When it comes to adorable four-legged companions, preferences vary - some people love doggos, others are cat enthusiasts. Many of us also have a soft spot for bunnies and hamsters, but only a few might consider rats as potential pets. Often, when these rodents are mentioned, we envision a small, dirty creature scurrying around in dark corners. Or, if you're a fan of the movie Ratatouille, you might think of them as cute sous-chefs.

In any case, there's more to these creatures than meets the eye. These highly intelligent animals are not only hygienic but they are very social and can form strong bonds with their human caregivers. And if you are already impressed, you’re in for a real treat! The Instagram page “ratinstagra” shares some of the most charming snaps of these furry little rodents. Keep scrolling and enjoy our list of the finest rat pics from this account.

The initial hesitation people have with rats is their tendency to spread viruses and damage property. Additionally, they can become quite the unwelcome guests when they infest homes. However, pet rats, also known as fancy rats, are quite different from their wild counterparts. Similar to dogs and cats, humans have been breeding certain rats to be more friendly and free from diseases since the 18th century.

Historical evidence suggests that brown rats went through various human-influenced breeding events. In Japan during the 1600s to 1700s, rats were bred for ornamental purposes like their colors and patterns. In early 1800s Europe, breeding focused on blood sports and providing food for captive carnivores. Later, rats were selectively bred specifically to serve as pets.

Now, if you've been charmed by these adorable photos and caught yourself thinking, "I want a rat!" or if you're simply curious to learn more about these rodents, here are some fascinating facts you should know.

According to the Rat Assistance and Teaching Society (yes, that's a real thing!), some rats are smarter than dogs. These clever critters are natural learners and can be trained to do all sorts of tricks. They recognize their names and even come when they are called. You can also teach a rat how to use a litter box. And even though they have poor eyesight, they never forget old routes.



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andrea-rusmane avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That’s close to the face Harris might as well gave me when he mistook my finger for the egg I was holding in my palm. Rats all have their favourite foods.

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When it comes to feelings, these rodents display a wide range of emotions similar to humans. They are capable of feeling empathy, showing helpfulness, and even experiencing loneliness, just like we do. In fact, male rats love quality snuggle time. They enjoy being cuddled up in a person's lap. Female rats are equally affectionate and they tend to be more energetic and curious.

To put it simply, rats are incredibly social creatures. Their connections can sometimes be so deep that sudden changes can upset them. Rats appreciate gestures like getting massages or scratches behind the ears from time to time. They even like grooming their human companions


These tiny creatures also enjoy getting attention from kind people (well, who doesn’t?) and eagerly wait to be noticed and picked up. Studies suggest that when they are playfully tickled, they make sounds similar to human laughter while bonding with people. Just like a doggo wagging its tail when its owner comes home, rats eagerly await playtime with their human companions.



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itrevort avatar
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to take my pet rat camping. He loved it and never strayed too far from me.

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And, yes, rats can laugh. While their laughter is very high-pitched for us to hear, researchers have found that they do emit ultrasonic chirping sounds. This laughter-like behavior is a sign of joy and enjoyment in rats, showing that they have fun just like us.


Interestingly, compared to dogs or cats, rats are less prone to catching and transmitting parasites and viruses. So, even though they are not commonly associated with cleanliness, they make for healthy companions.

These furry rodents are surprisingly clean animals, meticulously tidying their fur, whiskers, and paws multiple times a day. This attention to hygiene not only helps them stay healthy but also makes them look good. As per PETA, a rat’s skin smells like a pleasant perfume if they are not forced to live in a cage.


Plus, domesticated rats make fantastic pets for kids because they rarely bite. They are sturdier than other rodents, like hamsters, and don't make sudden movements. Since they sleep for about 15 hours a day, they don't require as much time and attention as other animals.

Throughout history, rats have often been misunderstood and given a bad reputation. However, rat parents can attest to their surprising intelligence, charm, and sociable personalities. But just like any other pet, they require care and attention to thrive. Do you own a pet rat? Or are you considering adding one to your family? Don’t forget to let us know which adorable picture stole your heart!



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cb_saturn5 avatar
Lunar Rat
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Reminds me of one of my old rats, I've had 11 over the years. They are wonderful pets.

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andrea-rusmane avatar
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Two boys loving life! There’s always one that looks up at a photograph.



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mariancochran avatar
Me Oh My
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I make that expression when given lettuce too, little dude.

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jenniferclark_3 avatar
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1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One of my first girls had 11 surprise babies. She would stand up with her back arched to feed them. One time when they were bigger they were all trying to push under and she started rising up into the air! Poor girl was grabbing at the bars alarmed while the babies levitated her

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Sue Denham
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The bit above the glass almost looks like a kiwi. (The bird, not the fruit.)

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