, don't you wanna ask me something?
    [Raises eyebrows]
    Me: ...........I don't know, what?
    [She and her friend gives each other a look]
    Girl: Are you going to prom?
    Me: I'm not sure, I don't have anyone to to with.
    End scene.
    I didn't get the hint until years after. But I did end up going to prom with the fellas. I'm a fool.

    Driftdrops Report


    In high school I sat next to a very quiet guy that I liked and whenever I was cold I made my arm touch his. He would never move but never talked to me other than to ask about class. Ten years later I messaged him on Facebook asking about the reunion and jokingly asked him to be my date. He said sure why not. We've been married for year next month. He said he didn't remember me from high school.

    GeezRoni Report

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    Patricie Sh.
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haha, same but from the other side. :D I had no idea who am I talking to when he sat next to me on the bus. Apparently, he was just one year older and we have known each other since the toddler age. Same school, than same bus everyday for the whole year, but I thought I just met him for the first time... Upss, my mistake. It's a year next week. ^.^

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    Ok. At 17 I met this girl and she said come over. Let's hang out. It's 2am. We hang out near her house. And at 3 am, she's like. "Let's go upstairs and have some coffee"
    I said "no. I'm good. I'm tired. This was fun. Let's do it again ok?" And just left. She never responded to me again.
    At 31. I was in a diner with a few friends and they were talking about how we missed signals. I started to laugh and.. it hit me. Holy shit she wanted sex. God damn it.

    jesterb00m Report


    Her: Let's hang out after school, nobody is going to be at my house
    Me: Ok cool
    Drive her home and hang out with her.
    Her: Hey I have a finished attic I like to hang out in and watch movies
    Me: Ok cool
    Go in the attic where a couch, sheets on the floor, and a TV on a stand are chilling. Turn on some random movie and she proceeds to cuddle on me.
    Her: So what do you want to do?
    Me: Idk random chatter about movie
    Her: My last boyfriend couldn't last more than 2 minutes with me. No guy has actually.
    Me: Oh I could do better than that
    Her: Oh yeah? ;)
    Me: random chatter about movie

    metalcheezburger Report

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    Captain Planet
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't this gender equality, I mean difference at it's best? :p A women only giving hints and expecting the guy to always start the kiss? Why can't it be the other way around?

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    On a trip with a high school sport team, I had a huge crush on a girl on the team. Long story short we start making out in the hotel in a crowded room. She says we should go back to her room because she forgot something. We go back, she sprawls on the bed. I proceed to get on my hands and knees to look for the thing she forgot. We never had sex.

    soxfan17 Report


    Had a girl I was dating in high school, we were macking on my bed and I started kissing her neck. She says "stop that makes me horny" but in a playful way. Youngster me was like woah no rape from I

    kball20 Report

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    Tiny Dynamine
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd still say well done for thinking there might be a risk there.

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    One day shortly before my husband returned home from work I stripped down and put on one of his button up shirts, jumped in to bed, sat all sexy like and waited for him to get home. He gets home and walks in to the bedroom. Boom! Naked wife with her boobs hanging out of your shirt, I thought I was being obvious.
    Nope. He lays in bed next to me, talks about his day and looks to be getting ready for a nap. I thought, "Oh, maybe he's super tired. I'll catch him after his nap." I jump out of bed, but some pants and a shirt on and go down the hallway to fold laundry.
    Not but a couple minutes later my husband comes running down the hallway before coming to screeching halt in front of me, he's doing his best to be smooth with a hint of awkward. He didn't realize I was initiating sexy time at all. He pulled out all his best moves and dragged me back in to the bedroom.

    RedditsInBed2 Report

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    Francisco Montoya
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes we just need to talk and vent about our day. Nah, just kidding. He totally missed it, but kuddos to him for realizing and getting back in there.

