Weddings are meant to be happy occasions—celebrating your vows of lifelong love, surrounded by the people you care about most in the world. And many happy couples believe that they should be able to do whatever they want during their wedding because, well, it’s theirs. Though that’s partly, true, there are plenty of things that marrying couples should definitely avoid doing. From asking for cash donations and being late to behaving way too stingy/liberal with the drinks.

Some wedding-weary internet users spilled the tea about the most cringy and tacky things they’ve ever seen couples do at their wedding, and the stories are spicy as heck. We’ve collected the most entertaining ones to share with you, so scroll down and take notes on what you want to steer clear of at your own wedding.


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Not the groom and bride’s fault. But the pastor marrying them, talked about his marriage and his kids for 20 minutes. He was obviously going for something of showing what marriage will be like. But he full up was talking about how his daughter, Kelsey, learned to walk this way, and his other daughter’s first words were this and that. And that he and his wife make love throughout the house because that’s what you do when in love, etc.

Bride and groom had to stand there holding hands for 20 minutes right in front of him as the other 150 of us had to listen about his sex life and his kids.

Manatee_Ape , David Guerrero Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) At a classmates’ wedding. They were young - maybe like 22? 23? There is apparently a caking tradition in some parts of the country, where when they cut the wedding cake, the couple feed each other a bit and smear each other’s faces with cake as a joke. The bride had absolutely made 1000% clear to the groom she did NOT want to be caked.

He did it anyways, and not just a small smear, but full on smushed the slice in her face. She was stunned initially, then got up, face full of cake, yelled “YOU A*****E I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!” and then ran to a back area in the reception. The groom tried to follow but the bridesmaids/mother of the bride stopped him. So he sat at the head table awkwardly while half the wedding party rushed off with the bride.

She stayed back there for like an hour. They eventually did let him back there to check on her. We could hear her crying and them arguing. The rest of the reception came to a screeching halt until one of the bride’s aunts emerged and directed the servers to clear the tables and put on some music.

They got divorced 2 years later.

WeddingElly , Daniel Frese Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) They sang their vows to each other.

Neither had a singing voice.

Vows were generally bat s**t crazy, like submissive in the bedroom, and not asking about where she was going.

The autotune microphones were a terrible idea.

Their vow songs shared a chorus and it was awful and they expected the guests to sing along with the chorus.

The vows singing lasted 20 minutes.

Pure cringe.

loony-cat , Kokyo K Report

The r/AskReddit thread made a huge splash. Redditor u/ajlposh’s question started a massive discussion, and at the time of writing their thread had over 80.7k upvotes. As it turns out, plenty of people have seen some pretty tacky things at the weddings they’ve been invited to.

And though a cringy detail here or there won’t harm the celebrations much (and let’s be real here, some of them are unavoidable), it helps if the wedding organizers try to put a positive spin on the entire occasion. After all, you really don’t want your guests to tell all of your friends about how tasteless your wedding was for years and decades to come.


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) When I was in high school one of my hockey teammates had a kid with his girlfriend when they were juniors. They decided to get married and the wedding was officiated by my teammates dad, who also happened to be our head coach. The entire wedding was the bride and grooms direct family and the hockey team. At a Golden Corral. Then the reception was at.... the same Golden Corral. Then we had a hockey game that night. The other team we played that night somehow found out about it and hounded the guy the whole time. They were a bunch of d***s.

Now about 7 years later that have a second kid, dad is an officer in the Air Force, both of his kids play hockey and he coaches and refs and him and his wife look very happy so I’m glad it all worked out for them.

Edit: For all of you asking about the game, I honestly don’t remember if we won. Hockey seasons a long one with a lot of games and it was 7-8 years ago.

And as a side note I really did not mean for this to be a rip on the couple. They’re amazing together and doing an awesome job raising their kids in a loving household where they want for nothing. They haven’t had the easiest lives but they’re doing the best they can and absolutely killing it

I haven’t spoken to him in a while but I’ve seen his dad (our old coach) at alumni games and they’re such an awesome family. They’re the perfect example of the fact that you don’t need a giant, expensive, fancy a*s wedding to be happy. As long as you have each other, family, and friends it’s a joyous occasion that should be celebrated.

