We all have had to have done something stupid in front of them, so what topped the cake?


I started randomly talking about what if someone was allergic to wood. I'm real smooth :p



right before quarantine started, I was texting with some of my friends on a group chat. a few of them started talking about their crushes, and I said, like an idiot, "I have a crush on a really dreamy guy" so then they started to guess his name.i kept giving them increasingly more joking and inappropriate responses and finally I just said his name. then that SAME GUY logged on to the group chat(it tells you when nobody had read your messages). so it turns out, he was on the group chat the WHOLE TIME. he read ALL OF IT. I nearly DIED.



In 7th grade, I killed a spider because I was scared of it. He looked at me with disgust. I was so embarrassed that I never killed a spider again.



In Elementary school my class was out at recess talking about our crushes. My crush was in the group at the time. When they called a group of kids including my crush walked away. I managed to tell everyone who my crush was without him being there. Then as he walked back one kid shouted, “ Wait Reagan has a crush on ______. Probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.



I've tried real hard to muster up my courage to say that I like her, and I was really awkward and slow about it, I kept trying to suggest to her that I was going to say something important. Just when I was about to confess my eternal undying love on a New Year's Eve party, she started making out with a guy she just met. I was destroyed. I remember just staring blankly for a few hours, unable to say anything. But I got back up, and I'm over it. Just so you know, they're in a relationship for a couple of years now, and they seem to be doing just fine, so now I'm happy for them.



When i was in like fourth grade, my crush was being annoying, but i thought it was cute so i tried to do the flirty push like "Stop it, hee hee." but i slapped him super hard in the face and he told the teacher and i had to stay in for recess.



When I was in second grade my friend and I had a crush on a 6th grader. Anyway, I went up too him and introduced myself. He was just like “um, okay hi?” Then this kid came up behind me and pushed me over. I landed on one knee and looked like I was proposing to him. Then I pulled him down with me as I toppled over. He still had no clue what was going on. Then a mean yard duty ran up and yelled at me that I needed to go back to class, because recess ended 3 minutes ago. That was also the worst day of second grade.


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bpbperic avatar
Night Owl
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's really bad luck (but still a bit funny, like out of a sitcom)

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I proposed to her.

Just kidding! Please don't divorce me.



i had a crush on this guy who was one year my senior and when we were in the same robotics team along with his friend and our principal called the whole team to her office so that we three previous members could meet with the new members. They both weren't there yet and a jerk from my class was with me and he had somehow found out about my crush and the principal started talking to me. She started asking about my experience and my "bonding" with the rest of the team(unintentionally of course). The jerk was smirking like a maniac and nudging at me when she asked me the names of the other 2 senior boys like "what was their names again..xyz and______" waiting for me to tell her the name of my crush..and the jerk was gleeful and everyone was like what is going on with these 2. i had to tell her knowing that this news was going to spread like wildfire in my whole class after this. After we went out we both bumped our head(my crush and i ) trying to pick a dropped screw at the same time and the jerk actually told it to the whole class along with all the sections. I seriously hope against hope that he never found out.



so I liked him like alot and I dont like to say I was obsessive but I was about on the edge. So one of my best guy friends introduced me to him and I was panicking really bad on the inside (keep in mind this guy is like supermodel hot) and he had seen me looking at him a few times and stuff like that and assumed I liked him so the first thing I say to him before he can even say hey? "I DONT LIKE YOU" and I proceed to hide in the girls bathroom for an hour after school sparking panic cause my parents dont know where I am and there is then a schoolwide search just for me............



Everything. Emails texts in person everything is



God I'm going to get destroyed.

I'm an artist and I draw a wide variety of things, including animals, and I showed a cat I drew to my crush and he called me a furry. Which sounds not bad right? Just a guy being stupid. BUT he also happened to have a lot of "popular" friends who also started calling me a furry, so everyone caught on.

And that, kids, is how I got forced into being a furry and socially ridiculed for drawing a cat.

Also yes. I have a bad habit of crushing on less-than-kind people.


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kortg avatar
Kort G
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What you needed to was hire a faux "art connoisseur" who jumps at the sight of your cat painting and exclaims "there's absolutely no furry intention in this How would you fools be so simple"!!! Oh yeah, I think it sounds totally plausible.

