50 Of The Most Wholesome Rescue Pet Pics After They Found Their Forever Home (May Edition)
Interview With ExpertIf you want a companion for life and you have enough space in your heart and home, there’s nothing like rescuing a pet in need. Many shelters are overcrowded with animals who desperately want caring new owners and a place to call their forever home to live their best lives.
Our team here at Bored Panda has collected some of the most wholesome photos of pets who got rescued this May. They’re bound to lift your spirits and act as a reminder to always treat all living beings with dignity. Scroll down for some heartwarming photos!
We reached out to the team at PDSA, the United Kingdom’s largest veterinary charity, and they were kind enough to answer our questions about helping adopted pets settle in. Read on to see the insights they shared with us!
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Cute And Funny Adopted Cat
PDSA Vet Nurse Gemma Renwick told Bored Panda that adopting a pet can be rewarding because you’re giving a home to an animal that hasn’t got one. “It can be hard work at first, but with some preparation, you can be ready to provide your new pet with their ‘forever home,’” she said.
“The idea of adopting a pet can be really exciting and there are many pets in need of loving homes. Whilst adopting a pet might not always be the quickest process, it’s most definitely worth the wait!” It can take some time for the rescue or rehoming centers to make sure that the potential owners and the pets are the ‘perfect match’ for each other before they start their lifelong partnership.
Some things that they look at include the owner’s lifestyle, routine, as well as their financial situation. It’s essential that the owners are able to give their new pets everything that they need. Many rescue and rehoming centers want to make sure you and your pet are the perfect match for each other, and sometimes this can take time.
I Present To You Indico, He Is A Puppy That I Rescued From A Shelter. He Came Home All Hurt And Skinny
Adopted A Senior Cat From The Shelter
“When welcoming a rescue pet into your life, you want to ensure that you build up a bond at your pet’s pace, this can often be slow and will depend on your pet’s age, background, and personality. You have a whole life together ahead, so there really is no rush,” PDSA Vet Nurse Renwick explained to Bored Panda that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Every pet will bond with their owner and settle in at their own speed.
“A change in their environment can be a stressful time so you might find your new pet has a few accidents indoors (even if they had previously been housetrained). Don’t get angry with them as this will make the problem worse. Make sure you’re giving your dog enough chances to toilet outside and you’re rewarding them with praise and a treat when they go where you would prefer them to,” the PDSA representative shared with us.
“For cats, make sure that you’ve provided enough litter trays for them, you want to have one more than the number of cats you have, as well as making sure that your cat knows where they are.”
I'm Incredibly Pleased With My Decision To Have My Adopted Cat Tattooed
We’ve Been Meaning To Adopt A Cat And Then My Wife Found This Guy In A Parking Lot
Behold, For Here Is Gertrude
Gertrude was adopted 2 weeks ago! she's 9 and is the sweetest cat i've ever had. she's my first cat that belongs to ME!! and i'm so happy!! she's gonna be my ESA for college since i have horrible struggles with sleeping and have debilitating anxiety. she's got some health issues, but i've always dreamt of having an older cat that i can give my love to till the end of their days. she loves cuddles, getting wet food (especially as an award after her meds!), and is so calm. she loves getting attention
Renwick advises owners to establish a routine with their pets from the very beginning. This helps them thrive, as they adjust to their new home environment.
“You want to go at your pet’s pace with everything, some pets are naturally very affectionate, whereas others enjoy their own space more, so follow what your new pet is showing you. Let them come to you for snuggles if that's what they choose while making sure they have their very own ‘safe space’ where they can relax and snooze undisturbed. This might be an open crate with lots of comfortable bedding in a quiet place for a dog and a comfortable shelf up high for a cat. Patience is key, and a bond will gradually form between yourself and your new pet as you spend every day of your new lives together!” the PDSA Vet Nurse said.
She also warned that during the settling-in process, owners shouldn’t leave their pets alone in their new home for long periods of time. “It might be a strange and scary environment for them, and having your presence, even just in another room might help them feel a bit more secure,” she said.
Adjusting To A New Home
Adjusting? Look at the look in pupper's eyes. Pupper loves you already and knows they are home forever :)
Just Adopted This Little Dude. Can’t Think Of A Name…wife Likes “Mango”
A Homeless Dog Gave Birth In My Compound. I Will Adopt All Of Them
Rescue centers typically give owners lots of advice on helping them settle in. Meanwhile, don’t be shy to ask for advice from your vet or vet nurse. There are lots of people out there willing to help you out, all you need to do is ask.
