I refer to things that had the potential to kill you but you got away with. (If you didn’t cheat death you don't need to respond!)


I was around 9 or 10 and me and my two sisters were playing hide and seek. It was my youngest sisters turn to count so L was hiding I couldn’t find a good place to hide so I hid in the deep freeze freezer. Well I closed the door and I couldn’t get out. Good thing my sister heard me slamming it shut and she opened it for me. THANK YOU SIS!!



Does my first marriage count? Because he is a doozy.



Attempted suicide twice, first time I overdosed it wasn't that severe so the hospital just had me drink charcoal, so gross it is sickly sweet and very gritty like it was mixed with sand. the second time I ended up in hospital for almost a week with a drip of parvolex (used to treat paracetamol overdose). There is a good ending though besides me surviving, 5 days after I came out of hospital my daughter was conceived. She is 14 now and even though I have had suicidal thoughts I have not made an attempt to commit suicide since.


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Stannous Flouride
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Foxxy, probably like many of your other fans here, I sensed an empathy and compassion in many of your comments and this certainly explains it. Your Panda Pals care.

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attempted suicide like 50 times im making it through though



When I a was about 8 I was looking out the car window. I the window started to go up while my head was still sticking out. Started panicking and yelling for my mom to help me. She literally stood their while the window was up to my neck and said Jen get your hand off the button. 🤦🏻‍♀️



I was 15, on a solo trip that was supposed to start in Puerto Rico and head down the windward Caribbean isles to Trinidad (I only made it to St Maarten). I was camping at a place called The Baths on Virgin Gorda, BVI. (see pic). It was not then the hotbed of tourism it is today and I'd go a few days between seeing other humans. I lived on peanut butter, oatmeal, coconuts (they were laying all over), and about 1 fish every other day. I was exploring the amazing huge granite boulders and at one point I jumped in to a crevice where I saw water splashing in. It was only after I got in that I learned it was much deeper than I had assumed. The passage I had hoped I would find was much to tiny to get through and the ledge I'd jumped off of was not only above my head, it was covered with sharp-edged barnacles. I didn't panic but I knew I was in trouble. But I saw a little bit if light coming out from under a rock. It's the big one on the right. I dove under it and came up into a hollow that had been scoured out by wind and water about 3 m across and was able to come out onto the light colored stone and dive off. It was 2-3 days before anyone happened to stop by. I realized afterwards that had I not stumbled across that exit I would have faced a very difficult and bloodying climb or died of hypothermia or dehydration. I had been very lucky and very stupid.



I dislocated my shoulder doing the mannequin challenges



Talking back to my Art teacher after she said Coronavirus wasn't real.

Well, look at where we at now!



Walked into a wall in my house (a wall I walk by multiple times a day) completely sober. Split my forehead open, had to get stitches.



At the age of 21, I went with a friend to Las Vegas for a wedding. We stayed 2 nights drank the entire time we are there. So it is time to go to airport and take the last flight of the day for home. This was before 9/11, so my friend is in line checking us in. The terminal is literally a ghost town with only a hand full of people waiting in line for same flight. I take my carry on bag and stumble my tired still buzzed self over to the empty waiting area. About 100 feet away from me, my friend is going through the check in procedures. The customer service person gets to the question about firearms, explosives, and whatever else in our bags. Of course my friend answered no. Then before I even realize I was talking I muttered underneath my breath "Sorry but no... I forgot to pack my atomic bomb".... I tell you what that agent has like crazy good hearing because like I said I was nowhere near spitting distance... well you can guess what happens next.



Went down a steep rough hill by sitting on a skateboard and wearing roller skates. Realised my mistake when I started picking up speed halfway down. Had to turn a corner to avoid a curve and to my DELIGHT it was another goddamn hill. Swore a lot convinced this is were it ended. Turned another corner into an uphill. Got partway up before skateboard rolled to a stop. Immediately dismounted and skated back up hill to let friends know I wasn’t dead.



I was around 6 or 7. I played outside with a friend, she asked me to come by her place quick. We went there, but little did I know they also had a Tiger Boxer.

So I walk in and stand in the corridor waiting, the dog walks up and starts sniffing the air towards me. Stupid kid as I was, I put my face closer to the dogs face so it could "smell me better." The dog, however, decided he was done sniffing and bit me in my face, then lunged at me trying to push me down I suppose, but I hit the door behind me. Luckily they got the dog off me before any additional injuries could occur.

Later at the doctor, when I was getting stitches, I was told that one of the dogs teeth missed my eye socket by about 3mm. I still wear the scars of that attack 25 years later. Biggest being on my cheek.


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Katherine Boag
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nope not your fault as a young kid that you didn't know how to approach a strange dog. This is why dogs should ALWAYS be supervised around children: children can be just the right height for a dog to take exception to them, and also note the height for ease of face-biting.