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    After a conversation with my boyfriend about not being obvious enough when trying to initiate sex, I decided to entice him by posing naked on the corner of the bed and seductively whispering "Hey, you" as he walked in the room.
    His reaction? He walks in the room, gives me a bro nod, and says, "Hey, babe! I gotta poop."
    We did NOT end up having sex that night.

    coffeeisheroin Report


    Well, when I was in high school a bunch of us went swimming at a local park. While there a girl kept messing with me, splashing me etc. Later we went to a friends house and I grabbed my clothes to change in a bedroom. That girl wanted to "help me change my clothes". I told her that I was totally capable of changing my own clothes! Can anyone here out naive that?

    portnux Report


    We were married two full years before I finally understood that if she took a bath at night I was going to get some. Watched a lot of baseball while she lay sparkling clean in bed alone.

    1968PonyBoy Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hm...this is almost a bit sad. Talk to each other, people, it will only improve the relationship!

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    My then-not-boyfriend and I were waiting at the train station on my train home; he would leave with the bus after it arrived. My train came and I thought 'f*ck it' and kissed my then-not-boyfriend on the mouth. Immediately after, I jumped on the train, on which the doors then closed. I didn't see his reaction nor felt it so I sat pretty anxious on the train, thinking I ruined it all. About 5 minutes later, I got a text saying:
    'That was meant as a friends kiss, right?'
    Lol, bless his heart.

    Bimpnottin Report


    I knew this girl for a year and had kinda had feelings for her the whole time. We got close for a few weeks and one time I'm watching some films at hers. It gets late and I start to head out, she says "I don't want you to go".
    Thinking she was just feeling lonely or whatever I follow her upstairs and we get in bed... and do nothing. Lights go out, we start going to sleep. I'm sitting there the whole time thinking "damn, I wish I had the balls to make a move" but don't.
    Then she sits up, takes her top off in a way I couldn't possibly miss, and lies down again. Still, I don't get that SHE'S trying to make moves on ME.
    10 minutes later she finally gives up and just kisses me. She mocked me about this for months after.

    King_Sloth_96 Report

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    Jessica Seah
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Better to be mocked than risk a sexual assault charge! You never know if she just wants to sleep naked lol

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    "You know I'm single right?"
    "Yeah,me too."

    meatballduckerton Report


    I was coming back home and I was at the bag pickup. This really cute girl and I started talking. The conversation was about how she was just visiting Miami and really didn't know where to go. After a while we realized that we were the only two people who haden't gotten their bags cause we were at the wrong conveyor. After some joking and a trip to the baggage claim we got our bags and stayed there talking for a bit. My mom called me telling me that she was outside. I said I had to go and I saw a small look of confusion/frown on her face. I got into the car and then it hit me: she wanted me to show her around town, duh. I just look at my mom and said, "you have raised the biggest idiot on the planet" and she called me gay once I told her the story.

    ErmBern Report


    A girl once shyly approached me at a friend's house and said, "So, I think I need to learn how to give blowjobs. I think I might just, you know, ask a male friend to be a, you know, a test subject. And give me feedback." I said, "Huh, okay," and then I played Settlers of Catan for four hours.

    reddit Report


    Last summer I was doing my best to seduce who is my current boyfriend. We were going swimming at a friend's house, and while they were changing into their bathing suits in the house, me and him make our way to the pool.
    I take advantage of this moment to strip in front of him, as sensual as possible. (Bathing suit was underneath my clothes.)
    He runs past me, full sprint, and cannonballs into the pool.

    8BitBirb Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably to cool off quickly before you could see his... can I write boner here?

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    Freshmen year of college, a girl gave me a mix-tape for my birthday (yes I'm old.) The first song was "Why don't we do it in the road?" I didn't ask her out for another 3 months, because I am stupid.
    She is now my wife :)

    Chickens_dont_clap Report


    I started talking to a guy who was behind on Game Of Thrones. So I offered to give him my HBO password so we could watch it at his place, thinking it would be a good excuse to hang out. He ends up marathoning the show without me. We're dating now, but he sure as hell not watch season 7 without me

    avameow Report


    Texting him every day: he thought I was doing it in a friendly manner. Calling him cute names: he though I was kidding. Asking him to judge my outfits: he didn't think nothing of it. Making bets with him, the loser had to have something done which always revolved around sex: just joking.
    I had to tell him I would have liked to have sex with him when I was tipsy, for him to realize I liked him. In the end I'm glad I've had something to drink that day, or we wouldn't have been together for 7 years

