We all know cats are special creatures, that’s part of the reason we love them so much! I would like to see a puppy climb up into a tree or sleep in positions that could land them a gig as a professional contortionist. But if you’re a parent to a fluffy feline, you’ve likely caught them doing something before that begged you to ask the question, “What is wrong with my cat?” Well, you can rest easy, pandas, because every other cat owner has been in the same shoes.

We’ve taken a trip to the What’s Wrong With Your Cat subreddit, so below, you’ll find adorable, although slightly perplexing, examples of precious cats doing bizarre things. Keep reading to also find conversations we were lucky enough to have with the team at Helping Dogs & Cats UK Rescue and Laura Watson from International Cat Care, and remember that no matter what your little fur balls do, there’s nothing wrong with them!


When You Try To Sneak Downstairs For A Warm Glass Of Milk But You Hit A Squeaky Floorboard And Awaken The Sentinels

When You Try To Sneak Downstairs For A Warm Glass Of Milk But You Hit A Squeaky Floorboard And Awaken The Sentinels

MeeklyBludgeon Report

To learn more about the behavior that cats exhibit that we as humans tend to perceive as strange, we reached out to Tracey Thomas, Assistant Manager, Cat and Adoptions Coordinator and Amy Chapman, Cat and Adoptions Coordinator, at Helping Dogs & Cats UK Rescue. When it comes to how often cats do things that might make us wonder what’s wrong with them, the experts shared that “it really depends on the cat and also the person viewing the cat.” They provided the example of Amy’s cat, Mildred, who will happily get in the bath with her owner. 

“Cats, by their very nature, are unpredictable and similar to humans,” the adoption experts continued. “They all act differently and have their own personality and character. [We] tend to find that female cats are more unpredictable than male cats.”


    And as far as things that might make your kitties act even more peculiar than usual, catnip is sometimes a factor. “Some cats absolutely love catnip and others don’t,” Tracey and Amy noted. “Some cats see themselves in the mirror and start to hiss or even run away, as they think it’s another cat.”


    If you’d like to learn more about kitties from these experts, or adopt a cat of your own if you live in the Basingstoke area, be sure to visit Helping Dogs & Cats UK Rescue’s website right here or their Facebook page right here!


    Frankie Never Gets The Joke

    Frankie Never Gets The Joke

    Charivari8 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, it looks like they told a naughty joke and he just now understood what it meant.

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    We were also lucky enough to get in touch with Laura Watson, Cat Welfare Assistant at International Cat Care, who was kind enough to answer some of our burning questions about kitties. Laura first noted that, although many behaviors cats exhibit may seem strange or amusing to us, they’re likely perfectly normal for their species. “The modern domestic cat that we know today is not that far removed from their wild ancestor, and when we understand their species-specific needs and behaviors, the behaviors that were once thought strange, suddenly make perfect sense,” she explained. 


    Laura shared that prior to embarking on her studies diving into the behaviors of cats, there were many behaviors she thought were quite strange, such as when they: “knead (rhythmic pushing of their paws in and out, at alternating times) a person or blanket, sometimes drooling whilst they do it; bring dead prey back inside the home, perceived as a gift for the caregiver from the cat; roll over and show their tummy, perceived as an invitation to touch their belly, but when you do they bite or scratch; open their mouth and draw back their upper lip ‘like a grimace’ after smelling something; sit or lay in very small spaces or high up on the tops of wardrobes, doors, or curtains; suddenly jump if they notice an object close behind them; watch a prey species out of a window and make chattering sounds to them; and suddenly have mad moments and zoom around.”


    He Believes He Is Absolutely Invisible

    He Believes He Is Absolutely Invisible

    Lord_Davos Report

    Laura explained that most of these behaviors are perfectly normal when we understand more about the ethology of cats. “The wildcat ancestors of our domestic cat were solitary predators and did not live in structured groups, relying solely on themselves to survive,” she told Bored Panda. “Where social groups of cats do exist, they appear only to work well when the members of the group are familiar and when there is no competition over food or other resources. Cats can form strong social relationships with familiar individuals, and particularly between kittens in the same litter and between kittens and their mother.”


