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Gabrielė Malukaitė
BoredPanda Staff
Culture enthusiast eager to collaborate with artists and showcase creativity!
- BA in Scandinavian Studies, Vilnius University
- University of Oslo, Norway
- MA in Cultural Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium
Activity & Interests
- Hooked on Radiohead – their music speaks to my soul
- Received university funding to explore Tinder profiles
- Can spend hours creating and editing random videos that will only be seen by me
- Completed an internship at a DisABILITY Film Festival in Leuven, Belgium
- Kissed a Banana slug in San Francisco and joined the Banana Slug Club
- "Perfect Days" by Wim Wenders is probably the most beautiful movie I've seen in a long time
Hi there! I'm Gabrielė, but you can also catch me responding to Gab, Gabi, Gabert, or Gabe – take your pick. Professionally, I'm the senior community manager over at Bored Panda, helping people share their awesome work and connecting artists with a worldwide audience. Beyond work, you'll catch me traveling, listening to vinyl and diving into movies, art exhibitions, and concerts. I'm a culture buff at heart, always eager to explore and embrace the richness of the human experience.