Hey Pandas, Do You Think We Should Focus More On The Content And Ideas Shared Rather Than Perfect Grammar And Spelling?
Hi Pandas,Been trolling on here a couple of years, love the articles, love the stories. My question. While I understand the importance of clear communication, it’s worth noting that this platform is more about exchanging ideas and engaging in conversation than it is about perfect grammar or spelling. The essence of effective communication often lies in the message and the discussion it fosters, rather than in flawless language. Let’s focus on the content and the value of the dialogue rather than on minor errors. After all, this is the internet, not an English literature class. Your understanding and constructive input on the topics at hand are much more valuable than pointing out every mistake. I just feel bad for someone who comes and tells their story only to be met with an English lesson. Am I wrong?
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Why can’t we have both?
Lousy grammar, spelling and punctuation can distort meaning.
The panda eats shoots snd leaves.
The panda eats, shoots and leaves.
Come on, let’s eat, kids.
Come on, let’s eat kids.
This being said, many a time I’ve gritted my teeth and refrained from correcting atrocious spelling and grammar because the post was funny or witty or heartfelt.
For the love of little green geese, why do you even think it's an either-or? Proper spelling and grammar makes the clear transference of ideas *clear*. The simple truth of the matter is that while using bad spelling and no grammar, or chat speak, may be fast for the *writer*, it generally takes a reader much longer to parse. We live in a world that doesn't give us a lot of time to do much of anything, especially in the USA which is where I live, and the majority of the people that I know are simply not going to read something that isn't easily understood.
It's the exact same reason why you should use commonly used words instead of paging through a thesaurus; if it can't be understood easily, people aren't going to engage.
In addition, checking something over for spelling and grammar gives you a chance to catch other types of mistakes; perhaps you used canon instead of cannon and your question about "should people use cannon in fiction" suddenly makes no sense, especially to people who do not speak English as a first language.
I always attempt to write as though I am writing for an extremely intelligent person who happens to speak English as an additional language to their native one. I, personally, can't speak any other languages; so if I want to communicate with the world I have to make *my* words pack the biggest, most effective punch they can. Proper spelling and grammar puts power behind those words.
What's wrong with expecting both? They are not mutually exclusive, in fact they are often co-dependant. Without correct spelling and grammar the content and ideas can be very difficult to read and understand.
I love the content. The errors that irritate me are in the editing…extra words in a sentence, the same item appearing twice in a list, etc. I see that all the time in BP posts. It is sloppy.
I consider that not everyone speaks the same language but if there is a question it can be asked in comments. I'm more annoyed by people that feel the need to point out grammatical errors.
Honestly, unless there's a whole block of paragraph with no punctuation, or the sentences are not clear at all, I don't care. I can read through a mistype. It's not that big of a deal.