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Customers Make A “Snack Fund” For A Kid After Cashier’s Kind Gesture Sends A Man Into Raging Fit

Customers Make A “Snack Fund” For A Kid After Cashier’s Kind Gesture Sends A Man Into Raging Fit

Interview With Author

Entitled customers are the worst. Cashiers can probably attest to that, as they deal with some kind of jerks almost daily. Customers might complain about prices, long queues, or discounts, and cashiers often have to absorb their anger and abuse.

This cashier had to deal with an entitled jerk who demanded she pay for his cigarettes. Because he saw her cover the 10 cents a 10-year-old boy was short of for his chocolate milk and cheese crackers just before him, he felt entitled to get a free pack. The woman shared the story with people online to show that common sense still exists and that people are willing to stand up to jerks and not just be indifferent bystanders.

Bored Panda got in touch with this story’s author, u/accident_prone9988. She was kind enough to tell us more details about the story, like how the kid reacted when he found out about the snack fund and whether the entitled customer dared to show his face in the store again. You can read our short conversation down below!


    Cashiers often have to deal with entitled customers and absorb their verbal abuse

    Image credits: Pressmaster (not the actual photo)

    But this cashier stood up to a customer who demanded she pay for his pack of cigarettes



    Image credits: irynachubarova (not the actual photo)

    Image source: accident_prone9988

    The kid was elated when he found out about the snack fund, and the grumpy customer would still come in from time to time

    The Redditor shared how seeing a donation jar at a store recently reminded her of this experience. “I was recently visiting that town and stopped at this convenience store. I haven’t worked there for years, and they had a bucket on the counter for a worker whose child was in the NICU. I obviously put $20 in the bucket, but it made me think of this story.”

    Small towns usually mean that people know each other, so regular customers might often be an extra line of defense in cases like these. “My regulars were almost always great, and they did seem to have more respect for me after that,” u/accident_prone9988 tells us. “They knew that I was sweet and friendly but realized I did have a backbone and loved it.”


    Another important character in this story is the child. We were curious to know what his reaction was when he found out there was a jar at the store to fund his snacks. “The kid was overwhelmed with joy when he heard about it,” the Redditor tells us.

    “Next time he came in, he only grabbed the crackers because he knew he didn’t have enough for both. I showed him the fund and let him know he was good. He smiled and thanked me for being so awesome. I never did know his name or home situation but was happy to help him out.”

    And what about the unpleasant customer? “The man would come in every now and then and would try to buy cigarettes with food stamps or get me to buy them. I never did and would often loudly proclaim that [if] he doesn’t have the money for his vices, then he shouldn’t waste people’s time.”

    The Redditor shared more similar experiences with Bored Panda

    u/accident_prone9988 recalls many similar situations during her time as a cashier. “I encountered a lot of entitled people working there. Once, a kid came in trying to buy his grandma’s cigarettes. I told him he wasn’t old enough, and he cried because she said if he did it for her, he could use the extra to buy a candy bar.”


    “I had to explain to him that it was illegal for me to sell him cigarettes. He said she was right outside if I wanted to walk out to see her, but I still refused. She was a regular who was always hard to deal with but had no mobility issues, [and] she came in and screamed at me for not selling her grandson cigarettes,” the Redditor shares.

    “Another time, I had a guy open beer in the store and empty it into a Styrofoam cup and try to buy the empty can. I was only 19 at the time and not old enough to sell open containers. I threw the cup and can away and had to refuse service. He got mad and was starting to call me slurs when a local cop came in and he left. I told the cop what had happened, and he said something in his radio to his partner who stayed in the car.”

    Cashiers face many occupational hazards

    Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)


    Handling difficult customers is probably in any cashier’s day. In fact, the job can be outright dangerous sometimes. Being a cashier is at the top of the list of deadliest professions, but it’s one of the least-paid jobs in the U.S. That’s because cashiers are in direct contact with people while handling monetary transactions.

    According to The United States Department of Labor and Statistics, cashiers are at the highest risk of being injured or worse during a robbery. Back in 2019, cashiers were thought to have the fourth most dangerous job in the country. They’re usually in even more danger if the convenience store or gas station has a direct entrance from the street.

    Aside from this, long-time cashiers face other possible health issues. Because they come in direct contact with lots of people, it exposes them to germs. A sanitizer goes a long way, but it’s not a guarantee even against common ailments such as the flu or a cold.

    Cashiers also have to stand on their feet for long periods of time. That makes them prone to musculoskeletal disorders. Swollen feet, leg pain, and lower back pain are just some of the health problems long-time cashiers can develop. That’s why it’s imperative for cashiers to be able to sit down. “Your employer might provide a tall chair that will allow you to sit down at times when your back and leg pains become overwhelming,” DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger P.C. write.


