Hey Pandas, What Would You Have Done If You Were Me?
I went out to lunch today and after I paid, realized that I didn’t get a drink. I went up to buy one, and this happened.The guy who waited on me was polite and made small talk with me at first. He even commented on my change purse because it was unusual. We both laughed about it. He gave me my total ($3.21) And I gave him $10.25. The change he handed me was $6.79, and I said (nicely) that I should get $7.04. He looked back at his register and told me that I was wrong. I reminded him that I gave him $10.25, and he told me that he knew that, and said he accounted for my quarter. I could tell he was getting defensive. I said that $3.21 from $10.25 is $7.04, and he told me that it isn’t. I had my phone with me, and showed him on the calculator, thinking that would solve the problem, but he wasn’t interested. I tried a few times to help him see his mistake, but he wasn’t listening to me.It’s not about the money. It’s how he reacted. When it first happened, I thought he’d see the mistake and we’d laugh about it. But he wasn’t willing to listen or even look at the proof I was showing him. I had to walk away because he was getting agitated, and truthfully, so was I. There were customers around, and I didn’t want to make a scene. The other employees stood back and did not intervene.What do you think? Should I have just walked away?
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Same thing: I would have tried to explain it. Once. If not understanding or willing to listen, doesn't matter. I would have walked away. Not losing my time and temper over a quarter. Would try to avoid future run-ins with that person though if possible.
I would have asked to see the manager and explain it to them. I know it's not a lot of money but what if he was short changing a lot of people.
Did you take into account the tax?
Sometimes it adds tax at the register and only shows the employee the new amount.
If I were you, I would have done the same thing... because I would be you, so would do things the way you do.
If you were me though, and that situation, well....
'You're either stupid or messing around with me! Either way, sort your s**t out and give me my fecking money!'
You see, if it was a mistake and you correct it, I'm ok with that, you don't even need to say sorry. But if you don't, I don't give a flying monkey about what people think of me. If you get s****y with me, you make it a matter of principle, and I can be the most stubborn bastard you'll ever meet so I won't give up! Push me further and I will consider it my duty to make you cry or hit me.