    Does Arabella Bite? No. Worse - She Judges

    Does Arabella Bite? No. Worse - She Judges

    KingSofaOfTheSlugs Report


    Gulliver Is A Master Of Weird

    Gulliver Is A Master Of Weird

    pookierawrz Report

    “The social behavior of our domestic cats is more variable, and they have adapted to group living through the development of social structures, but they still do retain their roots as solitary hunters,” Laura went on to explain. “We now have an understanding that, despite having gone through the domestication process, cats currently live a number of diverse lifestyles, at one end of the spectrum living unowned and free-roaming; hunting for its food, without any human intervention is the feral cat, and at the other end of the spectrum as a companion in our homes is the pet cat and not all cats are equally tolerant or accepting of other cats or people.”


    Princess - 19 Years Young!

    Princess - 19 Years Young!

    AvatarSnacks Report


    Auditioning To Play The Body On Csi

    Auditioning To Play The Body On Csi

    Trystiane Report


    Laura also noted that, as cats are essentially solitary hunters, it’s vital for them to establish their own territories to avoid conflict with other cats. “If a cat incurs an injury during conflict with another cat, they could be unable to hunt, which could be life threatening for them, being unable to eat to survive,” the expert explained. “Cats will mark their territories using scent derived from their facial glands, urine, feces, and anal glands. This territorial marking, together with an extremely sensitive sense of smell, helps cats to communicate effectively and to minimize direct contact between themselves.”


    My Cat Staring At Nothing

    My Cat Staring At Nothing

    neidrun Report


    I Think He’s Feeling A Bit Chilly

    I Think He’s Feeling A Bit Chilly

    Uaquamarine Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Put him in a nightgown. That's the best way to collect floor vent heat.

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    “A cat’s territory consists of a core area, or den, where it feels secure enough to sleep, eat, play, and potentially enjoy social interaction,” Laura told Bored Panda. “This forms the hub of the territory, which is the area beyond the core area that the cat actively defends against invasion from others. Beyond this lies the home or hunting range that constitutes the extent of the area over which the cat will roam. These insights into the cat as a species help us understand why they behave in the way they do.”


    This Is My Cat In Her Casserole Dish. I Don’t Know Why She Loves It, But It Is Where She Sleeps The Most Right Now

    This Is My Cat In Her Casserole Dish. I Don’t Know Why She Loves It, But It Is Where She Sleeps The Most Right Now

    grayshush Report


    She's Actually Normal, It's Everybody Else Who's Upside Down

    She's Actually Normal, It's Everybody Else Who's Upside Down

    fifth-planet Report

    Laura also explained that, although it can be painful at times, it’s perfectly normal for your cat to knead you with their claws, so it should never be punished. “When kittens are first born, they are totally dependent on their mother for their nutrition. When they suck at their mothers’ teats, they tread with alternate front paws at her abdomen to stimulate the flow of milk. Some cats will dribble uncontrollably as they anticipate the milk-feed that kneading usually predicts, which is a normal, natural, neurological response.”

    Most cats will grow out of this habit, but Laura noted that some will “retain it into adulthood, particularly when in the presence of someone with whom they feel safe or when they get on a particularly fluffy cushion or blanket because they associate the behavior of treading their paws with the comfort and safety they felt when they were nursing with their mother.” 


    Laura also provided explanations for some of the most common peculiar behaviors cat owners see in their pets. As far as why they bring home dead prey, the expert noted that when domesticated kitties have access to the outdoors, their natural predator instincts may kick in. “When a cat brings their prey back home, it indicates they feel it is a secure and safe place (core territory) to leave food to eat now or keep for later,” Laura says.

    And if your cat rolls over to show you their tummy then scratches you when you try to tickle them, apparently, you might be perceiving their actions incorrectly. “When a cat greets its human companion, it makes a display of trust by exposing its belly,” the expert noted. “A similar friendly ‘social roll’ is often seen when one cat solicits play from another. When a cat does it to us it may be illustrating one of two things; either it is a sign of trust and any physical contact at this time could look threatening or it is a request for a rough and tumble – either way, injury will ensue, so the temptation to touch should probably be avoided!”


