John McNamee is the artist behind Pie Comic, hand-drawn comics that feature dry, sarcastic humor that hits you hard in the chuckles. John started drawing Pie Comics back in college, and just never stopped. He has since worked for satirical news organization 'The Onion' and now works for Cartoon Network.
Have these experiences influenced Pie Comic? “My Onion experience does come in handy,” John told Bored Panda. “You really have to observe the world and see what's weird about it to write Onion headlines. I once heard someone describe my sense of humor as "wry," and after I googled what that means, I thought it sounded about right.”
“I used to try to think of a good joke and then start drawing it, but I found that my comics were too predictable that way. So instead, I just started drawing a character doing something and see if I could get them to end up in a clever joke. My number 1 comedic inspiration is the Simpsons. My knowledge of seasons 2-9 is like... weird. I would also reread Calvin & Hobbes comics all summer long. As for webcomics, I really love Poorly Drawn Lines. He's very good at pacing out a joke and delivering a plot twist.”
Pie Comics has been a full-time pursuit at times throughout John's career as a cartoonist, but he finds stability in dipping his finger in a number of 'pies.' “Now I'm writing at Cartoon Network, so I don't update with these cartoon drawings as often,” he explained. “My Patreon works OK for me, but it's really my fault it doesn't work better. Engagement has never been a strength of mine. I also have done work for Mad Magazine and the New Yorker. I guess if I'd have any advice, it would be to cobble together multiple revenue streams. You never know when one might take a hit, and that will help protect you from instability.”
And while many comic artists use a variety of software to create their funny comics and upload them directly to the web, John prefers to keep it old school. “I draw on bristol board with blue pencil, then I go over it in and 05 Micron,” he told us. “I lay out my borders and guidelines with a ruler, but then I ink them freehand. I think the wobbly line makes the funny drawings more accessible and reminds you that a human being made them.”
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My goodness, that's one of the best 'real' comic on evolution theory!
Here's some advice: it's a lot easier to go for practical than fashionable.
Please be aware that the "happy" people on social media are generally just lying.
No offense, but I wonder if that happens to schizophreniac people!
I like this. This is how childhood should be looking at everything in wonderment and awe and with imagination! Don't take that away! They got plenty of time to grow up and be boring later!
Reminds me of the Bugs Bunny where Elmer gives him a tub full of vegetables. Bugs: "What's this?" Elmer:"Your dinner." Bugs: "DINNER!?! How do you expect me to eat this stuff..ithis isn't food! (starts cramming lettuce and celery in his mouth..picks out stuck celery string from teeth) Whaddya trying to do, starve me? I'll die before I eat this stuff."
So many young souls enter, so few graduate (with souls), just like real school!
God hated T-rex also, that's why he gave them so small hands, no way you can scratch your a*s with those hands.
When you realize the real suffering is actually being alive! Sigh, I wish more people would realize that. Death doesn't deserve the hate mail she gets.
It's like in school when you bust your a*s and barely pass. But your friend slacks off all year and aces the class.
Never thought of it like that.... Just don't tell them that ring-around-the-rosy teaches them about the plague...
Oh! No Mr. Machine, we know all about your long game. But we are too depressed to care.
Once, music was on at our house and Elvis was just singing. Next was king of jazz Louie Armstrong. I told my mom and she thot I meant the white guy. It was about 5 minutes or less of pure confusion lol
Neon Joe would take care of you Mr thor-wolfe-lantern! He don't play!! WAREWOOOLFHIMPH!
looks like the unicorn is farting rainbows! which makes perfect sense indeed.