If It Fits, I Sits: Post Your Photos Of Cats Fitting Into The Tightest Spaces
Everyone knows that if a cat fits, it sits. No matter how tight or, to our eye, uncomfortable the space is, cats must and will find a way to fit there.
Does your cat surprise you with its liquid-like abilities to get into anything? Share pictures here!
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If I Fits, I Sits
If We All Fits, We All Sits!
If I Fits, I Sits
If I Fits, I Sits
If It Fits, We Sits
Rents Are Too Damn Expensive!
A Little Cat Sleeping In My Sketchbook
Well, I Tried!
Waiting For Scrambled Eggs
My Cat Casually Sleeping In Ukulele's Box
Big Cats Love Boxes Too
Somehow He Fit All Four Paws In This Bin...
Princess Luther Will Get In All Boxes, No Matter The Size. And Then Yell Till You Go See Her
Cooking With Ginger
Box 'o Landshark
Family Time
Looks Safe
If It Fits Im Slidin On In . And I Sits
New House, New Hiding Spots!
(Out loud) "Gosh, I can't see that cat *anywhere*. I wonder where he's hiding this time?" .. CAT: "Heh-heh-heh ..."
I Fits!
Everywhere She Fits, She Sits!
Patriotic Pot Cat. Only In Usa - We Grow Our Own!
If I Fits Might As Well Have Kids
Since He Was A Kitten...
Since he was a kitten... He expected the world... But it flew away from his paws... So he ran away to his box... And dreamed of para... Para... Paradise!
Nice And Comfy
If I Fit, Can I Come With?
If It Fits I Sits
This must be like Mary Poppins bottomless carpet bag! Either that or this cat has a giant head and tiny body!! X
If It Fits, I Sits
"Minions! Take me indoors! The sun has gone down. Also - sardines for dinner. That is all!"
My Basket
Sox In A Box
Stryker Loves To Sleep In Our Sink
Cats Love Remodeling, They Use All The Castaways Like This Sink Top On The Deck
The Princess And Her Entourage
I Am Not A Potted Plant
If I Fits, I Sits
If It Fits I Sits
And You Thought I Wouldn't Fit
I Am A Potted Plant
Bobbyweir In Box And Crate
Almost There
Goldie. Greetings From Hungary!
Does This Count?
School House Kitty
A Box!
My Coco... She Loves This Box
Fits Just Fine! (Note: One Friend Assumed This Was A Pizza Box. It Is A 9"x12" USPS Box. And Yes, She Is A Full-Grown Cat)
(Sorry, that was meant to be a comment rather than part of the title, and it won't let me edit.)