Meet Evan Antin, California-based vet who is just as cute as his patients. After he started posting his photos on Instagram, many people started wondering if he's the hottest veterinarian alive. Soon, People's Magazine even named him the "Sexiest Beast Charmer."
Being an animal expert and exotic animal veterinarian, Antin spent years traveling 6 continents to treat animals in need. He is also a part-time model and has worked as a personal trainer.
Is it me or did I just hear my dog coughing?
More info: Instagram | Facebook
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LowriHedd in the wise words of a Southpark character known as Mr. Mackey Drugs drugs are Mkay don't do drugs Mkay.
and to think people kill them for their coat. Never knew they were sooo cute.
I would love to trade places with Evin! Such a beautiful cat and look at her markings. Outstanding!!
Looks like that only this owl isn't interested in this young guy. :D
Where is this hospital??? Lolks like you have an amazing facility and as a veterinary assistamt i would love the opportunity to work in a facility like that and to work in a hospital that does exotics as well. It would be an amazing oportunity while im in school for my vet tech degree.
Ok snakes, lizards, spiders, generalised hotness...bit too perfect if you ask me #whatsthecatch