This Woman Opened Her Heart To A Cat Who Spent 12 Years In A Rabbit Cage
Interview With OwnerImagine spending over a decade in a tiny cage, watching the world pass you by. That was Luna’s life—a senior Maine Coon cat with a story so heartbreaking, it’s hard to believe. But what started as a tale of neglect and loneliness took a beautiful turn.
Luna spent 12 years confined in a rabbit cage within a cat hoarder’s home. After being rescued, she lived at the Animal Rescue League of Boston, where she was often overlooked due to her age and health issues. Fortunately, Julie Nashawaty, who had previously adopted a cat named Ollie, learned of Luna’s situation and decided to provide her with a loving home.
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Meet Luna, a lovely senior Maine Coon cat whose life changed forever when she found love and a second chance
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Image credits: southendpetsitting
After 12 years in a rabbit cage and more time at a rescue shelter, Luna finally found her forever home with Julie Nashawaty
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While donating supplies, Julie discovered that Luna was being overlooked and decided to adopt her immediately
Image credits: southendpetsitting
“I’ve always had a strict rule of adopting seniors, and for some reason, I thought I would only adopt boys as I always had. But the day I met Luna was a day that I wasn’t expecting to adopt a cat. I went to the local rescue, the Animal Rescue League of Boston, with donations and just decided to go say hi to the cats in the rescue that were up for adoption. To my surprise, there was only one adult cat, and her name was Connie (soon to be Luna). But upon hearing her story of survival, of living in the most deplorable conditions on the earth and yet still coming to the cage to say hi to me, I wondered… is this fate?
I have been through a lot in my life, an abusive marriage, a lot of survival, and when I recovered from my own trauma, I wanted to make a point of never leaving anyone behind who felt alone. To help where I could, to be a lifeline if possible. And with one second within meeting Luna, I knew she was my future. We were going to love, and we were going to work through any and all issues she had together,” Julie Nashawaty shared with Bored Panda.
Image credits: southendpetsitting
According to Julie, Luna quickly settled in, bonding with Ollie and showing affection to her new family
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“Luna’s immediate connection with Ollie was mindblowing actually because Ollie had gotten used to six months of being an only cat after our Jack cat had passed. But Ollie was 10 and twice the size of Luna, and Luna immediately wanted to hug, and Ollie was like, WAIT A SECOND. But she does what she does and she ignored personal boundaries and pressed on. Just like every other person Luna has met since coming home.
We’d had construction done in our house, Luna comes out and stands by them like she wants to help. Anyone making a delivery, Luna will show them where to go. When new people come to our home for the first time, she’ll cuddle next to them or climb right in their lap to let them know she’s taking care of them. She has the largest heart and more love to give than anyone I’ve ever met, and it will never make sense to me from all she’s been through. She was treated with such abuse and neglect, and all she wants is to love. There are no prejudices, she has an equal heart for every living soul.”
Image credits: southendpetsitting
Image credits: southendpetsitting
As time goes on, Luna has started showing signs of dementia, often losing track of her surroundings and meals
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But Julie makes sure that Luna always feels safe, loved, and comfortable
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“If that means heating pads or heated blankets everywhere in the house so that she always has a warm place to lay. If that means feeding her extra when she might’ve forgotten that she just ate a half hour ago, that’s fine. If it means listening to her meows a little bit closer to know when she needs to be held or when she just needs some extra attention, we can do that too.”
Of course, Ollie helps too
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“The easiest part of life these days is to wake up every day grateful that Luna is still here. And with gratitude comes love”
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“The easiest thing to do is to love this little one that has given us a world of unconditional love. On days that she starts waking us up at 2:00 am meowing scared hungry, whatever the case is, there’s nothing but love and patience because she knows she can ask, she knows we’ll take care of her, and she knows that she’ll be comforted, fed, and loved. And someday, she won’t be here to ask anymore, and just remembering that for one brief second is how we always push ahead in love and patience, giving everything we can to her.”
Image credits: southendpetsitting
Sadly, many people are afraid to adopt senior cats because, of course, their lives are shorter
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Image credits: southendpetsitting
But, according to Julie, as is life, there is no guarantee with any love you choose
Image credits: southendpetsitting
Image credits: southendpetsitting
“Young or old, the best laid plans are laughable. And kittens are terrors – if you adopt a senior, they will already tell you who they are. They come as they are. And they are where all the love is kept”
Image credits: southendpetsitting
Share on FacebookThank you for adopting her! It hurts my heart that 12 years of her life were so bad.
Thank you for adopting her! It hurts my heart that 12 years of her life were so bad.