Humans have a great curiosity about animals. We keep pets, watch nature documentaries and you can find a zoo in most populated areas. Sometimes, it seems, wildlife has the same curiosity. Or at the very least they just want our food.
So as you are going about your day, keep an eye out. There might be some local fauna just hanging about! But it’s important to remember safety precautions when coming face to face with wild animals. We’ve put together some tips to keep you safe.
Bored Panda has gathered some human - animal encounters that probably left both parties confused. Upvote your favorites, comment your wildlife experiences and enjoy this list.
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Baby Foxes Showed Up To Say Hi At My Grandmother's House
Many years ago, after a big snowfall (I was not living in a place where this is an usual sighting) I came outside in the early morning and saw a beautiful red fox standing still among my lavender plants. We stared at each other. After few seconds of enchantment the fox ran to the borders of my property, staring at me one last time (I was still blocked). I'll never forget that stare. She's still in my heart.
Living Alone In Nashville, I Used To Wake Up Every Morning To This Gal (She's Wild) Squawking For Food At My Back Slider
One morning I serenaded her with my guitar. The next week she made a nest and laid eggs on my patio... I named her Greta.
Security Light Went Off At 1 Am. This Little Guy Found My Dog's Ball
He/She was actually 1 of 3, that were playing with each other in the backyard. I stayed up watching for almost an hour.
Animals are actually quite practical. Suburban areas often provide an abundant food source for animals, including garbage, pet food, and bird feeders. This can attract raccoons, skunks, squirrels, and other animals that are looking for an easy meal. Sometimes wildlife has to deal with steadily declining habitats. As human populations grow and development increases, wildlife habitats are being destroyed and fragmented, forcing animals to move into suburban areas in search of food and shelter.
Urbanization and suburban sprawl can also disrupt migration patterns and create barriers that prevent animals from reaching their traditional habitats. This can force animals to adjust their ranges and seek new habitats, which often includes suburban areas. It's important to remember that while wildlife encounters in suburban areas can be exciting, they can also pose a danger to both humans and animals.
Saw This Beauty Yesterday
Never post the location online when you see a white deer. Unfortunately they are a magnet for trophy hunters who would rather look at the head of one stuck on a wall.
A Rescued Baby Beaver
The Possum That Visits Our Deck Every Evening Brought Along Somebody Special Last Night! Meet Deckster And Backster
It's important for humans to remember that wildlife encounters can be dangerous and unpredictable, so it's crucial to take precautions to stay safe. When encountering large animals like bears, moose, or elk, it's recommended to give them a wide berth and avoid getting too close. These animals can be territorial and may feel threatened if approached too closely. Keep a safe distance, speak calmly and avoid making sudden movements to avoid inciting an aggressive response. If you are worried about a specific area, consult your local wildlife authority to find out when would be the safest time to hike or camp.
Just A Friendly Local I Met On A Hike Yesterday (Portugal)
Found This Guy Under My Car This Morning. Spent About 10 Minutes Hand-Feeding Him Carrots And Broccoli
Fox Sleeping On Skylight
Smaller creatures can also be dangerous in the right circumstances. If you come across a venomous snake, it's important to stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Keep a safe distance and don't try to touch or approach the snake. Snakes will generally only attack if they feel threatened, so it's important to give them space. In general, when hiking or camping, it's important to store food securely to avoid attracting wildlife like bears, raccoons, or other animals. Keep a clean camp, store food in airtight containers, and hang it from a tree at least 10 feet off the ground to keep it away from animals.
This Wild Goose Flew In And Became Friends With My Grandma's Farm Goose. He Hasn't Left In Over A Year
Owl Landed On My Friend's Head At A Luke Bryan Concert
Owls Born Outside Of Office Windows Won't Stop Staring At Workers Inside
If you encounter a wild animal in close proximity, such as a fox, coyote, or mountain lion, it's vital to stand tall, wave your arms, and make loud noises to scare it away. Never run from a wild animal, as this can trigger their predatory instincts and put you in danger. In the case of marine wildlife encounters, such as with dolphins, whales, or seals, it's important to observe from a safe distance and avoid disturbing their natural behavior. Do not approach them too closely, as this can disrupt their environment and pose a threat to both the animal and yourself.
