Not so long, a pregnancy used to be something just between the parents and their closest family members. Did you know, that Queen Elizabeth II's 1959 pregnancy with Prince Andrew was followed with an official apology and just a slight change to her official work schedule? Royal birth announcements used to be dead serious and conservatively cheerful.
Since then, we've found the possibilities of social media and not one of our life's milestones leave unnoticed, pregnancy included. Arguably, this trend started with Beyonce's iconic pregnancy reveal photoshoot after which cute baby announcements came pouring into our newsfeeds.
Most of us have dealt with the questioning from our folks, about when they will become grandparents. Often so in a very awkward matter. Those who choose to have kids though can pick from many creative, pleasantly shocking or just plain unexpected pregnancy reveal ideas, that will surely stop the inept questions. If you're going to tell the world, do so with a bang!
The couples in this list came up with some of the funniest and most creative baby announcement ideas. Maybe you find one that'll suit your future baby reveal. After all, who doesn't like to do a pleasant surprise for the soon to be grandparents?
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I love this photo. Maybe that can be me one day, riding tandem with my love, showing our love, and expecting.
I think this is genius - Matthew loves Legos, and using Legos to announce their family expansion expresses that love.
The empty chair and balloon looks like a child has died and the children are remembering them.
No nasty comments on this one, so that's nice. Wouldn't it be cute if she had three olives because she was expecting triplets?
These folks are so creative and so good looking too. I sure hope they win!
They make it sound like this kid was an accident... but it's cute.