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Ok so I’m that type of person who thinks ya gotta be tough and all that to be noticed or whatever so my crush was like “who wants to race me” and I was like “I will”

...And I lost 🤣



OK, so I didn't have a crush, exactly, but this guy had a crush on me and I just went and made things awkward. So anyway, as much as I remember, this is what happened.
We were 12 at the time, and in the same class. We were really good friends, and the whole school thought we were a thing, or that we liked each other. I liked him as a friend, but I didn't have a crush. Anyway, one day our friend group were hanging out in the classroom during interval and we were playing truth or dare.
At some point, I don't know how or why because this has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever done, I asked him as a truth who he liked. (Literally the whole school thought he liked me; I don't know how I didn't realise.)
At first he was really reluctant and he didn't want to answer. He was then asking this other friend of ours (who knew he liked me) if he should tell or not.
At this point I started to catch on, and realised that he had a crush on me. Because I didn't reciprocate, I started to panic. As he kept on talking to this other guy, going round in circles, I edged towards the door.
Just as I reached the for the door handle he plucked up the courage to tell me. (Please bear in mind I was 12.) So he says, "I like you." And I panic. What came out of my mouth way "ew, that's gross" and then I left the room as fast as I could.
I still cringe to this day.



I called a mutual friend of ours to talk about him and i don't know why but i had a feeling that he was with him so when we were done talking, i jokingly said "I hope he's not with you" and he said that they had been together since the previous day. I talked about my crush on him. In front of him. :).



I .... I did the whole "I like someone but I need your advice to tell them" thing, I ended up telling her like 2 hours later.



So we were at youth group and everyone had left except 3 of my friends and my then crush, but there were a bunch of other people running around. I was telling my friends about how my super skinny friend thinks she's fat. So I said" and then, she said..." and right then, everybody decided to stop talking, and my crush walked by. "...My thighs are LITERALLY SO FAT!" he looked at me like I was insane and now I'm scared to look at him. Yay.


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kemery avatar
Kira K.
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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh noooooooo that's the worst -- wooooooow and none of your friends wanted to idk keep talking XD


I was in 2nd grade I think, and picked my nose at the time. We were watching something on the smart board, and I thought he (my crush) couldn’t see me. I picked my nose a little bit, and when I was done, I looked at him and he was staring right at me! Thankfully he was sweet enough not to say anything!!



i was playing never have i ever with my crush, and i go never have i ever played never have i ever played never have i ever with my crus. And i put my finger down to give her a hint and she goes WHO! So i freak out and i go "not you not you i swear" i always cringe remembering that and i say real smooth hunter real smooth.



The first thing I said to my crush after months of crushing on him was "Have you ever been to a funeral?" I literally DIED


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I have two: 1: Not in front of but with... omg. At our 8th grade graduation dance "Pony" came on and he asked me to dance so we were dancing (grinding, for all you millennials it was basically twerking before twerking was a thing.) But I wasn't very good at it at the time (I was friggin 13 for goodness sake) and I accidentally kneed him in his..... well his no - no square. Needless to say we didn't talk after that.
2: (this is my fave and more embarrassing for him) Ran into a crush at a HS reunion, we were chatting and I asked him what he was doing, he said he owned a barber shop. And mentioned he just got out of prison (again - which shocked me because he was all star QB back then) he asked what I did and I told him "I'm a Sergeant at (Prison he had just got released from)" And no I never knew he was there because that particular prison held over 6k inmates. His look was priceless though. lol.


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Wrote him a love letter asking him to marry me (I was like eight) and stood there stupidly while he read it. He was about twelve. Soon the story was out of the bag and my entire immediate + extended family knew.

Needless to say, we didn't get married. BTW, this was my cousin.



(Just for context, I am a bisexual female) one time at lunch, I was sitting at one end of the lunch table and my crush was, conveniently, sitting at the other. A friend of hers ran up to her and asked if she was straight. My crush said no. Then she asked if she was pansexual. She said yes. In the middle of a conversation I was having with the people at my end of the table, I squealed and almost fell off of the bench, and I’m pretty sure she saw me. 😬



Ran up to give him a hug and tripped. Head butted him.... My forehead to his teeth. Thankfully, he moved away in summer and I didn't have to face my shame anymore.


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One time me and my friends were running on the track for gym in 3rd grade, we were talking about our crushes, they kept pestering me to to tell them, after I did, they shouted that I liked _____________! So embarrassing!