    Eledren Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes it is too unobviously obvious apparently. ;)

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    I had a girl literally just explicitly say she liked me and wanted to date and I assumed she was joking. She was not.

    bassfacemasterrace Report


    I'm the guy whose head it went over. After my first real date ever (though at the time I wasn't sure if it was a date) when I was 19 at the movies, I took her home. I offer to walk her to her door like a sir. When we're up there she tells me I didn't have to do that and I reply with something like "Well, sometimes I like to pull out the old school/traditional moves". She turns away from the key in her door, takes a slight step towards me, and says "Well, do you know any more of those traditional moves"...I f*cking bow, tip my f*cking hat, and f*cking say some corny shit like "I had a lovely time tonight, madam". I didn't realize what I'd missed until I was halfway home and I scared the people beside me at the light because I was screaming at the top of my lungs and pounding the dashboard. Telling that story still makes me mad at myself all these years later.

    esoteric_enigma Report


    I was sent a picture of a "halloween" outfit. When i look back and think.. She was just in a bra. I responded with "you'll be cold". Woops.

    reddit Report


    In high school a girl I walked home with regularly asked me to go to her house to hang out. When we were sitting on her couch, she said that her parents wouldn't be home for hours and asked if there were any 'games' that I've always wanted to play with a girl... My reply was "I dunno, maybe Tekken or something".. So we played Tekken. On her couch. Alone. For two hours.

    ask_me_if_Im_lying Report


    Spent the night at a particular guy's house for the first time. Told him I don't like sleeping alone at a strange house, which is mostly true. I kind of get freaked out in the dark. He set me up on his futon and made me a playlist of really comforting music. It was really sweet of him, and honestly I slept really well. The next morning I woke him up in his bed and he asked if all along I wanted to sleep in his bed. I laughed a little :)
    Also we've been dating for awhile now.

    bucketoswampmonsters Report


    She ordered an ice-cream cone, 'accidentally' smeared it on her cheek, and asked me to get it off. I grabbed the last napkin and wiped it off. Persistent as ever, she 'accidentally' smears ice-cream on her other cheek and politely informs me that I can get it off with my mouth, given our napkin deficit. I just said, "Nah, I hate strawberry", and used my dry elbows to get it off.
    In hindsight, I should have used my shirt.

    dingledog Report


    Texted a guy I work with "so what are you up to tonight?" as a prelude to asking if he wanted to get drinks or something. Instead of texting he calls me and says "Why, what's going on??" Thought I was about to hand him some work-related emergency. "Haha, no I was just wondering." "Oh okay, thank god! Haha bye." Hangs up the phone.
    "No, but... I was... you... never mind."

    rabbit-heartedgirl Report

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    Janice Foster
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "No, but...I never mind." That made me laugh so much!!

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    Hey, computer store guy, the best response to "Hey, let me have your number so we can study at my place sometime" is not to roll your eyes and say "Oh yeah, because you're so much smarter than me. I don't need help! I'm fine."
    Though watching your co-worker silently lose his shit in the background was reward enough for that interaction.

    LadyParnassus Report


    Girl invited me upstairs for coffee after a date. I replied with something very similar to:
    " No thanks, I don't like coffee. It keeps me up."
    It wasn't until I was watching Seinfeld later that I realized I have the dating skills of George Costanza.

    timmyt3333 Report

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    Cris Uzo
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my case, I replied that I had to get up early for work and left. Next time I asked her out she declined. I only realised what a big fool I was about 6 months later when it suddenly hit me what I did.