    My Silly Cat Was Sleeping Like This

    My Silly Cat Was Sleeping Like This

    sangu811 Report

    Have you ever seen your kitty grin or grimace when they sniff something strange? “This usually happens when it’s sniffing the urine of a cat that’s in season or where a tom has sprayed and is referred to as the Flehmen response,” Laura explained. “It gives cats a great deal of information about that scent as it enables it to draw in the air over a special organ called Jacobson’s organ found in the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth. Here the cat can concentrate the scent and smell/taste it, giving it a lot of information.”


    And when it comes to why cats try to squeeze into small spaces or hide on the tops of doors and curtains, the expert says, “Cats must rely on themselves to survive [as solitary hunters]. Hiding in small spaces conceals them and helps them feel safe from potential dangers and perching high up allows them to survey their environment and any potential dangers on the horizon.”


    Beans Stands Very Often For Long Periods

    Beans Stands Very Often For Long Periods

    Oldmangilbey2 Report


    My Cat Didn't Like My Shampoo

    My Cat Didn't Like My Shampoo

    TrashProfessional679 Report

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    Milady Blue
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    'Why didn't you use the tuna juice I left you to clean your fur with? The oils are good for you!"

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    Laura also explained why cats often struggle to see up close. “Like all predators, they have forward-facing eyes and binocular vision. You may have noticed though, that a cat may struggle to find a toy or treat right under its nose or jump when startled by something behind them. A cat’s eyes can form a clear image of an object approximately 25cm away, but they are unable to focus on objects closer than this (with an optimal range of 2-6 meters away from them). This, along with a wider field of vision than the human eye and other unique adaptations, helps cats to spot prey in their surrounding environment, such as a harvest mouse in a field of corn.”




    WillowSLock Report


    I’m Melting! I’m Meltinggggg!

    I’m Melting! I’m Meltinggggg!

    alison_bee Report

    Have you ever heard your cats making a chattering sound? Laura says this commonly occurs when a cat is watching prey that it can’t access, such as a bird, but it can also occur towards other prey species and even toys. The exact reasoning behind this is not known, but some hypotheses are: “an outward sign of frustration that the cat can see the prey but cannot access it; anticipation of capturing prey – although it can happen when the cat is indoors too and cannot physically access the prey; or the cat uses the sound to mimic the vocalizations of its prey to be less conspicuous and draw the prey into striking range.”


    Why I Have Fur On My Clothes

    Why I Have Fur On My Clothes

    no-yeah Report


    How He Slept On My Expensive Silk Pillow Case Today

    How He Slept On My Expensive Silk Pillow Case Today

    cupidcrucifix Report

    Ever wonder why your cat seems to go mad at random moments? “Cats would naturally spend a great deal of time during the day, stalking and chasing prey or avoiding danger in their adrenaline-fuelled lifestyle of hunting and exploring,” Laura explains, noting that the average house cat doesn’t often have the opportunity to do anything dangerous and use up their energy. “Suddenly, often without warning, this energy will burst out and your cat will act out a little fantasy role-playing, alternating between the hunter and the hunted, dashing around the house with a flicking tail and widely dilated pupils.”


    “This often occurs at times of the day and night when cats are naturally more active, for example at dusk, and it can be triggered by a loud noise, a visit to the litter tray or something quite inconsequential,” the cat expert continued. “They may stare into the top corner of the room before launching themselves across the carpet, but don’t worry, they’re just using up that excess energy.” 


    If I Fell Asleep Like This I Would Be Having Neck Pain For Weeks

    If I Fell Asleep Like This I Would Be Having Neck Pain For Weeks

    floweredsecrets Report


    This Cat Actually Loves Belly Rubs

    This Cat Actually Loves Belly Rubs

    Ghost_157 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is a cat I would totally love to give belly rubs to. That is a very cute cat!