CannabisandCandy , Tony Schnagl Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Bride shows up almost 2 hours late to her own wedding. Southern California in an open field no water no shade. She shows up and wants to get married in her yoga outfit. the groom shut it down and when she refused to change her clothes the groom decided to leave her looking stupid and they never got married.
EDIT: I spoke with my uncle and it turns out he had speculation that his fiancé was sleeping with her personal trainer. When she showed up in her yoga outfit it was all he needed to call off the wedding. She ended up married to her personal trainer and divorced again.

toxictribe , Yan Krukau Report

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szaszi-uto-zoltan avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dude dodged a bullet there. He was right to put his foot down.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The ceremony also was the "Name Reveal". They changed their last name because they didn't want to be stuck to their heritage and didn't want anything to hold them back.

Turns out they changed their name thinking they could erase their mountains of debt or at least hide from it. Turns out you can't live under two legal identities....

MKE_Links , Sultan Basmallah Report

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tympathi avatar
Timmy Pillinger
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In England there is a tradition that a bride who got married in her shift (underwear, but not that revealing) dropped all premarital debt.

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One redditor working in the wedding industry urged marrying couples to never ever sing their vows because things won’t go as planned. They also added that weddings are horrible occasions for surprises, so those should be steered well clear of. Something else to avoid are tacky and dirty jokes, being late to everything, and being unable to handle your liquor. 


When I was 11 my cousin got married for the 3rd time. I never really liked her because A.) She was 37 when I was 11, we didn't have a lot in common and B.) She was pretty full of herself. The wedding itself was fine, pretty boring but fine. Then we get to the reception. We were told we had to sit down as soon as we got there, some people found it weird but I've only been to one other wedding before this (her other marriages were when I was little, no kids were allowed at her weddings) so I didn't think anything of it. The Bride and Groom then make a huge dramatic entrance and everyone awkwardly clapped for them as they strutted around the room with actual crowns on their heads. The Bride then gets the microphone and hands it to her mom and asks her to say something she loves about the bride. She then tells her mom to pass it on and says she wants EVERYONE in the room to say one thing they absolutely love about the bride. Not the bride and groom, not their relationship, just the bride herself. It was super awkward.

Edit: This blew up a lot more than I thought it would lol so for everyone asking "What did you say???" And "Where is she now??"

I said "Your eyeshadow is pretty." Because I felt so awkward and wanted to die. My older brother said "Pass" which made her force a fake laugh and urge him to say something. He ignored it and she kept insisting so he said "your parents." And passed the mic on.

She and husband 3 divorced a few months later because he was caught cheating with an 18 year old still in highschool. He gave off bad pedo vibes to the point where even strangers noticed and wanted kids to stay away from him. She married another guy a few years later and they are still together.

*Bonus* she likes to take pictures with a life-sized cutout of Trump and post it on Facebook because she, her mom, and sister believe it looks so REAL (nope) and she even pretends she's been caught cheating on husband 4 with cutout. Posting pictures of her kissing it or it in her room with a caption like "Oops, caught with my side piece ;)" or some cringe like that. Husband is also a hard Trump supporter so he laughs about it but her daughter (From marriage 2) deleted her from Facebook and often stays with her dad because she can't stand her mom anymore.

MiceRekei Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) I wasn't a guest, I was working the wedding. The bride got drunk and sat on some other dudes lap for two hours and flirted with him while the groom sat by himself at the head table with a defeated look on his face.

Samhamwitch , engin akyurt Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) My cousin and his wife are SUPER religious and maybe the two most awkward people I've ever met. They did one of those 'fake out' first dances where it starts with a slow song then transitions to a dance number with an upbeat song.

Not only is that naturally cringe worthy, the upbeat song was 5 minutes long and they just kept repeating the same moves over and over for what felt like eternity. There was no alcohol allowed at the wedding, so there was nothing to dull the pain.

dirtybirds233 , Becerra Govea Photo Report

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gabrielakarabinosova avatar
Gabriela Cink
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Soooo, they had fun it seems. There is not such rule only talented people can sing or dance :D

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According to ‘Brides,’ the happy couple should not be charging their guests for anything at the wedding. So, for example, cash bars shouldn’t even be considered because the hosts should be taking care of their guests. However, if the budget is a big issue, you could solve the problem more subtly, say, by limiting the type of alcohol available at the venue


Fallon Carter of Fallon Carter Events told ‘Brides’ that weddings are more than just about the happy couple and they should think about the guests as well. “If you think this day is only about you, elope,” the expert said. “Focus on the guest experience.” The more gracious a host you are, the more likely that your guests will enjoy the wedding as much as you. 


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The groom gave a speech thanking everyone for coming that devolved in the space of about two minutes into a straight-up roast of his new brother-in-law. They were friends, and the brother-in-law seemed to take it in good humour, but there's only so much implication of 'I'm for sure going to be f*****g your sister tonight' that you can take before it becomes *really* cringy.

