Urgent! We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty! This is the IRS. Someone has attempted to use your social security number to make online purchases. We have a buyer for your Timeshare in Florida! Patricia, is that you? Someone you know is trying to contact you, and they just need a little bit of money to get through. My credit card is not working, can I charge something to your account and pay you back?

Ah, the dreaded phone scams. We’re all familiar with them, and we all hate them. But sometimes, instead of ignoring and immediately blocking these annoying individuals, it might be fun to play along with the act. We’ve gathered some of the most pathetic attempts at scamming people that have been shared on the Scams subreddit, including some where the receivers played their own tricks on the scammers before blocking them or being blocked, so you too can know what to look out for online. Keep reading to also find interviews with scam protection experts, Troy Hunt, Microsoft Regional Director and founder of Have I Been Pwned, and Robert Nordlander, host of the Fraud Fighter Podcast. 

Enjoy these hilarious messages, and then if you’re interested in joining my business and earning up to $40k per month through online trading and cryptocurrency investments– I mean, sorry. If you’re interested in even more pics from the Scams subreddit, you can check out Bored Panda’s last publication on the same topic right here. (I promise, the link won’t infect your computer.)


The Wife Left Me A Note To Warn Me About A Scam

The Wife Left Me A Note To Warn Me About A Scam

Carl_Reed85 Report

To gain some insight on the topic of spam calls, we reached out to Troy Hunt, founder of Have I Been Pwned, a website that works hard to bring an end to data breaches and hacking. When asked why scam phone calls and messages are so common nowadays, Troy says, "Because it's a low-risk criminal activity that can be executed in bulk and have potentially high returns. Compared to more traditional criminal activities such as break and enter, cybercrime is very attractive!"

We also asked him how often people manage to fall for these scammers' tricks. "A huge number of people fall victim to these scams every single day," Troy says. "Part of the problem is the difficulty in separating scams from legitimate emails, in part because the scams do such a good job of emulating genuine communications, but also in part because so much genuine communication is indistinguishable from a scam!"

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I Finally Got One!! Or At Least, I Think I Did. The Conversation Did Not Quite Go As Expected

I Finally Got One!! Or At Least, I Think I Did. The Conversation Did Not Quite Go As Expected

astridbowie Report


We also asked Troy how much damage these scam artists do. "At an individual level, it could be anything from a few bucks to your life savings. Increasingly, these scams are targeting corporations and the damage there is often in the millions of dollars."

"Scams are successful due to clever social engineering; we are all subject to behaving irrationally when a scam creates a sense of urgency, appeals to our curiosity or greed or makes us fearful of not responding," Troy explained. "We, the humans, remain the weakest link and that's what scammers continue to exploit."

If you'd like to learn more about Troy's website or find out if you have been "pwned", check out Have I Been Pwned right here.


Is This A Scam?

Is This A Scam?

Alpha_Lemur Report

We also reached out to Robert Nordlander, host of the Fraud Fighter Podcast, to hear his thoughts on the topic. When it comes to why these scams are so common, Robert told Bored Panda, "Scam artists use the technology that is available to the general public. Long time ago, it was mail, but today everyone uses email and texts. It just makes the results faster, and it is also cheaper to send emails/texts. When texts/cell phone calls were expensive, it wasn’t as prevalent."


When asked how people manage to fall victim to these crimes, Robert says, "No one will know the exact data except for the scam artists. But it must be profitable, because they continue to use it. The scam artists spoof links to take the victim to spoof webpages, so their personal information can be requested. These links or attachments allow the scam artists to determine which email address/phone number is active. So even if the victim doesn’t 'bite' on the scam, the scam artists know that there is activity whether answering the phone or opening the email. I have personally received emails that request my services (albeit suspicious story). However, I respond with ‘not interested’ comment, only to receive an email as if I was interested."


It's Insane That This Is Even Necessary

It's Insane That This Is Even Necessary

Adoptstrays Report

Lastly, Robert added, "According to the Annual Report by the ACFE, fraud is estimated to be 5% of total sales worldwide. If it is too good to be true, it is. Stay away from promises of anything free if you respond to a text or email. Same thing with being added to a sweepstakes to enter for a prize. Your chances of winning are very small if it is legitimate, but the chances of being scammed or receiving a computer virus is exponentially greater. If in doubt, hang up on any person claiming to be a representative calling you to request your personal information. Then call the 800 number on the financial institution’s website or call the number on the back of your bank card. If there really is a problem with your account, you can get direct help from your bank when you make the call."


If you'd like to learn more about preventing and avoiding scams from Robert, be sure to check out the Fraud Fighter Podcast right here.


You Are Under The Rest

You Are Under The Rest

R-DnB-83 Report

Scammers have been around for generations. We like to think that we all know not to click suspicious links or fall prey to obviously sketchy messages, but obviously someone is doing it. Or these scams would not be so prevalent in the first place. According to a report from Truecaller, almost one third of all Americans admitted they had fallen prey to a phone scam during 2021. Among those who have been victims of phone scams, nearly one fifth of them had been swindled out of money more than once. 

These phone scams have been becoming increasingly more common over the years as well, as there were only 22.1 million such victims in the US in 2017 and 59.4 million in 2021. As CNBC reports, not only have these crimes increased in number but also in the amount of money that is being taken from people. In 2020, the average loss reported by phone scam victims was $351, but by 2021, that amount skyrocketed to $502 per person.  


