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- Baranovichy State University. Faculty of linguistics
Activity & Interests
- Have a collection of 200 postcards from all over the world, which I have received through postcrossing
- Worked as a teacher at school for three years, which I consider as an achievement
- Overcame my fear of dogs and now I’ve got my own always smiling corgi dog
- To relax, I enjoy painting by numbers, putting together puzzles, and knitting
I work as a visual editor at Bored Panda, where my main responsibilities include searching for or creating illustrations related to gardening and home design posts, as well as working with meme content. The meme content not only enhances my creativity but also helps to improve my work mood. As a first step towards my dream of having a beautiful house with a gorgeous garden, I have started growing greenery in pots on my balcony. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing board games. Spending time with my three-year-old corgi named Halfy is the best way to lift my mood and bring positivity to my day. I truly believe I can spread more positive vibes on social media.