    Repetitive tasks also put them at risk for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. And it’s no joke: it can be extremely painful and require surgery down the line. Atkinson Gerber Law Office writes that the risks decrease if the cashier works a scanner.

    Dealing with difficult customers requires patience and a calm demeanor, however frustrating that may be

    Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)

    Ironically, cashiers are among the lowest-paid workers, but their job requires them to have essential people skills. Conflict de-escalation is one of the most important. Myra Bryant Golden, a long-time customer service and de-escalation expert, writes that the difficult customer only has a need they want to be met.

    They’re usually not acting out of some bad will or meanness. That’s why those who work with the public should never take a customer’s words personally. Myra Golden emphasizes two main strategies: active listening and remaining calm.

    Active listening, according to her, “can defuse a volatile situation and make customers feel heard and validated.” And although it’s much easier said than done, remaining calm and composed is also key. “This sets a tone of professionalism and can encourage the customer to mirror your calm demeanor,” Myra Golden claims.


    It’s also advisable to approach difficult customers with empathy. “Empathy helps to build rapport and trust, making the customer more receptive to your efforts to resolve their issue,” according to Golden. When customers feel that their emotions and concerns are understood, they’re less likely to get agitated.

    However, the worker’s safety should always come first. If they feel like they’re in danger, like in this story, they should seek help from a manager or supervisor. Luckily, in this instance, other customers came in to de-escalate the situation.

    Although this happened in a small town, the author claimed that running into entitled jerks was rare


    Netizens congratulated the woman for how she handled the situation


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    Kornelija Viečaitė

    Kornelija Viečaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

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    Hi there, fellow pandas! As a person (over)educated both in social sciences and literature, I'm most interested in how we connect and behave online (and sometimes in real life too.) The human experience is weird, so I try my best to put its peculiarities in writing. As a person who grew up chronically online, I now try to marry two sides of myself: the one who knows too much about MySpace, and the one who can't settle and needs to see every corner of the world.

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    Kornelija Viečaitė

    Kornelija Viečaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

    Hi there, fellow pandas! As a person (over)educated both in social sciences and literature, I'm most interested in how we connect and behave online (and sometimes in real life too.) The human experience is weird, so I try my best to put its peculiarities in writing. As a person who grew up chronically online, I now try to marry two sides of myself: the one who knows too much about MySpace, and the one who can't settle and needs to see every corner of the world.

    Ieva Pečiulytė

    Ieva Pečiulytė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

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    I'm a Visual Editor for Bored Panda. I’m also an analog collage artist. My love for images and experience in layering goes well with both creating collages by hand and working with digital images as an Editor. When I’m not using my kitchen area as an art studio I also do various experiments making my own cosmetics or brewing kombucha. When I’m not at home you would most definitely find me attending a concert or walking my dog.

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    Ieva Pečiulytė

    Ieva Pečiulytė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    I'm a Visual Editor for Bored Panda. I’m also an analog collage artist. My love for images and experience in layering goes well with both creating collages by hand and working with digital images as an Editor. When I’m not using my kitchen area as an art studio I also do various experiments making my own cosmetics or brewing kombucha. When I’m not at home you would most definitely find me attending a concert or walking my dog.

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    Strawberry Pizza
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those nonbeliever commenters cracked me up. "Something VAGUELY NICE that doesn't equate with MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE happened and therefore it's FAKE."

    Meagan Glaser
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also assume every "small town" is the exact same size, location, type, and population. And that lines...can't happen...for reasons Like they've from NYC and think "small town" means 25 people living on a TV set being all leave it to beaver

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    Guess Undheit
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every ash sole calling this story "fake" is almost certainly a smoking butthead. They are ALL that entitled, ALL that high strung. They can't handle being told no.

    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't go that far... It just means they don't believe everything they read on the internet,, it's not that deep lol. People are constantly faking stories for clout and upvotes, ESPECIALLY on reddit. I can understand the doubt, but this one seems likely enough since small town people are usually really nice and community driven that I could see it being pretty likely.

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    Strawberry Pizza
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those nonbeliever commenters cracked me up. "Something VAGUELY NICE that doesn't equate with MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE happened and therefore it's FAKE."

    Meagan Glaser
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also assume every "small town" is the exact same size, location, type, and population. And that lines...can't happen...for reasons Like they've from NYC and think "small town" means 25 people living on a TV set being all leave it to beaver

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    Guess Undheit
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every ash sole calling this story "fake" is almost certainly a smoking butthead. They are ALL that entitled, ALL that high strung. They can't handle being told no.

    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't go that far... It just means they don't believe everything they read on the internet,, it's not that deep lol. People are constantly faking stories for clout and upvotes, ESPECIALLY on reddit. I can understand the doubt, but this one seems likely enough since small town people are usually really nice and community driven that I could see it being pretty likely.

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