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I was 27 and severely depressed. Tried lots of pills and none seemed to work. I felt that there was no hope and so decided to end it all. I set off one night and ended up walking on the motorway. I thought I was about to die but the car swerved at the last minute and caused a crash. The police arrived and I spent a few months in hospital. I'm still battling my depression but so far so good in terms of motorway incidents.



Thinking British was a language. To be fair, I was in 3rd grade.



when I was little, I walked out of a park, to the parking space, and locked myself in the car. no one knew I was there until I was almost out of air and about to faint.



I made brownies for a party at work and left the pan on the stove to clean up later. Around the side was crispy, hard brownie pieces. I got home from work and I was going to cook dinner and decided to clean the pan up and scrape the brownie pieces out of the pan, with a sharp knife. I had my left hand on the side of the pan, the knife slipped and I stabbed myself. My boyfriend and son were out, so I was home alone. Took me a long time to find my phone to call him, I was in so much shock I almost passed out.



so my dad got a bitter spray for our dogs so they wouldn't bite the furniture right, and so i made the mistake of consuming some. let me tell you, the taste didn't leave my mouth for a whole day and a half.


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decided to hide in the cabinet when playing hide and seek. i was stuck there for like 2 hours! my bro saved me..


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I did a load of laundry......

Without any laundry detergent



Tried to trust my “friends” ,Sydney, Christina, and Brea. Sydney told my crush I liked him after promising never to tell anyone, Christina always used me for my grades and Brea always made it loook like we were friends but always made me sit at the other side of the table. This was all in 4th grade. Oh, and respond to the bullies that bully me and answer the local mean girl group’s mean wording.


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Well i must say dumbest thing i have done , & still regretting those things . i forgot my college fees cash ( backpack ) in local grocery shop & came home without paid to college fees after 4 days when my father asked me did you paid you fees?

After that you know what i have been gone through :P


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I dropped a stapler and the top of it detached. My brilliant mind decides to place my finger under the head of stapler and pressed down the top to reattach it. It worked, but at the cost of stapling my finger. The pain didn't set in and I stared at it for quite a bit before pulling the staple out and spraying blood all over my English teacher's test papers. Then the pulsing pain set in, ensue the screaming, room-wide panic, etc. etc. ... In the end none of the students got their tests back because it was a health issue or something... Sorry Ms. Clark...


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Doggo Georgia
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That happened to me once. I had gotten a mini stapler for school, and I was putting some staples in it. I put staples in and, for some reason I decide it's a good idea to lift it back up right where the staples come out. Screaming did not ensue, but there was quite a bit of pain. Sorry that happened to you. 😦

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Trusted my crush AFTER they complained to someone else that I was "romanticising mental illness" and that I think "having depression is fun and quirky"

Like what the actual f**k?

(This person is the reason I have trust issues.)


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I saw a globe 🌎 and wondered why my house and my street wasn’t green



Put a gallon of creosote in 20 lbs. Of powdered chlorine. Big fire that didn't require oxygen.


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my spoon was cold. Wanted to warm it up in the microwave. oof…



In first grade, I had the coveted honor of "driving" the shopping cart in Burlington, with my baby sister's car seat in it. Driving and staring at babies! I started to ride it (with both of my feet on the edge), you know like a normal elementary school airhead, and that s**t tipped over. Baby started crying (but she was in her carseat so she didn't get hurt), and my mom wooped my ass in the store that day. It still haunts me.


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Picked up some Quartz rocks on a beach in Namibia, the locals came with wheelbarrows to collect rocks. So I guessed it would be ok. There were also some round white ones in my selection. At the airport, I was called aside and had to explain the rocks, they thought I was smuggling drugs! Luckily they believed me. I’ve never collected white rocks abroad again.


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I have done lots of dumb stuff...... but one thing have done is burnt myself on a toaster.


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When I was 11 we had a dog called Sam who was unneutered. It was 1986 and there wasn't the pressure to get them fixed back then where we lived. This meant that if there was a female dog in heat within a mile radius of our house, he was after her. That was bad enough in our house previous to this but we had had moved at this stage and we lived near a main road now. So we had to keep an eye on Sam and even thought we had an enclosed back garden he still managed to escape.
This particular day mum asked to keep a look out for Sam when he was in the garden as we had heard a neighbours' dog was in heat. I suddenly saw him disappear behind the garden shed. He would do that and then squeeze through a gap under the hedge and escape through the neighbour's garden. Without thinking I opened the living room window to call him back but leaned out too far and fell out and landed really badly and broke my right arm in 2 places and badly dislocated my shoulder and elbow. Ironic as I only fell about 3 feet. When I was a kid I fell down a 20 foot rock face and escaped with only minor cuts and bruises but I fall out of a downstairs window and completely bust up my right arm.


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thinking coronavirus would be over by the summer



Oh. Another one. Someone kept insulting me, to which I responded with a death threat. The police were called and I was sent to the principals office. My mom had to come and pick me up. We got to the bottom of it but I was so scared I actually um... pooped my pants a lil. I was still in 4th grade.


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Put up with my sister lol🤣


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