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    This is a hint a girl dropped for me:
    Girl: "hey ;)" Me: "hi" Girl: "I'm home alone, wanna come over?" Me: "uh it's sort of cold out" Girl: "oh"
    Didn't even think about it until i was laying in bed that night

    Saigeman123 Report


    I worked the overnight shift at a hotel one summer. Worked with a gorgeous blonde. One Friday night, I came in as her shift was ending. "Your backup called in sick, so you'll be here by yourself," she said. "Okay," I replied. "Would you like me to stick around for a couple of hours? I hate to leave you all alone on a weekend night." "No, that's fine!" This went back and forth a few times, and then she gave me a big smile. "StuporCollider, I don't think you understand. I really want to stay." I smiled. "Okay, thanks!" Then I went and balanced the credit card receipts.

    reddit Report


    Oh my god, they literally pulled me on top of them. We were together visiting a friends house, and she walked in to his bedroom and I followed after, so she turned around and grabbed me by the tie then literally pulled me down on top of her on the bed. So what do I do? Get up and apologize.

    eggshitter Report


    Put out my hand for him to hold and he high fived me.

    emk0626 Report


    I'm a guy and I've told this story before but I must again to make clear how oblivious we are:
    Met this girl through my (female) best friend. Her and I became friends due to our mutual love of movies. She's come by most evenings and we'd chill, smoke a jernt and watch foreign films, work through the Criterion collection or catch some underground cult classics...she'd often stay well into the night and sleep over. Often in my room with me.
    This went on for a long while and then one day she just disappeared, cut off FB and everything -- gone. I knew I did nothing so I figured "life change" and went on....
    Flash forward to years later/last year-ish...I'm on the phone with my best friend and make some joke about 'Netflix and Chill' to her, she says "THATS WHAT ******* SPENT MONTHS TRYING TO DO WITH YOU"...I swear I didn't know until that moment and worst part is, I was head over heels for that girl.

    thatswhatshesaidxx Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I will never get why people choose to suffer quietly for MONTHS instead of just SAYING something... And I am a woman.

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    Asked a guy for his number after a Meetup. Went on a date with him that he didn't realize was a date until his friend that we ran into texted him to apologize for crashing it. Currently sitting on the couch next to him, 3 years later, looking at dogs that are available for adoption. He eventually caught on.

    wearsredsox Report


    Went on a date with a girl and she asked if I wanted to come back to hers and stay over. I thought it was perfect as I had work in the morning and she lived right around the corner. I literally got into her bed, said good night, turned over and went to sleep. About a year later something reminded me of that night and the penny dropped. What a f*cking idiot.

    thekungfupanda Report


    Dude here.
    Girl at work is standing in front of the door I need to walk through with her back turned to me. I say "excuse me" and wait for her to move. Instead of stepping to the side, she drops her pen, and literally digs her ass into my crotch. I'm talking sliding the weenie between the buns here. Didn't think anything of it.
    Couple days later she's like "Hey gshock37, some of us from work are going to the bar later, but I need a date. Know anyone who wants to go?"
    My response: Hmm, not off the top of my head.
    Yeah, I'm not suave.

    gshock37 Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like you dodged 18 years of child support buddy.

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    After many moons of trying get this guy in bed I straight up humped his leg in an act of horny desperation. He thought it was hilarious. Years later he asked me why we never hooked up.
    Edit: some clarification
    We were making out on his couch at the time. I didn't just attack him and try to f*ck his leg.

    Alicewouldnever Report


    We were leaving the beach, and I decided to try the change the suit under the towel trick. Keeping eye contact, I told him if I messed up and flashed him, I hope he likes what he sees. He promply turned around to give me privacy. I kissed him later that night-he got that one ;)

    lengthlyeyebrowhair Report


    Oh so many. Just hints of like "It's getting late, you should stay over" and I respond with "Nah, I really like my bed."
    Or getting a text at 3AM from a girl who said her bed was freezing and if only there was someway for it to heat up. I recommended a jumper.
    I'll tell you, a lot of hints are missed when you are just f*cking tired.

    karateandfriendship9 Report


    I was married, and wanted to make life a little mor excited. So when he came home from work I stood in the hallway naked, with a rose between my theeth. He opened the door, looked and me and said: Have you swallowed the vase?



