No person is perfect, so a perfect parenting/">parent is someone that doesn’t exist, either. But some parents could really benefit from a course or two, or a reality check, at least.
If you’re wondering what kind of parent that would be, we have a few examples that paint a pretty colorful picture. You can find them on the list below, where we have put some images showing just how ignorant or out of touch some moms and dads are. If you thought yours were difficult, you might find yourself changing your mind by the time you reach the end of the list.
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A Mother’s Love
Some People Just Take It To A Different Level
I Asked About Learning Activities For My Toddler
Parenting can be a headache, there’s no doubt about that. But, being a child can come with a set of challenges, too, especially when living with somewhat difficult parents.
The latter can come in all shapes and sizes: some might be too controlling, and others—not care at all. Some might yell constantly or use the silent treatment as a way to solve everything. Then, there are the parents who need to be parented themselves, which doesn’t give the child much of a normal childhood, either. Whatever the case, it doesn’t make the child’s life any easier and is likely to affect them for years, if not decades, to come.
Mom Of The Year Over Here
Insane Advice Found In The Wilds Of Facebook
Idiots like these are the reason why people think all Christians are nutjobs. NO ma'am or sir thats not how to instill God thats how to end up alone in a nursing home with a child that hates your very existence .
Unfortunately, poor parenting is not something that’s easy to change. To make matters worse, it can become a cycle, as certain parenting techniques that people experience as kids might later be used with their own children. One study suggests that poor parenting can be passed down from one generation to the other, NBC News reports. The authors found that the more adverse childhood experiences a person had, the more likely their offspring were to be troubled, too, as early as the time they turned five.
“We found that 91 percent of parents had at least one adverse childhood experience, while 45 percent had four or more,” said one of the researchers behind the study, Anne-Marie Conn of the University of Rochester Medical Center. “And among their young children, 72 percent had already experienced at least one adverse childhood experience.”
I Don't Have A Problem With Extended Nursing, But Still Using Months?
Saw This And Just Knew It Belonged Here
Really Sorry Your Baby Is A Baby
Talking about how people’s detrimental experiences as kids can affect their own style of parenting later in life, Conn noted that it’s not easy to break patterns of behavior. “You were brought up in an adverse environment and that is what you know,” she said.
Take spanking, for instance. If they were spanked while growing up, some people might consider that a normal way of disciplining misbehaving children. But, individuals who want to break out of the cycle of poor parenting might think twice about doing that or find a way to change their ways completely.
Yes, Yes You Could Have
My 5-Year-Old Child Is Enrolling In School And They Say I Can’t Come And Breastfeed Him. I’m Being Discriminated Against
I Guess If That’s What It Takes To Get You To Vaccinate Your Kids
In parenting/202401/5-alternatives-to-spanking-for-cycle-breaking-parents" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">a piece for Psychology Today, delving deeper into the topic of people refusing to parent the same way their parents did, clinical psychologist and parenting expert, Dr. Robyn Koslowitz noted that cycle-breaking parents who don’t want to spank their kids might fear that their children will be undisciplined or spoiled. But there are ways to instill discipline in children without having to use physical force, which is also not as effective as some parents might think.
“Spanking interferes with a child’s ability to gain interpersonal intelligence and interpersonal effectiveness skills, is correlated with later life mental health problems, and most crucially—it doesn’t work,” the expert wrote. “It doesn’t actually teach what we think it teaches. In many cases, it can reinforce the very behaviors we're trying to teach kids not to use.”
She Left Her 4 Year Old In Charge For Only An Hour
"Your'e Not A Real Mum Unless You Gave Vaginal Birth To It"
Mom Gets Her Young Kid A Tattoo
Dr. Koslowitz continued to point out that many cycle-breaking parents know what they don’t want to do when it comes to parenting their children. However, they might not know what to do instead of certain vetoed methods, when it comes to enforcing discipline, for instance.
The expert suggested that there are many more effective ways than spanking to teach children discipline, as well as help them learn social pragmatics skills, instill conflict resolution abilities, and keep them safe. Some of the said ways include enforcing the stop signal, allowing children to experience logical consequences, preloading self-control, teaching the little ones self-regulation skills, and lastly, controlling the environment rather than the child.
This Guy Who Has Full Gear On But His Kid Doesn’t Even Have A Helmet. What A S**tty Person
Sure Hope The Crunchy Points Were Worth Your Child Losing His Hearing
As someone who is extremely hard of hearing (completely deaf in my left ear, half deaf in my right) nice work, mama(!) 🙄🙄🙄 navigating the world without being able to hear is really scary
Let’s Name Our Baby After How We Met
Expanding on the first way to discipline a child, Dr. Koslowitz suggested using the stop signal—teaching the child to stop immediately after hearing the word. It can be an especially useful way to ensure that the child is safe and that they don’t, for instance, run into the street.
The second step, logical consequences, is exactly what it sounds like—it entails using consequences of their actions (instead of punishment, such as spanking) to teach children that certain behaviors are not acceptable.