“Remember to make sure you’re getting your pet from a reputable source and do lots of research before you commit to adopting a new pet.”
PDSA has 49 pet hospitals across the United Kingdom and has provided 2.2 million vet treatments to over 430,000 pets in 2023. You can find more information about taking care of your pet on their website.
Our New Void, Spooky!
I Have Been Adopted (By A Cat)
Meet Boaty! (15)
I realize I haven’t posted on this subreddit yet. This is our adopted senior boy, his name is Boaty. His owner was an older lady and she sadly passed away, which resulted in her son taking Boaty and immediately bringing him to a shelter to surrender him and suggested they euthanize him because “he’s failing.” (how can people be so mean?!) The shelter was like “… no well just keep him here thanks.” Boaty is in good health, he just has a IBS and hyperthyroidism, which is really easy to take care of. He’s the sweetest boy. He takes lots of naps and loves to cuddle, he even gets along with our other cat. His favorite thing rn is supervised sunshine time lol.
I am so glad they didn't listen to that butt hole and didn't put him down. He's a sweetie.
The Shelter Animals Count database shows that around 6.5 million cats and dogs entered shelters and rescues across the United States in 2023. 3.3 million of these animals in need were cats while 3.2 million were dogs.
This is 0.2% more animals entering ‘the system’ compared to 2022 and 4% more than 2021.
Something else to keep in mind is that the number of animals entering American shelters and rescues last year was 3.2% lower compared to 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic.
This amounts to around 214,000 fewer animals. Of the 6.5 million animals that entered shelters in 2023, the majority—4.8 million—were adopted into loving, caring homes. Of those, 2.6 million were cats while 2.2 million were dogs.
Rescued And Fostered These Guys At 2 Weeks Old. They Just Got Adopted Today. I’m So Happy & Sad At The Same Time
My Bb Dexter 🥹🐾❤️
Adopted this Dalmatian / Cockapoo cutie from Warrior Dog Rescue in Minnesota. Absolutely in love!
Just Adopted A Calico
According to the Shelter Animals Count, the combined species adoption rate in 2023 was 61%, compared to 56% back in 2019.
However, there are some nuances. Broadly speaking, dogs are having a much tougher time getting rescued than cats. At least in the US.
For instance, 109,000 more dogs were adopted in the US in 2023 than in 2022, but this was still 108,000 fewer canine adoptions than in 2019.
Meanwhile, 34,000 more cats found new forever homes in 2023 than in 2022, and a whopping 319,000 more than in 2019.
After Almost 10 Years Without A Dog We Just Adopted This Angel
My First Fosters!
Pete 🧡
There are over 14,400 organizations that shelter animals in the United States. Over 9,500 of these are rescues (i.e., organizations that do not have a government contract) while more than 4,900 are shelters (i.e., government animal services with and without government contracts).
However, even with so many organizations ready and willing to help, many are dealing with a capacity crisis.
Even though there are many kindhearted people who open up their homes to rescue animals, the reality is that there simply needs to be many more.
Not only to give the animals another shot at happiness, but also to prevent them from being put to sleep.
35 Year Old Named Paris!
I just wanted to introduce this sub to my newly adopted 35 year old Blue Fronted Amazon, Paris. Apparently his owner only has a couple of months to live and he was being fostered. Poor guy. I have an African grey already. They’re checking each other out from a distance! Any advice or tips anyone has would be appreciated. This is my first time really with two very intelligent parrots!
Adopted These Boys Today
Adopted My Dog From A Rescue In Cypress - He Came Home On Sunday And Is Still A Sleepy Little Boy
177,000 more dogs and cats found themselves ‘stuck’ in the American sheltering system in 2023 compared to 2022.
Meanwhile, a jaw-dropping 900,000 more animals have entered and lingered in the system since January 2021. In short, there are hundreds of thousands of pets who would love nothing more than a new home.
New Family Member!
Just adopted this sweet little girl yesterday from a foster animal rescue. She’s about 2.5 months old. Very playful and full of energy. She joins my 4 year old male cat. Looking forward to giving her a fun, safe, and happy life!