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    Even though all cats are unique, Laura says there is one plant that has a quite surprising effect on around 80% them: catnip or Nepeta cataria. “An encounter with either the plant itself or with a catnip-stuffed toy can make cats excited, and they may sniff and roll around on the ground or over the catnip,” she explained. “The active chemical in the plant is called nepetalactone and has been likened to LSD. However, its effect is short-lived and harmless.”


    “Catnip can be a helpful tool to initiate play with cats, however, kittens under the age of three months old are not receptive to catnip, so it is worthwhile reintroducing it after this age to see if they are receptive to its effects,” Laura noted.


    My Cat’s Favourite Sleeping Arrangement: Belly Side Up And On The Bean Bag

    My Cat’s Favourite Sleeping Arrangement: Belly Side Up And On The Bean Bag

    littlegrass12 Report

    Finally, Laura left us with some wise words. “Next time you witness a cat doing something you think is strange, I ask you to think of the cat and their species-specific behaviors, and consider: is it strange? Or perfectly normal for the species?”

    If you’d like to learn more about cats from Laura and the rest of the International Cat Care team, be sure to visit their website right here!


    And if you’re looking for even more hilarious and bizarre pics of cats after finishing this adorable list, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the What’s Wrong With Your Cat subreddit right here!


    This Is Six, He Likes To Attack People And Be A General Nuisance

    This Is Six, He Likes To Attack People And Be A General Nuisance

    softsodapop Report


    He Thinks "Don't Snore In My Ear" Means "Plz Snore In My Ear"

    He Thinks "Don't Snore In My Ear" Means "Plz Snore In My Ear"

    chinigenn Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine snored with a nose whistle. Cute. But not all night when I gotta get up early.

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    Cat Loves To Be Outside Looking In. I Open The Door, She Refuses. I Bring Her In, She Whines To Go Out. Guess Janet Just Likes The Voyeuristic Perspective

    Cat Loves To Be Outside Looking In. I Open The Door, She Refuses. I Bring Her In, She Whines To Go Out. Guess Janet Just Likes The Voyeuristic Perspective

    Live_Dirt_6568 Report


    Mother I Crave Violence!

    Mother I Crave Violence!

    Swefe97 Report


    I Guess Laying Beside Your Sister In The Sun Was Just Not An Option

    I Guess Laying Beside Your Sister In The Sun Was Just Not An Option

    Ok_Avocado_8399 Report


    Ground Control To Major Tom…

    Ground Control To Major Tom…

    Mountain-Bee9240 Report


    Seymour Blue Likes To Be Touching Me At All Times When I’m Laying Down. This Is How He Chose To Do So

    Seymour Blue Likes To Be Touching Me At All Times When I’m Laying Down. This Is How He Chose To Do So

    mac_therose Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That HAIR! I've always wanted rainbow hair, but have discovered I am far too lazy for more than two colors at a time.

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    Insisting On Being A Tortoise (With The Real One Sleeping Inside

    Insisting On Being A Tortoise (With The Real One Sleeping Inside

    Evilkish Report


    Cat Politely Refuse To Be Petted

    Cat Politely Refuse To Be Petted

    luonganhvu Report


    Lucipurr Is Such A Weird Lil Dude. He Also Has More Than One Tooth

    Lucipurr Is Such A Weird Lil Dude. He Also Has More Than One Tooth

    Lorlaa Report


    When You Remember That Embarrassing Moment From Years Ago

    When You Remember That Embarrassing Moment From Years Ago

    lnonl Report


    What Do You Think Happened...?

    What Do You Think Happened...?