I Wonder Why She Can't Find Another Baby Sitter
Who Needs Privacy. I’m Gonna Show 53,000 People Your Picture And Tell Them You Got Your Period Today
Sketchy "Possession" Of Child
The third step parents might want to take when disciplining their children and keeping them safe is preloading self-control. In parenting/202401/alternatives-to-spanking-for-cycle-breaking-parents" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">part two of her thoughts on alternatives to spanking for cycle-breaking parents, Dr. Koslowitz noted that this method comes in handy when parents anticipate their offspring going into an overstimulating or threatening environment, or engaging in silly behavior—that’s when they might want to coach the little one beforehand, using coping tools.
The fourth method suggested by the expert—teaching self-regulation—entails creating a safe space for the child to deal with big emotions. This should be a low-input, low-stimulation environment, which would allow a child to restore a sense of being at home in their body.
The last means of altering children’s behavior without having to use spanking and similar forms of discipline is controlling the environment, not the child—sometimes parents might have to adjust the environment. Put the kid’s phone away when it’s time to do chores, for instance—in order for the child to engage in certain expected behaviors.
What Exactly Is A "Base Tan"
Is it okay to turn my 3 month old into a rotisserie chicken?
She Got One Thing Right
Limiting The Amount Of Water Your Child Can Drink
This should be illegal (Edit: Thanks guys for reminding me that it is. I wrote this a 2 am when I was half asleep😅)
Summing up the detrimental effects of spanking children, Dr. Koslowitz noted that such forms of harsh punishment “reduce children’s ability to make prosocial choices, lower their empathy, and lower their ability to self-regulate. In other words, the very reasons parents say they spank their kids is exactly why they shouldn’t.”
Unfortunately, spanking is just one of the detrimental ways some parents discipline their children, but many moms and dads nowadays try to break that cycle and not treat their little ones the same way. However, looking at this list, it seems that some parents might make their kids’ lives somewhat difficult without even realizing it.
No Fatties Allowed
Forcing A Crying Six-Year-Old To Run A Marathon?
How is a 6 year old permitted to take part in a marathon? As far as I understood there’s normally a minimum age of sixteen.
It Seemed Fine Until She Mentioned Concerns Over Dark Circles And Other Issues
The Mom Group I'm In Is A Goldmine For Crazy. I Posted About My 2-Year-Old Asking For Privacy In The Bathroom And This Was A Comment I Got
How To K*ll Your Kid At School In One Easy Step
Yes, The Problem Is Definitely Not That You Gave A Phone To A 2-Year-Old
And making a 2yo sit in the corner for hours should be child abuse. The recommendation for a "time out" is one minute per year.
The Hypocrisy K*lls Me
Er, why is the dog being vaccinated reassuring but the kid doesn’t get the same protection? Add to that that the kid getting tetanus isn’t less likely if the dog is vaccinated anyway, and I’m completely lost. Not as lost as OP and their poor child, though.
I Really Hope That Is A Reborn Doll
"Anon Post Because I Am Ashamed"
I can only hope that daycare does see the injuries and reports her.
When You Accidentally Adopt Defective Children And Need To Detox Them
How Can I Make My 4-Month-Old Have Skinnier Legs?
Naming A Child Penelople
This Extreme Fear-Mongering Angers Me So Much
No worries, pretty sure the 2.5 YO will survive. Unfortunately, your month-old, on the other hand...
I Wonder Why This Isn’t Working
They Had Their 12 And 15 Year-Old Boys In The Bed Of The Truck, Sitting On Dining Room Chairs, Holding Their New Glass Dining Room Table Facing The Wind For Maximum Drag
Where Are This Kids Parents? He Was Alone For At Least 10 Minutes
And no one did anything? If I looked around and saw no one with a child this young I would call out and then take the child to security.
Should She Have Another?
The brutal part is that in previous posts she says she can’t leave her husband with her baby because it’s the same as being watched by an 8 year old. Other post history includes complaining about how awful it is with her husband and if she can continue to be with him.
Reading all these posts, I’m beginning to understand how Trump got to be President Elect…. Sadly, the crazy seems to be global these days.
Mom Wishes Her Teenage Daughter Had Genetic Disorder
Finally Found One In The Wild. Almost 450 Comments Flaming Her
Quality family time - watching a serial killer documentary with your 10 year old. Well done mom!
"Mommy Moment"
From A Mom Group On Instagram. I Guess People Without Children Are Not Allowed To Be Tired
7-Year-Old Gets Bullied At School For Sitting In A Car Seat, So Mom Waits Until He's Asleep, Takes A Photo Of Him, And Posts It On The Official Parents Magazine Instagram Page
In the UK, children should use a child car seat until they are 12 years old or 135 centimeters (4 ft 5 inches) tall, whichever comes first. After that, they should use a seat belt.
Woman Posts Photo Of Young Daughter Scrubbing A Toilet
I think this obviously staged photo (already spotless toilet) is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen. Why?
Popped Up On My Newsfeed
2-Year-Old Addicted To Screens
100% Team Good Poop Time
Asking For A Friend
here in Italy they say: the mother of stupid is always pregnant. Truer words were never spoken. And I agree with Susical
"The mother of stupid is always pregnant" - so I'll remember to use it. Thanks!
Load More in Italy they say: the mother of stupid is always pregnant. Truer words were never spoken. And I agree with Susical