It didn't help that a) I barely knew anyone there because I was a plus one, and b) I was on the table with the elderly relatives from that side of the family, who were *less than amused*.

Portarossa , Vladimir Konoplev Report

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kateallen93 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Was the groom trying to make the brother jealous or something? *banjo twang

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The couple saved their first kiss for marriage, and when the officiant said you may now kiss the bride, they stopped the ceremony and made a video blog at the altar about how they just got married and were going to kiss for the first time. Cringe

allrawdawgsgo2heaven , Caleb Oquendo Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) My cousin's wedding featured the groom driving a small tractor around the outdoor venue while the bride rode on the back, to the tune of 'She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy' on repeat for about 30 minutes after their vows. The guests just hung out and waited, thinking it would be a quick jaunt and then we could enjoy some refreshments and food. Nope, like half an hour to make sure they got good pictures and video, then even more time for pictures sitting stationary on the tractor. It was blazing hot with no canopy or cover and I was very pregnant so I was especially miserable. He is not even a farmer, they live in an apartment...

Edit: OMG, this blew up!!! Wow, to think my top ever comment was about my cousin's bizarre wedding! I do want to add that I like my cousin- he is nice, just kinda clueless. His wife is the same, and they are perfect for each other! They are still together and now have many children, none of whom are named John or Deere.

ADarkDraconis , Rahma Balci Report

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robert-thornburrow avatar
Robert T
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It would have been better with The Wurzels, I've Got A Brand New Combine Harvester (And I'll Give You The Key) ;-)

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Dated a girl in my 20s and went to her friend’s wedding in upstate New York. In the middle of the service the minister’s cell phone rang, he answered, it was God, God wanted to talk to the groom, conversation lasted a couple minutes, then the ceremony continued.

Theseus44 , Rina Mayer Report

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mellanieblaak avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hahahahaha! Here, in the Netherlands, some parents like to get 'Sinterklaas' to call their kids. Then the old man asks the kids if they're naughty or nice.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) I know a guy who recently made his lackies, sorry friends, compete to be his best man. Most pretentious thing I have ever seen. Watching them grovel was so upsetting to me.

Weinbergkm3 , Rene Asmussen Report

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hannahtaylor_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Would have served him right if none of his friends competed for the honor.

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Finally: "The bride and groom had their ceremony outside where there were no space restrictions, and they said that anyone who wanted to come to the ceremony could. But, for the reception, they said they had to limit the guest list to 100. So, what was their solution to get the numbers down? They posted on their wedding website and shared on Facebook that if you wanted to come to the reception, they wanted you to submit an essay saying why you wanted to come, what their friendship meant to you, etc. — basically justifying why you should be invited. They gave a deadline for people to submit their entries. The bride and groom said they would then read through all of the submissions together and pick who would get invited to the reception. It was seriously one of the most egotistical things I have ever seen anyone do.

anglerfishtacos Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The minister (or pastor?) used to date the bride and gushed about how wonderful she was. Told the groom if he ever died not to worry, he'd take care of her. I was shell shocked. I so wished I could think of a reason to ask the couple for a copy of the video of their wedding but couldn't quite find a legit one.

sunsetviewer , Juliana Navajas Robb Report


One wedding I was in, no one was told until DAY OF that there would be no food served at the reception, only cake. The wedding cake was blue with penguins on it because the bride loved penguins. A friend of a friend had made the cake FIVE DAYS BEFORE the wedding. There was so much (dried out) fondant on it that it was nearly impossible to cut, and the cake was so stale it was impossible to eat. The bride literally threw a fit when she saw how many people were throwing away their slices of cake and became even more livid when people started leaving to go get food since there was no place at the reception site to get even a snack. To be clear, they HAD the money to actually purchase meals for the reception, but chose not to because 'people won’t notice there’s no food.'

tudorgirl21 Report

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nicoleweymann avatar
Nicole Weymann
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think (actually I'm afraid) lavishly decorated cakes can't be too fresh anyway, since constructing them takes time, cake has to cool down or even be frozen to make decorations stay on, a nice and fluffy sponge might not be stable enough, creams may have to be layered and cool/set before the next one can be applied and so on. They're more bio degradable art than phenomenal looking food - and in that kind of competition I'd take taste over looks any time.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The pastor stopped SEVERAL times throughout the wedding ceremony to tell the bride how beautiful and sexy she looked, and how if he was young and unmarried...