    Well there was one time i did not get the hint.
    I was walking home from school with a girl, and all of a sudden she kiss me and asks me if i want to come home with her because her parents were not home.
    I said no because i had to get home in time to watch Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures

    vebben Report


    .. i have a pole in my living room. so one day i dressed like a school girl and waited for my boyfriend to get home. he walks in and i started doing some pole tricks and he literally walked past me into the bedroom to change.. i was like 'uh hellllooooo im trying to f*ck' and he said 'oh i just thought you were dressed like that'.
    he kinda killed it.

    Bimpnottin Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, at least you know now your bf is not into schoolgirls. Not the worst thing, I would say.

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    Me: "I really wanna try to sleep with a tall girl, see how it's like."
    Attractive Girl: "Well, I'm 6 feet 2" (I'm about 5 feet 8)
    Me: "Nah, I was thinking about 7 feet tall"
    Still haunts me.

    catbro89 Report

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    Leoninus Fate
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not a chick but I'm 7'3 can, you can try me ..... Although not sure my husband would like that lol

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    One of the bustiest, beautiful and smartest girls I've met in my life leans up against a nearby car and tells me "You should ask me out."
    Socially-Inept-17-y/o-Rex: "Sure."
    Never did. Only after she started acting angry at me did I realize she had a crush on me the whole time.

    Aerexil Report

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    Tiny Dynamine
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not easy when we're young and inexperienced! We often simply don't know what to do.

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    A friend (now boyfriend of 7 years) asked what I wanted to do that night. I said "you". He didn't even seem to register what I had said. He was like we should go see x movie.

    Murrymonster Report

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    Tim Myers
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He probably thought you were answering with a "you?"

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    We were seeing a movie together and she said she was cold. I said "yeah it's pretty chilly" and did nothing. Later she said it again, pretty obvious what she wanted. I proceeded to give her my jacket to put around her.
    I'm a practical man.

    kroople Report


    I gave a girl a lift home from a date one night and she invited me in for "Coffee", I declined. My excuse being that it was late and I would not be able to sleep. That night I couldn't sleep, because I was up all night kicking myself once I'd realised what "Coffee" really meant!

    Scoctapuss Report


    Had a crush on my male bf. To start, I used to flirt with him (he'd flirt too), turned up to support him at a charity sport event he took part in when none of his friends did, went to his place for movie marathons, play-fight, and had cinema trips every weekend. Nothing from him. Nothing! So I gave up and decided our friendship was more than enough. I dialed back the flirting and just relaxed.
    It took him a year and a half to figure it out. We're now engaged. Apparently patience does pay off!



    When me and my fiance were in high school we were "best friends", which of course meant I was too big of a chicken to tell him how I really felt. Well, my move was to always take the seat in front of him and purposely have my thong showing while we had lectures. This went on for all the classes we had together, and we had a lot. I finally had to confess how I felt to him before he left our home town for college after three years of this game. It turns out he was a chicken too. He said those four years were the biggest tease imaginable, it's hilarious to talk about now.

    teamrocket94 Report

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    Atlas Wlk
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thong showing in lectures...I am thinking it's not in Australia sense yeah?

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    I attempted to low key ask him to prom. Had to be cool about it you know. Nice and smooth. My phrasing was something along the lines of, "Maybe you and I should go to prom together. It'd be more fun than going alone." His response was just "yeah maybe" before he walked away.
    I took this as a rejection and immediately ceased all my other genius attempts at flirting such as hugging, touching his hair, letting him carry my bag to the bus (he just kind of did it? I never made him and it became a daily routine for us), smiling at him and other such things. I thought I was so subtle but almost everyone knew. I found out years later that he honestly had been clueless and the reason he had grown kind of distant with me is he thought I didn't like him back.

    Mistbre Report

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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And all you had to do was asking "so you say I can assume it's "yes, we're going together "? "Just confirm if you're not sure, people.

