50 Times People Dropped Sentences That Probably Only They Could Have Come Up With (New Pics)
It has been estimated that the vocabulary of the English language consists of roughly 1 million words (although some linguists take that number with a grain of salt and say they wouldn't be surprised if it's off the mark by a quarter-million), with the myriad names of chemicals and other scientific entities contributing to the figure.
However, the subreddit 'Brand New Sentence' wants to convince us that we're only scratching the surface of the possibilities that it offers us. And if you look at their content, it's hard to disagree. Since its creation in 2018, the online community has gathered a vast, vast archive of funny and ridiculous phrases they believe haven't been said before, so get your notebooks and continue scrolling—you might wanna borrow some of these for your personal use.
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If Pregnancy Is God's Will, So Is Limp D*ck
“Would Apocalypse With”
“…if You Are Staying In A Country With Poorly Developed Health Services And Infrastructure And/Or Collective Infrastructure, For Example The USA”
David Bowie’s Crotch Bulge
DIY Deportation
The Wise Animals
Would It K*ll The Makers Of Avocados To Include A Different Toy
Back In My Day
So You Don't Lose Any ''Tired''
In the dark, eyes closed, pray you don’t miss, or stub anything.
Wear Her Go To Work A*s
This Is Not A Baby Trebuchet, It Is A Baby Catapult
I love a good nerd reply (which probably explains why I'm married to Mr Auntriarch)
Jesus Of New Jersey
Never mind Americans, it's been centuries since Jesus was portrayed realistically in Europe. Unless there's a recent version of Christ Pantocrator that I haven't seen.
Stealing Guns Off Of Officers Using A Toy Dino Grabber
If you can take an officer's gun with a dino grabber, I think that officer should be in trouble.
Using A Vibrator To Clean Up Without Gagging
Thank Goodness It's An Alpaca
Your Skull Is Full Of Wet Cat Food
Well That Was A Great Idea
Honey Taster Bear
Excellent Use Of Free Will
5% Bread Flavored Soda
Public Armpits
Incelf On The Shelf
I Want To Increase My Natural Bioluminescence
Great Googily Moogily
Franklin would laugh because he'd expect it. Adams would beat you to death with your own arms.
Can't Wait To Use It!
Make Better Choices, Hawaiian Monk Seals!
Diagnosed Me With Ugly
Cat Boosts Economy By Millions
A Potato On Drugs
Do Yall Think Bugs Are Born Knowing They Can Walk Up Walls
For sheer fear, think of baby birds leaving the nest for that first time - fly or die! Makes your first date feel pretty tame, eh, boys?
That’s Modern Milk For Ya
I Wonder How Long Do You Need To BBQ It For
Soup Of The Day Implies Another, Possibly Even Seductive, Soup Of The Night
The Son Goku Of White People
Sting Jesus
Self reproduction isn't totally unknown, but it only produces females. Maybe Jesus was trans?
Luigi As The Official Symbol Of Resistance Against The Corporate Oligarchy
Give Those Fish Catholic Guilt
Made A Small Mistake
I was late to a wedding and ran in just after "Does anyone have any objections?" All eyes swiveled around as I swiftly took a seat and lowered my head.
80s Fashion Is Back ! 💅💅
Wait till they hear about humans. They’ll wear anything just for the halibut.
Charging My Cat's Fish
‘Overeducated And Over-Gay”
A Competition I Wish To Never Win
Roast Belt
No one is lying....some of us just know how to cook, and...ya know have standards.
Fat D**k Spirit
Cosmetic Surgery Is Yassified Taxidermy For Alive Things
A Unitedhealthcare CEO Murderer Lookalike Competition Was Held Today In New York
How Are You Gonna Have A Whole Family Without Me
My sister has more siblings than I do and that feels really weird to me