geekafk , Luana Freitas Report


My husband’s friends didn’t like me, and boy did they show it at my wedding. At my rehearsal dinner, one of the groomsmen brought a woman with him who not only wasn’t invited, but who was the woman their friend group had tried for years to hook up with my husband. She tried to get his attention all night. Then, the wife of the best man and the wife of another groomsman didn’t show to the wedding, and they spent the evening calling their husbands asking when they were leaving. It got to the point where one almost missed the toasts because he was on the phone. They both left before the cake was cut. Then, another groomsman cut out early because he had made a date for the night since he was wearing such a nice suit — which I had paid for! By the end of the reception, only my friends were there. It was really sad for my husband, who had put up with these jerks his whole life.

jenniferj32 Report


My sister’s friend was marrying a Jehovah's Witness, and the day of the wedding, the mother-in-law fired the non-denominational officiant and replaced him with the pastor from her church. The entire sermon was about how the bride should be subservient to her husband and obey his every demand. It was awful. We called the groom ‘The Pallbearer’ because he was so somber and not fun. They divorced not even a year later, thank god.

lunallee212 Report

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mycroft1967 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Had a co-worker who got married in her church. Pastor spent the whole wedding speech talking about the end of times and how horrible everyone was in our society. Nothing really about marriage. I asked her what she thought, and she said she wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Ive worked over 200 weddings at the same venue, many couples wanted fireworks and we had a company that could always do a show. The couple ALWAYS, without fail, would pick Firework by Katy Perry to play during the show.

anon , Humphrey Jones-Behan Report


Ok, so as soon as the bride and groom got out of church everyone went to congratulate them and give gifts (which usually are flowers/alcohol + envelopes). The bride had a pen and notebook and she signed each envelope or wrote in notebook if someone didn't give her envelope. Later as we went to the restaurant where the party was about to start we waited for 2 hours for the pair. Turns out they made a stop during their ride to count money. As they finally got to the party they started complaining that they didn't make enough to pay for the party expenses and earn more. They only spend time only with the "rich" part of family. The "poor" tables didn't get the good cakes/food. There was literally different food on some tables. I sat near our poor part of family, no meat or cakes made it to the table. Me and like 7 other people didn't get forks, only spoons (why would you give fork to someone when there's only soup for them to eat right?). Now, mind you I gave them enough to pay for like 5 "plates/people" and I helped them during preparations, I even baked a few cakes that I didn't get to eat in the end. Half of people got out after like 20 minutes. Bride called them all terrible for "ruining her dream wedding". Worst wedding ever, and that is just a part of the whole wedding mess. I wish I had a car back then so I could go back home as well, as the wedding was terrible for many other reasons as well. Groom was cheap, bride was a Karen.

Questionable_ways Report

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sharonlafantastica avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only legit reason I can see for itemizing received gifts is so that proper thank yous can be sent out.

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The groom tried to ‘prank’ the bride. When the wedding vows happened, he planned to say ‘no’ to the question ‘Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?' For some odd reason, he thought people would realize it was a joke and start laughing. Well, the result was quite the opposite. The bride started crying and had to be escorted out of the venue. Fortunately, they ended up getting married after all, but we had to wait for a full hour before the bride was consoled by her family and the actual wedding vows happened.

PollingMonkey Report

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hannahtaylor_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Idiot. The bride should have kept walking away from that two-legged whoopie cushion.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Oh I have two!

1. The bride decided to sing as she walked down the aisle. She was not a particularly talented singer, and she was singing over a Carrie Underwood song so we could all hear the original vocal track. She finished walking about halfway through the song and then stood there and sang the rest of the song at the groom and all we could do was sit there and watch.

2. (Different wedding) They began the wedding with the groom playing an out of tune guitar and singing to the bride. They were sitting on chairs in front of everyone, legit 400 people, and the bride was clearly uncomfortable which made everyone else uncomfortable. That wedding also included a foot washing ceremony, and when the bride put her shoes back on she tripped on her dress and fell flat on her face. They hadn’t done the vows yet and the ceremony stopped for 20 minutes to deal with the nosebleed she gave herself.

reflectorvest , Keagan Henman Report

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szaszi-uto-zoltan avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What's with all this singing? Was there a singing wedding fashion trend sometime in the past 20 years?

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) It happened at my wedding and I still look back and shake my head

1. The pastor who we pushed to marry us found out that we had sex before marriage. He made sure to point that out during the ceremony.
2. When saying the vows I wrote I got so damn emotional it all sounded like gibberish and when I turned to get the ring from my best man he was bawling his eyes out and couldn't find it. I can't imagine how ppl in the audience felt.