I Went To The Amazon And Found My Long-Lost Brother
Ran Into This Little Guy While Hiking In The Swiss Alps
Found This Little Guy At Work Today
Wasn’t safe where I found him, so I let him go outside of the job.
OMG, that cutie would totally go home with me. Or, someone would have to talk some sense into me.
Even suburban areas can often provide a sheltered environment that offers protection from predators. For example, deer and other large mammals may find refuge in residential areas, where they can avoid predators and find food, like your half-eaten, discarded pizza. Smaller creatures can enjoy human areas as well. Our gardens are a wonderful hideout and buffet for rabbits, if they can get away with it!
Found This And Thought You All Might Like It. Trash Panda
Went For A Walk Today And My Dog Found A Baby Bird
My Dad Lives Alone In The Australian Bush And Cares For A Family Of Wild Kangaroos, Today He Sent Me This Photo
He’s lucky. I have three rescue kangaroos and they’re all a******s.
Koala Had Wandered Into A House And Decided It Wanted To Be The Fairy On The Christmas Tree
This evening our hotline operator took a call. At first, she thought she was the victim of a prank call.
But no, a koala desperate to get in the Christmas spirit had wandered into Amanda McCormick's house and decided it wanted to be the fairy on the Christmas tree. Amanda was not so sure and rang 1300KOALAZ for help.
Thanks, Amanda for the great pictures and for making sure this little koala got its wish, even if it was just for a short while.
Met This Pretty Lady On My Walk Today
Just A Little Guy
This Chipmunk Looking Up At My Girlfriend On Top Of Eagle Cap Summit, 9570 Ft
Found An Owl Lying In My Backyard This Morning (Don’t Worry I Took Him To A Wildlife Rescue Center)
I took her to the Austin Wildlife Rescue center and the vet working there told me she probably hit her head really hard and has a concussion. She will make a full recovery and will be released as soon as she regains full consciousness.
Momma Deer That Lives On Our Property Came And Showed Us Her Baby
Wild Boar Chilling With Humans
That's either very brave or very stupid of them. Wild boars are incredibly dangerous.
Found This Absolute Unit, Named Him Jimmy Thunderthighs
Let's Pet The Cute Wild Bobcat Kittens, When You See It
This Fella Walked 3 Km From The Beach To A Wheat Farm And Got Lost
Found In Backyard: A Rare And Endangered Peregrine Falcon—the Fastest Bird On The Continent (The Wildlife Commission Reunited Him With His Family)
Deer Family Came To Visit
Got A Gift From My Crow Friends
Clean it and wear it as jewelry. Then you'll have a cool story of how you got your favourite bractelet
I Held A Wild Cardinal Today, And Managed To Even Take Pictures With It
Norwegian Elk Having Fun
Found This Fox Chilling In The Backyard
Found Him Wandering Next To My House
This Curious Stoat Kept Popping Up Next To Me As I Was Relaxing At The Top Of My Hike Today
Moose Visiting My Dad's Garden
My Cat And A Passing-Through Deer Locked Eyes For About 5 Minutes. I Think It Was The Highlight Of My Cat's Entire Life
Oh deer. Think of the cat-astrophe that could have happened if the door was open.
This Newborn Fawn Left By Its Mother Next To My Wife's Freshly Bloomed Peonies
This Wild Magpie And I Have Become Good Friends
We Have A Fox That Comes To Eat And He Gets On With Our Cat
This Sad Raccoon At My Back Door At 2:00 Am, He Was Looking For My Cat Who Wasn't Home
A Nice Wren Couple Moved Into A Hiking Boot In My Parents' Garage, And Today Their Family Grew By 5
Hiking boots are made for all kinds of journeys...this begins a new one
Found On A Walk Snapped A Pic And Moved On
My Daughter Met A Fox Today
Really hope you don't have a cat flap or dog door or something of the sort. Looks cute but that fox is thinking hmmm that's exactly the size of a snack I can handle. Happened so many times here in the uk and not just rural areas but in london. Fox came through cat flaps and dog doors and attacked babies.
Hummingbird Family Made A Nest In A Pair Of Hanging Pool Goggles
A Cheeky Little Visitor Is Affectionately Known As "Bill The Possum" Popped In To Say Hello To Our Mechatronics Students In The ES Building
Look At This Cute Puppy We Found In The Corn Field
For a moment, It's still early here, I was thinking how does that animal look like Russel Crowe? I need more coffee.