Pretended I didn't know how to solve a Geometry homework, just to be close to him



I only really ever had a crush on someone when I was in middle school. Nothing super embarrassing happened, I just kinda froze up if he ever talked to me which wasn't often. I had two modes outside of my friend group: super intense into the conversation stare of getting all the facts eyes locked, or I don't make eye contact period. Whenever he showed up my eyes hit went everywhere but him even with school work. I will say he was a really nice guy, like truly nice down do Earth person. One day he was giving out stickers to everyone, and I don't know if he ran out or what but he got to me he pulled the sticker he'd put on his face and gave it to me. I about melted after the class was over, I kept it together but man...that day lmao! I think I stuck the sticker in the bottom of a keepsake box.


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Stalked him on social media and gave like tumbs to whatever he posting. He blocked me after 2 weeks



We are friends and when he told me that he liked me I totally blanked and was just like "uh uh uh. That's great." It was so embarrassing.



I once saw my crush/ soon to be boyfriend and started running. Still looking at him I slammed into the rock wall and he saw the whole thing. *face palm!



Tripped on the sidewalk and broke my nose. Two different times.



I faded out... You know when someone is talking but the other person pays no attention at all because they are lost in their own thoughts?
I was "the other" person. He was talking and I was daydreaming about our first kiss.
At some point he asked something and clearly expected an answer, which I couldn't give him 😶
Needless to say that that kiss I was dreaming about never happened....


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When I was in elementary school, me and the rest of the girls in our class(We were a small class, 6 girls) were playing a game that involved FAKE crushes. The guy I chose was pretty cute, but I didn't like him. My BFF Ariel chose the guy that had completely ruined our lives last year (that's a different story) as a joke. These two were best friends.In line after recess, me and Ariel were discussing our fake crushes. The jerk that Ariel chose was a couple people ahead of us in line. He overheard us talking. He told the the guy I picked. They both still think we like them. The guy I picked is now dating a girl that I DESPISED at the time(We are friends now) and the jerk is dating my ex-bff



So we were on the bus, and this girl asked my crush who he liked. He started naming off the girls that he liked to give her a hint. Meanwhile I was sitting there and staring like an idiot because yes. He turned and looked at me, and asked “what are you looking at?” I stammered “You- you know me, right?”and scrunched up into the farside of my bus seat


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marleylennon avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I meant to say he started naming off girls that he knew, not girls that he liked

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I was probably 9 or 10 and thought one of my dads’ best friends in their group was beautiful. He was eclectic and bold and had an energy that had my prepubescent hormones in a tizzy. One night, we pull into the car port and I decide to tell one of my fathers that I had a secret. I begged him not to tell, but knowing that on this particular evening that the group was over playing cards and socializing inside and I was four seconds away from seeing my crush’s face, child me felt she couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I have a crush on Mr. ****!” It felt like a weight was lifted. I felt so light. And I loved sharing a secret with my dad!
He promised not to say anything and feeling a newfound confidence, one that only accompanies confiding in a confidante, I accompanied him and his smirk into our house.
As soon as we enter and make our way into the foyer, my dad literally yells “GUESS WHO ****** HAS A CRUSH ON!”
The room literally roars with laughter. I am mortified at this point.
Grown woman me is absolutely tickled by the thought. I, too, would have died of endearing laughter had I too been a middle aged gay man learning that my gay BFFs’ daughter had a crush one of their obviously gay middle aged pals.
Former crush moved to NYC much to my dismay for the betterment of his hair-styling career and was actually nominated for an Emmy this past year so at least my taste, if sometimes misguided, is undoubtedly fabulous!


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I was at a junior high dance and had mustered up the courage to begin the walk up to the girl I had been crushing on and ask her to dance. When I got up to her I chickened out and asked the girl standing next to her and danced with her instead.



okay here is some tea, I was in 4th grade at recess and there was a NEW (cute btw) kid in my class. I told my friends I liked him. (I had never had a boyfriend till like 6th grade) at recess, he came up to me with a note (not from me btw) that had MY name on it asking HIM to go out with ME ON HIS DANG FIRST DAY. 2 years later he asked me out and now we're dating.



I told somebody I liked this girl and he told me the next day that he told her friends and his friend because "they're not big on gossip" and the next day I confronted her about it and she said I like you too and with the LOUDEST VOICE CRACK IN THE WORLD I said tHaS fUNny bEcauSE i'M sTraiGhT. ALso the biggest lie I've told.


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debraluttrell avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my crush knew i liked him in 3rd cause i would always ask if he liked me and i wasn't ashamed(three years later im lesbian btw)