NoctheMighty , Jeremy Wong Jeremy Wong Report

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szaszi-uto-zoltan avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The second one is wholesome tbh. The first one is infuriating.

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Went to a wedding in the United states. This was both the bride and grooms 4th marriages. To each other. They got married 4 times and divorced 3. They picked a dirty motorcycle bar (not my wedding, theirs, ok.) But were openly giving young children alcohol then laughing at them being drunk. I asked my friend if i could leave when the bride pulled a knife out of her breasts and tried to stab the groom for having sex with a woman while they were divorced. Im not sure if this is common in new Jersey. Other weddings i attended while in the usa were not like that.

dontniceguyatme Report

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) The groom had been drinking way before the wedding even started, so he was totally out of it by reception time. He grabbed the mic from the DJ and proceeded to rant, mostly incoherently, for about 20 minutes on the dance floor. He would occasionally shout, 'It's my wedding! I can make a speech if I want!' in between berating his wife and saying what a downer marriage was. It got so cringy that the DJ finally had to wrestle the mic away from him and make him sit down at the table with his new wife.

The_Atlas_Moth , Pixabay Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) It’s a tie between my sister breaking her knee (seriously) at her own wedding dancing to the cotton eyed joe and my stepsister having her reception at an honest to god truck stop while 6 months pregnant. In her defense, the food was good but WOW was it weird walking through a gas station in formal wear.

anon , Piccinng Report

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yvonnemartin77 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

🎵 If it hadn't hadn't have been for Cotton Eyed Joe, my wedding wouldn't have been a sh*t show 🎵

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) At my cousin's wedding, they did the thing where the groom removes the bride's garter and tosses it to all the single guys. I guess none of the guys wanted to be next to be married, because once the groom tossed the garter, no one grabbed it. It just landed on the ground a few feet in front of a crowd of motionless guys. The groom tossed the garter 3 times before one guy halfheartedly picked it off the ground. The bride wouldn't look at any of those guys for the rest of the night.

ManOnThePaperMoon , Mídia Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) My own wedding, so me.. My brother and our wedding band surprised us with a beautiful rendition of a very romantic song by a guy called Juan Luis Guerra, just so happened to be me and the missus' favorite song ever. Lots of happy crying and one of the best memories from that day. Unfortunately, my MiL doesn't like to be one upped, so she impromptu got a distant 2nd cousin from her side of the family who we did not know to immediately sing "My heart will go on" from Titanic. He was not a good singer and used a s****y youtube karaoke track and it lead to very awkward slow dancing, followed by fuming from her after we cut it short (terrible feedback from trying to play the track on the mic from phone's speaker). Just completely deflated the beautiful moment from my brother's singing. At least I'm happy to say we're still going strong and have been married for 10 years now. It should go without saying that little poop nugget of singing was NOT included in our wedding video.

Edit: Wow this really blew up, my biggest comment in reddit yet, to those who asked, this is the song:

savershin , Aleksandr Neplokhov Report

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sharonlafantastica avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What is it about people trying to be the center of attention at someone else's wedding? Especially the MILs that wear white! WTF?!

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) "In the 1980s at the Newport Beach Marriott, we specialized in weddings — sometimes as many as six per Saturday. We had a beautiful atrium with a 150-year-old Italian fountain and a rose garden. One Saturday, we had a huge wedding in the rose garden with 300 guests. The bride was in a room a few stories above the rose garden and was doing shots of tequila to get up the courage to walk down the aisle. The groom, best man, and preacher were all waiting for the bride to show up. Well, suffice to say, she got too much 'liquid courage,' came out on the balcony, stripped off her top, and started shaking her bosoms for all the wedding guests, guests at the pool, banquet housemen, bartenders, and servers to enjoy. Quite the spectacle. The groom had to go up and drag her off the balcony. He finally brought her down, dressed, and they got married and went to their lavish reception. Wild!!"

richardbarnes1 , Taylor Deas-Melesh Report


Probably my cousins wedding. The food was really bad. And I mean REALLY bad. Things that were supposed to be warm/hot were ice cold and completely undercooked. There was music but nobody was allowed to dance because "we don't want people to dance on our wedding". There was also no alcohol. Not a single drop. But the worst thing was the seating arrangement. They didn't plan on families/friends sitting together. I don't know what they were thinking. I was sitting on a table with complete strangers. They even separated our grandparents from each other.

