I crashed my bike the other day and got a huge, disgusting scar on my face that hurts every second and my spirits haven't been high. Can you give me some good news?
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You probably don't care, but soon I get to start therapy t o help with my terrible depression and anxiety!
No rhinos have been poached in Kenya in the last year!
I managed to get a covid vaccination appointment for both of my grandparents. I can't be happier.
I'm finally, FINALLY, starting to get accepted by my family for being trans.
Its March and my crocuses have bloomed. Somehow I have a yellow one this year! no idea where it came from, the rest are purple.
My journalism teacher complimented a piece of my writing! (compliments are rare coming from him)
My cat didn't try to kill me yesterday or today. I think our bond is growing.
The USA averages over 2 million vaccines a day.
were on track to have vaccines for every adult by may; 1 month ahead of schedule! I love Biden!
I finally got things straightened out with my insurance company. One of my medications was costing me $120 for a three month supply. Now itβs $6!
I'm glad you got this worked out. Insurance companies can be total b*st*rds about paying out the money they're supposed to give their customers.
I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you get better soon!
As for good news, I guess I'm pretty happy that spring is coming around and the weather is getting warmer. I've been feeling better emotionally because the sun is shining more often.
I havenβt cut myself for 4 days!
Your fellow Pandas love you!
The sun will set tonight and rise tomorrow and everyone you've ever loved and ever will love has seen the same sun.
I have doughnuts and a BIG mug of tea on my desk : )
My blog finally reached 100,000 pageviews after 4 years. We celebrated with cake. Because cake.
My bday was last week and
TW: Depression and self harm
It's been a little over a year since i last cut myself :)
sorry that was a bit dark, i just wanted to share since im honestly pretty proud of myself
I'm meeting my boyfriend this Saturday! After a year!!
I'm pretty excited for the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update. It's good news to me!
My sibling got two guinea pigs! They're super cute and only 3 months old! :D
You are alive and wounds heal. I had a similar accident in my teens the day before my first day of Jr High. I went to a new school wrapped up like a mummy just when I was starting to take interest in girls. My wounds healed fast and only left a few small scars from it.
I got a girlfriend ! but we can't see each other in person because of this stupid covic , but we text each other and call almost every day
My pygmy goats have started kidding. Also my Miniature donkey stallion has has his first mating session this week!
Somewhere out there in the world, someone is having the happiest day of their life :)
After weeks of studying I finally raised my grade. :D
You are loved.
If nobody loves you, Iβll love you. If youβre well loved, Iβll love you too. Goes for anyone. I know how it feels to not be loved.
You somebody out there that wants to marry you
I get to see my cousins this evening and they are 4, 2, and less than a year old. I love them so much and they are so cute. Also, I'm getting help from my friends for school cause I need it. Yay for not failing.
u wont care but i have depression and after 5 months of arguing with my friends about going to therapy im finally going to start going to therapy tomorrow..........i dont want to go but they are making me go :(
I do care. Therapy helped me and many others through their deppression and will hopefully help you, too.
My cousins are coming over this summer! :)
for the first time in 170 years, Asia's longest missing bird is seen in indonesia
Its was my sisters b-day recently and i drew a drawing of our dog for her and thankfully she really liked it!! Its my b-day coming up soon and on that day u are then able to see 6 people at a time!! :DD
I got 2,000 points! And I got 13 points on one of my comments recently!
A New βSuper Earthβ Has Been Discovered Near One of Our Galaxyβs Oldest Stars
I'm starting to think my crush likes me back! Not news for the world, but it's making me happy.
This was an old trend, but replace all of the vowels in your username with 'oob!'
You're Koobrboob and I'm Croobzoobdfooblcoobn!!
The covid relief bill got passed by Congress
Sorry you had an accident and that you'll end up with a scar, but as has already been pointed out, scars are bad-*ss.
Obviously there are lots and lots of people who care about you here, and I'd hazard a guess there are lots of friends and family who care about you too, so hang in there and soak up the love.
The good news from me is that our lovely 16 year old cat Mugi-chan, who's not been well for a while, seems to be having a really good day today. That's making this old man quietly very happy.
sorry about your injury, but if it makes u feel better, after covid, ill make u a cake
Iβm not dead yet so I would count that as great news
I live with many kids, as my mother had many miscarraiges and couldnt have babies.
We just adopted three new kids. I couldnt be happier.
Ooo, even better news! My friends mum found out Iβm a demiboy and my name is Charlie, and she accepted me! This means sheβll probably accept my friend when they come out, too!
The ozone hole above Antarctica closed! Oh and I love your profile picture by the way.
I sorry you got hurt...if it makes you feel better I dislocated my knee while dancing so I feel ur pain also I got a guitar!!! Some other good news is that everyone cared enough to put some good news in here so yay! :3
Somewhere, somehow, someway, you will always come through hardships. Any hardship you face, there is always a future waiting for you. You just have to learn to get off the ground and walk to it.
That I get to see my lil cousin for the first time in 3 YEARS THIS CHRISTMAS!!!! my friends got a puppy! I have kept all of my Friends someone likes me in school Um yea!
