73 Before-And-After Photos Of Pets Growing Up With Their Toys
Most of us, as children, had a favorite teddy, blanket or pillow, and tiny puppies and cute kittens do just the same thing – oftentimes, the toy they played with when they were youngest will remain their favorite. These then-and-now photos show adorable pets growing up together with their very favorite chew toys.
But why do pets like certain toys and not others? Dogs prefer pet toys that either taste like food or can be torn apart, while cats like things that they can play with; both animals might like their owner to engage them. And once a pet starts to play with one toy, habit soon makes it their favorite.
The first tennis ball was invented in the 1870s, and the first rubber toys in the 1950s. Do you have a pet who has a favorite toy? Vote on the before-and-after photos below, or post your own cute pets!
h/t: The Dodo
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Still Sleeps With A Friend
Eighteen Months Later And He Still Sleeps With His Duck
One Year Later And He Still Loves To Cuddle With This Stuffed Polar Bear
Then And Now
My Cat And His Favourite Box
Croc Battle: Then And Now
Eight Months Later, My Little Ball Of Fury
I love the 'grown-up' picture, such beauty and grace. The kitty picture is just to cute to handle! :-D
Mayo, My Friend 's Dog, Then And Now
The Difference A Year And A Half Makes, For Both My Cat And His Toy Monkey
Years Apart
Four Years Later And It's Still His Favorite
My Dog Then & Now
Seven Years Later, He Still Loved His Duck
Six Months Later, She Still Loves It
Then And Now
Still Rocky’s Favorite Toy
Gizmo And Pookie - Bff's
It's Old And Ragged And Has Seen Better Days But It's Her Favorite Toy
Remi, Four Months Apart
Three Years Later, Still Spends Hours Trying To Get Into Coconuts
Ten Weeks Apart
Benny And His Favorite Toy Nine Months Later
Stevie The Kitty, The Day We Got Her, To Today. She Still Loves Her String
Love At First Sight - She Stole Mouse Attached To My Keys. Now She "kill" It Every Night. ;)
Scott After 2 Years
8 Months Apart, Rupert The Bear Is Still Eric's Favourite Toy
Bell And Her Goose
My Baby Boy Now Three Years Old And Still Loves His Mofumin-pillow
My Dog Then And Now
Three Years Later And She Still Loves Stuffed Bears
Rita, The Cat, And Joana, The Little Bug - Months Apart
Sid. Kangoo Is Always Near To Him, But.... You Have To Find It!!
A Year Ago Today I Met My Best Friend, And He Got His First Toy
He Loves His Toy So Much, He Ate His Head And Arms
I really hate seeing toys made for humans given to dogs. That plastic can cause real damage to their digestive tracts!
Best Toy Ever
Miep With Her Bunsen Honeydew At Four Weeks And One Year
She Can Be Very Angry If You Try To Take Her "toy"
My Little Shih-tzu ,ivy And Her Best Friend - The Teddy Bear
Oscar - 5 Years
Clara & Foxy-fox 2m - 2yrs
Nine Months Apart
Qwik N A Puppy Toy :-)
Pumpkin And His Owl. After 1 Year.
Tyler Still Prefers Grown Up Toys ~ 2 Years Later
Tina And Her Wheel, Four Months Apart
Leo: 5 Months – 5 Years
Havah Who Always Sleeps In Her Basket
One Year Apart
Zachary And His Plushy Rabbit
The Size Of The Toy Did Not Change:)
Willow And His Furry Feather Ball
This Was His First Toy And Four Years Later It Is Still His Favorite
Tribute For Kitty, My Lovely Sister 6/2002-8/2014 :')
Olivia Sage And "her Sister".
Troy And His Box 10 Months Apart!
Oh so precious....he misses being able to fit in there. This is my favorite.
Belle, 10 Months Before.
Pippa Littleton And "pig" - 4 Years Apart.
Izzy And Chicken
Chicken helped Izzy through her surgery, they are still best buddies.