After an hour my grandmother stood up, walked over to my grandfather and both declared that they are leaving now to the restaurant down the road having something good to eat and a beer. I joined them as well as my parents. It didn't took long that people noticed that our seats were empty. (Really easy to figure out since nobody was allowed to dance or walk around in general) We got a call from one of my uncles where we're at. After we explained why we left he said "you are right... This is b******t" and we ended up with 20 guests from the wedding in that small restaurant having a fun evening.

I still don't know why they even bothered celebrating their wedding. They also never invited us again. Thats actually a good thing because now I don't need to find an excuse why I can't join their future "parties".

OneMorePotion Report

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lucianava avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i have no problem with no alcohol at weddings, but most people who dont have alcohol have literlly no alternatives for fun. no dancing, bad food.

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) At the beginning of the reception, we all had to stand up and sing the national anthem.

To be clear, this was in another country I'd never been to a wedding in before, so I thought "ok maybe this is just a tradition I've never heard of before here!" Then I told this to other people, and they were all like "no, that's just really weird."

Also, at that wedding the father of the groom ended his speech with what I'm sure he thought was an amazing joke, on how it's easier to build a bridge to Hawaii than to understand what a woman is thinking. It would have been awkward enough had the man not also been standing between his ex and current wife as he was delivering it.

Andromeda321 , Oliver Li Report

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joshuadavid avatar
Joshua David
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why as an American do I feel only a stunt like this would be somewhere in the American south lol?

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"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) I went to a wedding where the bride went around to all of the tables with a big gaudy purse/bag so that people could put cash in it. On top of the wedding gift. And they even announced it.

TheJaundicedEye , RDNE Stock project Report

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The bride’s family paid for an open bar. At the end of the evening, the groom’s family ordered and loaded up trays of drinks to take to their rooms to party. It was so egregious that the bar manager came to ask the bride’s father if it was OK since they were paying by the drink. He just shrugged and said yes. Fortunately, he could afford it.

bluegreen123 Report


Friend of friends. Young, uber-Christian small town naive girl. Meets married, much older man with two kids. Falls in love. He does eventually leave his wife. Doesn't want any custody.

Wedding was her hometown church. His vows were over the top about how he has never felt love before, she is the only woman he ever wanted to marry, he's been so lonely his whole life, etc. He's literally sobbing through it all. Her turn to say her vows and she's standing there saying nothing for at least three beats. Then she is handed a microphone and the piano starts playing. She's made up her own song which are her vows.

After the ceremony we adjourn to the church basement for the alcohol-free reception. I'm somehow roped into serving the groom's cake. It's two NASCAR car cakes made with an edible photo draped over the cake shapes and impossible to cut through without mangling the cake so I have to peel it off. My friend is cutting the bride's cake and it's a full inch or more of fondant on top of plain cake. No frosting.

The "buffet" was potluck from her family. Food you'd expect at a kid's party. Pink punch was the only thing to drink. No dancing because of her religion.

Then they left for their "honeymoon" at the town's only hotel which was like a Motel 6 level dump in a two-horse drawn carriage.

tangtastesgood Report


We were well into the afternoon; everyone was dining, dancing, and having a great time when the music stopped. A woman in her early 20s had a microphone and started saying how honored she was to have come and how she had flown in from Australia (this was in the UK). She stated that she hadn't brought a gift, but would be handling that now with the gift of song. She then started singing Dido's 'Thank You' a cappella. Maybe this wouldn't have been too bad if she was good, but she was terrible. Her voice was awful. Everyone looked on stunned for about a minute until the DJ just played music over the top and took the microphone off her. Very odd.

jesustwin Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Instead of throwing rice (or confetti, or sprinkles, or anything like that) the bride and groom asked their friends to save all their empty Juul pods and throw those as they walked down the aisle. The friends obliged.

marble-falls , marble-falls Report

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darkopei avatar
And i was like WTF!!
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok so i googled what Juul pods are, and it seems they are for vaping (correct me if i am wrong)

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I was asked to bring a dish if I wanted to attend the reception. In other words, it was a potluck, but we weren’t told that until two days before the wedding.

debrastarrm Report


"What’s The Cringiest Thing You’ve Seen A Bride And Groom Do For Their Wedding?" (40 Answers) Bride takes three hours to appear. After the ceremony, she and her spouse go up in an air balloon. The marriage did not last a year.

OphrysAlba , Brian Machado Report

Note: this post originally had 96 images. It’s been shortened to the top 40 images based on user votes.