Got Our First Void ! Midnight Aka (Mimi)
My New Bestie
The sad reality is that some pets ‘in the system’ end up getting put to sleep. In 2023, 690,000 dogs and cats (360,000 and 330,000) respectively were euthanized. This is an increase of 15% compared to 2022, but still 16% lower than the drastic situation you saw back in 2019.
It’s mainly dogs that are affected. 24% more dogs were put to sleep in 2023 compared to 2022, 64% more than in 2021, and 12% more than in 2019. Meanwhile, 8% more cats were euthanized in 2023 than in 2022, 3% more than in 2021, but 31% fewer than in 2019.
Meet My Adopted Boy!
Who has a question for you…maybe about treat location and time schedule?😋
Kiara, Our Newly-Adopted German Shepherd/Border Collie. She Is So Sweet And Has Adjusted Super Well To Our Home. She's Just A Fantastic Dog
The Guardian points out that the situation with pet adoptions and animals stuck in the shelter system is nuanced and complicated. You’re not just seeing employees adopting ‘pandemic puppies’ because they were 'bored' that they then gave up after the restrictions ended.
In many cases, the owners want to keep their pets, but can’t due to how expensive it is to care for them properly. It’s not just rising vet costs that you have to keep in mind, but also price increases and fewer tax breaks in other areas of people’s lives, too.
Y'all I Think I Just Got Adopted By A Cat
Meet Stormy!
Today I adopted a female birb named Stormy. She was found on a stormy day in someone’s back yard, which is how she got her name. So far she is very calm, but I can tell she is nervous from being in a new environment. I’m glad that Spike was being so nice and gentle with her though. Anyone have any advice or tips for helping a new additional bird feel more comfortable? Thank you!
First Time Fostering!
Which of the photos that we featured in this list warmed your hearts the most, dear Pandas? Have you ever rescued any animals? What do you do to help your local rescue or shelter?
If you have a spare moment, tell us what you think in the comment section. Oh, and we’d love to see photos of your pets. Tell them we said ‘hi!’
After Years Of Waiting For My Own Baby, I Adopted Oro This Weekend ❤️
I Adopted This Stray Cat Mother And Daughter And Have A Very Shy Baby. Please Bless This Family
Hello, My Name Is Peaches
And I need to be extra feisty to keep up with my two big brothers (who are also just bigger smol cats). My foster mom who found me in an engine says I’m 8 weeks old - my forever mom and the vet disagreed. (My hooman is OP’s brother who gave permission to OP to post.)
We Adopted And Weren’t Sure, But Apparently She Belongs Here! This Is Today After A Trip To The Dog Bar
My Orange Girl Tabby. We Adopted Her So Our Current Cat, Pebbles, Can Have A Sister
My Newest Fosters
This Is Ivy. A 1 Year Old Hahns Macaw
After A Long Day Of Being A Menace He Always Needs Cuddles & Purring
My sweet newly adopted boy has been here for just over 2 weeks, and every night he just plops down on top of me and purrs, no petting required. He had no fear when we brought him home, it’s like he just knew he was home and immediately settled in.
Meet Kevin! Great Dane / Giant Schnauzer Mix
My Adorable Rescue Cat - Björn
Literal Friday Cat! What Would You Do For Mr. Handsome Eyebrows??
We got this micro kittah 2 days ago. They say Fuzzball is 8 weeks...but Oldman Eyebrows still kinda crawls and slinks away. Swirly-fur Void will eat out of our hands but basically trembles unless he's wrapped up in a blanky.
Today Is Dobby's Adoption Day, He Awaits His Humans With His Little Bow
I Just Found This Baby Cat On The Street And I Adopted Her. I Named Her Daisy And She Will Be My New Friend
My Babby Girl
Two New Members Of The Family
My Kira Girl
Recent Rescue. 4 year old spayed female. Kira came from a woman who got her out of a neglectful owners. Has allergies. Im a experienced dog owner. First time Springer Spaniel Mommy. I read up on the breed before adopting. Shes scares easily, even a bee startles her🐝 Super sweet. She loves her noisy chicken toy. Great snuggles. I work from home. I absolutely ❤️ her.
My First Ever Fur Baby!
I’m A Dog Mom Again!
It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve adopted her. I named her Ophelia Penelope 💗 She came from the shelter and they didn’t know anything about her as she was a stray. She’s under 2 years old.