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    Oh god, I've got this one.
    My buddy was dating a girl and we all went out to a bar, she brought a friend too (her roommate). Naturally the friend and I are talking and hitting it off. Later we all go back to their place and my buddy and the girl he's dating go up to her room. The friend invites me to hers.
    Now I'm going to stop right here for a moment. I was 21 and a lot less experienced than I am now (29). Now that we have that caveat in place, let's continue.
    So we go up to her room and we're making out in her bed (clothes on), there's a little hand wandering but nothing major. She pulls away for a second and looks me in the eye and asks "Are you big?". I reply "You tell me". So she grabs my dick through my jeans and starts basically giving me a handy. We start making out again and then she pulls back and says "Well I won't really know until you're inside me". Now in my retarded f*cking brain this meant, ok she is undecided until at some point in the future if she decides she wants to sleep with me, but that time is definitely not now.
    We continue making out, but no clothes come off. My buddy and I leave the next day. I never sleep with her. This sequence of events doesn't strike me as odd, until YEARS later for some reason I am just walking somewhere random and the nights events pop into my head.

    quittersspit Report


    My prom date: "You could come see my room after we leave."
    Me: "Why?"
    Her: "Oh never mind, forgot to clean it."
    I still think about it once in a while and facepalm just as hard every time.

    dood23 Report


    There was a girl i really liked when i was younger but never had the nerve to make a move. She slept over my house one time, in my bed. At one point she told me she was cold, so i went snd got her another blanket being the gentleman that i am. 12 years later via facebook she told me she was hinting that she wanted to have sex with me but i blew it. She is still super hot as well. Shame.

    Jv444jv Report


    My fiance and I were chatting on FB Messenger near the start of our relationship and it went something like this:
    Him: I haven't had sex in 2 years
    Me: That's quite a streak, I'd hate to mess it up ;)
    Him: Yeah it's been awhile
    Wait, what
    I then lured him into a hotel, f*cked his brains out, and now we're getting married.

    IvytheSneaky Report


    Me: "Wow your muscles are super impressive!"
    Him: "Yeah I work out at such and such gym you should check it out.
    Me:"I mean I'm already checking you out, but sure I'll give it a try."
    Him:" Okay see ya around"

    lexxxgrace25 Report


    I sat on his lap and I put his arms around my waist, rested my head on his shoulder and held onto his hands. He still had no idea I liked him

    missuseme Report

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    Ishan Wasnik
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess you have no idea that he likes you back because zero resistance is the true acceptance

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    A lifetime ago in high school the extremely cute exchange student from Spain sort of cornered me and started asking questions about an upcoming school dance. What is it like? Is it fun? Are you going with anyone?
    Ynez, if you're out there, I'm sorry. I'm a dope.

    NowWatchMeNayNay Report


    I was left home alone for a week during spring break when I was 17. I invited my friends over everyday and they came and went as they pleased. My best friend (female) and I went swimming and got into a conversation about sex with each other. Later that day everyone came to my house and we watched movies on netflix until about 2:30-3:00 ish in the morning. As they left I headed to bed and hear the door close. Next thing I know my best friend got in bed with me and asked can we cuddle so she can stay warm. We sleep and I wake up to our lips touching. I got out of bed and made breakfast. After she ate and left my house I got a text from her saying verbatim "why didn't you have sex with me I've been horny all week"

    NSFGoodTime Report


    Mid-makeout session...
    Me: "Do you want to f*ck?"
    Him: "What?"
    Me: "Do you want to f*ck?"
    Him: [Pause.] "Yes."
    We continued to make out. We had sex three months later. Maybe he thought it was more of a rhetorical question?

    jrodriguez Report


    Walked a girl home because I had a huge thing for her and because that's what gentleman should do for ladies at night. Got to her door and she said I should see her room because she just decorated it and tells me all about it. I just nod and say it sounds really cool. She leans against the wall next to the door and just keeps talking to me, occasionally bringing up the room. Again I'm not taking the hint that I should move with her to the room. She starts playing with the hood strings on my hoodie, pulling them closer to her. I'm actually putting up resistance instead of just going in for the kiss. Finally she pulls really hard and I pull back and lose my footing and almost fall. We talk a little bit more, she brings up her room. I say something stupid like "Oh I'll have to see it next time I come over". She goes inside, I walk back across campus and realize what an idiot I am. I tell my friend about it and he literally smacks the shit out of me. She ended up having to kiss me a week later before I finally got the hint.

