The World Is Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day With Memes And Jokes, So Here Are 30 Of The Most Spot-On Ones
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
It’s the day everything turns green and everyone becomes Irish (Murphy MacManus’ words) in celebration of the foremost patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick.
But besides paying respects to the saint in church or in a local pub, there’s also another way of celebrating and that is with memes.
The internet has been hard at work with St. Patrick’s day memes this time around, and Bored Panda invites you to check out the best of the best memes floating around on the internet. Vote and comment on the submissions you’d raise a green toast to, and why not also share your thoughts in the comment section below!
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The fish be like “every single time this EXACT day those dumbasses decide to color our environment GREEN. FOR THIER ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!! I THOUGH THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF US.” “Take a chill pill Greg.”
That's exactly what they're like. I have ancestors who came from Ireland...almost 300 years ago. That doesn't make me Irish.
want to learn how I changed my diet 3 times in 1 week it all started when.......
That's kind of a weird shirt anyways. Yup, I'll just change to Irish!
"Real Irish don't even celebrate St Patrick's Day" Says who?! Oh wow, I guess the massive St Patrick's Day event with music, costumes and amusement rides in the main street of my Irish home town in actual Ireland that I walked through an hour ago doesn't exist then. :/
Just writing this so y'all don't have to see the ad below me. Also, love that girl's green hair!
Hmmmm, making fun of the 17th of March and it's my birthday too. I'm off, gotta have me some cake ;). .........EDIT: Aw thanks to everybody here!
Some call it Paddy's day for short but absolutely nobody in Ireland calls it "St. Patty's".
Hmmmm, making fun of the 17th of March and it's my birthday too. I'm off, gotta have me some cake ;). .........EDIT: Aw thanks to everybody here!
Some call it Paddy's day for short but absolutely nobody in Ireland calls it "St. Patty's".