    Voxit Report


    I Left The Pantry Open For One Minute

    I Left The Pantry Open For One Minute

    goth_trash Report


    Come Up With The Name For The Photo

    Come Up With The Name For The Photo

    fat_old_boy Report

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    When He Sees Someone Freeloadin' On His Lawn

    When He Sees Someone Freeloadin' On His Lawn

    Pynacle Report


    He Likes To Sit Under The Coat And Today Poked His Head Through The Buttons. A Regal Prince

    He Likes To Sit Under The Coat And Today Poked His Head Through The Buttons. A Regal Prince

    Litleboony Report


    Why Does He Love Chewing Cardbord So Damn Much

    Why Does He Love Chewing Cardbord So Damn Much

    465pointsinscrabble Report

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    Lori T Wisconsin
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat does that, too. At his vet check ups, the vet is always amazed at how perfectly clean his teeth are for an 8 year old cat. I told her about his chewing, and she said as long as he's not eating the corrugate, it's helping clean his teeth and quite a healthy. habit.

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    The Cat That Comes To Visit Us In The Office Makes Interesting Grimaces

    The Cat That Comes To Visit Us In The Office Makes Interesting Grimaces

    Dragapult2020 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes Janet I have come to discuss the geopolitical climate of your company

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    Wfh, Look Over To See This Weirdo

    Wfh, Look Over To See This Weirdo

    Godzirrraaa Report


    I Don't Even Know With Him Sometimes

    I Don't Even Know With Him Sometimes

    JosepKong Report


    Insists On Sleeping In The Box

    Insists On Sleeping In The Box

    PitifulFox6066 Report


    Jinx Enjoys The Laundry Bin

    Jinx Enjoys The Laundry Bin

    Space_Snakes_ Report


    She Won't Let Me Brush Her Face, But She Will Let Me Hold The Brush So She Can Do It Herself

    She Won't Let Me Brush Her Face, But She Will Let Me Hold The Brush So She Can Do It Herself

    paintingcatlady Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She must do everything herself, she must show her dominance and power over her slave, meaning she must be able to clean herself

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    My Brainless Beasts Have Been Paused Mid-Wrestle For The Last 15 Min. At This Point, Magpie Is A Gloried Chin Rest

    My Brainless Beasts Have Been Paused Mid-Wrestle For The Last 15 Min. At This Point, Magpie Is A Gloried Chin Rest

    SJtheFox Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The white one fell asleep and magpie is super patient opponent

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    Oscar Was Just Chilling With His Leg Behind His Head

    Oscar Was Just Chilling With His Leg Behind His Head

    gianthooverpig Report


    Beautiful And Graceful - Tuna’s Preferred Cleaning Position

    Beautiful And Graceful - Tuna’s Preferred Cleaning Position

    oldhousenewlife Report


    My BF’s Cat Was Sleeping Like This ??????

    My BF’s Cat Was Sleeping Like This ??????

    m0kosa Report


    She's Fine, Don't Worry

    She's Fine, Don't Worry

    EightBitCow Report


    Not What I Expected When I Went To Take A Shower

    Not What I Expected When I Went To Take A Shower

    External-Pilot-2207 Report

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    K Tigress
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guess its better then seeing a big black hairy spider or a centipede?

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    Nap So Good You Forget Where And Who You Are

    Nap So Good You Forget Where And Who You Are

    honest_battery Report

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    Nay Wilson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The look on his little face 😂 ‘what time is it? What decade is it?’

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    This Is Normal, Right?

    This Is Normal, Right?

    __InnerPeace__ Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You cheated and taped the box edges, how can kitty practice ripping prey apart now

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    He Sat There For 30 Minutes. I Have No Idea

    He Sat There For 30 Minutes. I Have No Idea

    FloofySamoyed Report


    How Can I Fix This??

    How Can I Fix This??

    clowegreen24 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Adjust the gravitational polarity in your home. It's next to the fuse box.

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    Meet My Cat Squeak, She Has Fiv And Very Expressive Eyes (Oc)

    Meet My Cat Squeak, She Has Fiv And Very Expressive Eyes (Oc)

    lostplanetari Report

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    Madam Puddyfoot
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love this pic. And it's proof that FIV+ cats can live a long life with excellent care.

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    So Sent Me This While I Was Sitting In The Next Room

    So Sent Me This While I Was Sitting In The Next Room

    notfunnynotfunny Report

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    Milady Blue
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "She is beauty, she is grace... She can touch her butt with her face."

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    What Happened To My Cat? Wrong Answers Only