    GiveEmHell1 Report


    Had a friend do something like this. Some hot girls outside a bar wanted him to take their picture with his phone as they were leaving so one of them said "lemme give you my number so you can text it to me." He smiled and said "oh I can just use your phone." Which he did and then realized a week later his mistake.

    diametric Report


    Not a lady, but I had this girl visit me and sleep with me in the same bed on four different occasions...from half across the country.
    I thought we were just friends.
    Ten years later I was taking a shit and it dawned on me that she didn't travel across the country just to sleep ffs.
    I feel bad for the girl now, because I was really into her too.

    reddit Report

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    Kaido Vesternin
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In a parallel universe where men don't need to poop nor take showers, they never come to those realisations.

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    In college, I had a lot of crazy, curly hair. This girl in one of my classes started chatting me up, and said, "You have good hair. Whenever I see guy with good hair like that, I like to imagine grabbing on to it when he's going down on me."
    I was all, like, "Oh, that's interesting."

    metal_falsetto Report


    I told my boyfriend to get naked and he responded "YOU get naked" so I said "Okay. I will if you're nice to me ;) ". He laughed and went to sleep. Guess he didn't want to be nice ._.

    SpagetiJonsnSupaFuka Report

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    Ishan Wasnik
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guys dont beleive getting lucky is a easy thing when you are pretty

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    I was a freshmen in highschool and I had one of those digital organizers and this super hot girl put her number in it and I asked her "Why would you put your number in there?" Her answer: "You know I'm single, right? You can use that number to call me." and I just responded with "ha ha, yeah, me too" and I never called her. Oyyyy vey.

    DirtyPanda Report


    "We can go up to my dorm and work on this homework together if you want ..."
    "Nah, we can just do it in the dorm lounge over there. "
    "Oh... OK."
    Still internally scream about this when it comes to mind.

    somethingneu Report


    Hitting on my now boyfriend of three years. I was complimenting him on how handsome he was and how he had beautiful eyes. I wanted a closer view of them so he texted me this creepy ass shot of his eyeball with his eye as widely opened as possible. He legitimately thought that's what I wanted. After our first date, I immediately started talking about potential future dates and how much fun I had with him. I stayed out so late that I missed my friends party. However, because I didn't hug him properly and asked to split the cost of the meal, he thought I wasn't actually interested.

    HelloPanda22 Report


    I was at a party drinking with a guy I had a bit of a crush on. We were joking around and I told him to touch my boob, because he jokingly accused me of padding my bra (since they're quite large).
    He DID touch them for a second, but then he just kept going on with the conversation. I figured he wasn't interested and I got over it.
    I think he realized his mistake cause he always made it a point to like everything I post on facebook.

    Slightly_Froggy Report

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    Tiny Dynamine
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    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, does this mean that the story isn't over? Have you asked him out yet?

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    Girl next door: "Could you walk me home? I get nervous in the dark"
    Me: "I can see your house from here, the lights are on. Just text me when you get inside"
    Coulda had a sweet make out sesh in the bushes... multiple times.

    sirgnarlsbarking Report


    In class a girl asked if we could study together for a minor quiz at her place.
    A friend overhears and asks if he can join us, I say yes immediately before she can say anything.
    She sends us her address and a time. I show up and she answers the door in a bikini. Nobody else at her place. She says she was sunbathing and asks me into her room while she changes. I look away to be polite and then make small talk once she's done.
    My friend shows up 30 minutes later, turns out she told him that the study group started 30 minutes after what she told me.

    DeliciousBlueBerries Report


    Invited me to her house when her parents were out. Then asked if I wanted to see her room.
    Stupid teenage me was more curious how the popcorn from the popcorn machine in the kitchen tasted.