I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
(sorry, couldn't help myself)
I finally climbed a 5.12b on lead!!!!! ( rock climbing you probably donβt get it or care)
I got the part I wanted in Matilda the Musical Jr.! My stage name is Nigel, one of the little kids, and I don't have too many solos or too little lines! I am now my daddy's "special little soldier," and "no one is as handsome, strong as me."
Also, Scars are absolutely bad a**! you're going to look so cool! get some leather and dyed hair to go with it!
The wage gap is getting smaller in the US!
And I found a new hobby
My entire bubble (I live with my parents) got our first doses of the Pfizer vaccine today!
I'm sooo sorry for you! i hope you get better! I just found out I am going back to school! im soooo excited! also im going to Hawaii for the first time over spring break!!!!! yaaaaayyyy
I just got an iida figure from target a few days ago! It's sitting on my dresser right now and I'm so happy!
AN IIDA FIGURE?!?!?!?!??! Which Target did you go to, cuz I NEED one!
Glad you are going to be ok! Give it time. The many random acts of kindness out there, and the Good News network.
My dad is getting Vaccinated so I get to go to New Jersey over the summer!!!
I didn't have nightmares last night. That's so rare that any day I wake up without them is a good day.
That is good! I get nightmares too but not so often. I hope they start becoming a rare thing for you!
I see your an anime fan, well I mean youβd be glad to know that a lot of animeβs are getting pretty good π rn, even mangas such as AOT; I mean the recent chapter was a lil depressing but weβre nearing the end! Boruto has been taken over by Masashi which then again did lead to a quite depressing recent chapter and umm new demon slayer movie which also has a depressing-, YOU KNOW WHAT; ONE PIECE IS STILL GOING AND THERES NO DEATHS LMFAO AND ITS HILARIOUS! (Iβd add mha but like Dabi is doing some ....weird shiz); And I hear jujutsu Kaisen is nearing its end on its manga too!
Dabi is being very weird.... But only my brother watches Boruto because he says he wants to watch a series where I don't spoil anythng for him ( I'm ahead of him on most animes ) so I can't watch Boruto.
I live in Azerbaijan, and they just won the land war over Karabagh with Armenia.
A little backstory: Karagabh is actually Azerbaijan's and local Azeris were living on that land. Then Armenia came in and drove them off the land, and killed massives amounts of people. In 2020, however, there was a six-week war and Azerbaijan's people are now going back to their homeland.
I know this because I and my family live in the capital, Baku, as ex-pats.
(P.S: Don't sympathize with Armenia. I can stand people who say that Karabagh is Armenia's. It's not. Karabagh is Azerbaijans forever and ever. )
It was sunny 3 days in a row and that pretty rare where I live. Hope you feel better soon!
i realized ii not dum after all
Hahaha. Nobody yis dumb, you can just not be smart. Everyone has their own superpowers, some can do math well, others can drive well, or give good advice. so there is no such thing as being dumb! Be confident! And show off!
I got my new set of eighty markers and I love them. I have so many colors that I never had before.
I got my surgery today
I ate food for the first time in a week or so a few days ago and I feel better
My dad gets out of jail the 31st! I'll be able to see him now and he can see his new son, my brother!
you prob don't care but
i got a new gaming keyboard
my parents got the vaccine
i'm gonna se my family in another country after 2 years in may
Our rottie went to rainbow bridge Saturday and I finally stopped crying
Today is a Saturday. Was it last week?
I finally was able to get my normal vaccines after my anti-van parents opted me out I went and got them :D
I got to connect with my old friends (and my ex who I'm still friends with) and I caught a Zebstrika in PokΓ©mon Go!
I'm graduating soon and can't wait for highschool!!! We are getting lots of birdies do that's awesome! Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!
I think there is another aromantic person in my school. They just happen to be a friend of mine
My daughter will fulfill her dream and become a 3D Animator
Ooh! I had to look it up and now I am so interested! What an amazing job!
I finally got to play with my buddy itβs been months #covidsucks
I had a random day off of school :D and i spent the day hanging with all my animals which took all day! (i have 1 dog, 2 guineapigs, 3 baby chickens, 3 adult chickens. :)
Did you know that people find you 35% more attractive then you find yourself? This thought just gets me thru the day!
My son just won a full scholarship to university!
20% less CO2 emitted last year means a healthier planet earth!
After a long search I finally found my mother's favorite children's book on the Internet. The original was damaged and destroyed over 50 years ago when a pipe burst in her parents' home. My mom recently celebrated her 62nd birthday and she burst into tears! It was really worth it!
Hi everyone! I am 13 and got accepted into an academically talented specialized high school for medicine. I am really nervous so if anyone can give some tips on what high school is like, I would really appreciate it. Thank you! Have a fantastic day!
Got a 4 on my report card in English. (If you don't know, it's the highest score available.
Congratulations! That is a great achievement! Keep it up and you will succeed!
The ozone layer's hole is finally closed.
I paid off my dog's most recent surgery (he's had 3 between May 2020 and January 2021) and have been accepted in a couple craft fairs so I can sell my needle felt creations!