I Was Surprised To Get A Message From A High School Friend's Father

I Was Surprised To Get A Message From A High School Friend's Father

blackcav Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well that makes it even more urgent. This is his only way to communicate with the living. Come on, help a guy out

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In response to this concerning amount of scams happening in the United States, senior advisory board member at Truecaller, Clayton LiaBraaten told CNBC, “It’s very disappointing to me, and alarming that people are getting convinced to send criminals money.” But he explained that he was, unfortunately, not surprised. “These criminals are incredibly clever in the way that they manipulate people.”

When it comes to the demographics of who is more susceptible to being scammed, the most vulnerable age group was adults between 35-44 years old. Interestingly, men are also much more vulnerable than women, regardless of the age group they fall into. The Federal Communications Commission is working hard to mitigate scam calls, as they implemented requirements in the summer of 2021 for providers to provide caller ID authentication technology, but it’s not a perfect solution. Scammers are very clever at finding ways around the rules, so unfortunately, Americans are still receiving way more spam calls than they should. “They’re not going to give up,” LiaBraaten says. 




bridgerberdel Report

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subrpr avatar
pietermarkey avatar
Mr Red
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If I was a bot, how would I be able to send live pic and videos? lol

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robertwatts avatar
Robert Watts
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

they seem to have entered into an infinite loop... bet its still going on...

damilaredaniel27 avatar
t0o8n8 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Someone needs to make a bot bot and see how long they'll go for.

parmeisan avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one is old, but amazing: (Bots have a tendency to accuse people of being bots, since they usually learn off of things real people say to them, and real people figure out they're bots fairly easily. Hook them up to each other and just watch 'em go!)

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abohajineto avatar
AB Ohajineto
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

👮‍♂️ CYBERSECURITY ALERT 👮‍♀️ Dear Internet Users, Your online security matters to us! If you've experienced the loss or theft of cryptocurrency or funds on the internet, we're here to assist you in recovering what's rightfully yours. Cybercrimes involving cryptocurrencies and digital assets are on the rise, and we're committed to tackling these issues head-on. To report lost or stolen crypto or funds: * Contact the appropriate law enforcement agency specializing in cybercrimes: cybercrime.emergency(@)gmail(.)com We have experts trained to handle these cases effectively. * Provide detailed information about the incident, including transaction details, involved parties, and any digital evidence you may have. * Stay vigilant and patient during the investigation process. Our dedicated team will work tirelessly to recover your assets and bring perpetrators to justice.

debndean241 avatar
Some guy
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If I WERE a bot, wouldn't I have better grammar and capitalization? LOL.

cyndiebirkner avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is like the HISHE " I am Groot" / "I'm Batman"'ll be a while.

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If you find yourself receiving 5 scam phone calls a day, and you are worried about protecting yourself, there are ways to reduce your risk of being stolen from. A simple tip that most cybersecurity experts recommend is just never answering phone calls from unknown numbers. If it is important, they will leave a message. And if they don’t, you don’t need to worry about it. Just block the caller.

Another giveaway that someone is calling you to try to scam you is if the call is coming from an area where you don’t know anyone. If you live in California, but you suddenly receive a call from Louisiana, a state you have no ties to, chances are you don’t need to answer it. It can be hard to know when to answer calls if your business operates across the country or you live in a city with many transplants, but in general, if you don’t know who the person is, let them leave a message.


But I Wanna See!

But I Wanna See!

hardoseal Report

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erinfish7 avatar
Erin Fish
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I really need to know where this scam is going. Are the going to request money to get their dog some Imodium?

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Well That Escalated Quickly (Common Whatsapp Scam That I Have Been Getting)

Well That Escalated Quickly (Common Whatsapp Scam That I Have Been Getting)

afunzombie Report

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anoniemereserve avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I also say 'Nice to meet you' everytime I talk to my business partner.

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Don’t forget to block suspicious numbers after they call as well. Scammers are persistent, but if you start by blocking every number that contacts you, it will slowly reduce the number of spam calls you receive. Most mobile service providers have free software or apps that allow you to screen or block automated calls,” CNBC writer Megan Leonhardt explains. “Some, like Verizon, have software that automatically blocks some of the worst robocalls throughout their network, while others have separate options that consumers can install.” Be sure to add yourself to the National Do Not Call Registry, if you live in the United States, as well. 


I Told Them It Was A Wrong Number But They Kept On Going

I Told Them It Was A Wrong Number But They Kept On Going

resentfulpenguin Report


It's Close To Midnight And Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark

It's Close To Midnight And Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark

lukini26 Report

Another easy way to reduce calls from spammers is to limit how often you give your number out. Every time a retailer, website, or activist on the street asks for you to put your number down, consider if it is really necessary. As much as we would like to trust these companies or individuals, our information can always be sold and distributed without our knowledge if we don’t hold onto it tightly. In reference to the extremely high amounts of money scam artists have recently collected from Americans, LiaBratten says, “This is high enough at $500 a pop that people should be treating their phone numbers like they treat their bank account numbers.”


How Did These People Make So Much Money Off This??

How Did These People Make So Much Money Off This??

Mushlaam Report

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cgaboone avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If there's a rapture, I'm pretty sure my pets are gonna cause it, so I'm not giving them squat. They already stare at me like they can't wait to eat me. [Cat: Do you think he's getting fatter? Dog: I hope so. I've been putting gravy in all his food since last September.]

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Made Me Giggle And Think Of You All Lol

Made Me Giggle And Think Of You All Lol

LottimusMaximus Report

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jacintafinn_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I first started getting these I was like homer LoL kept thinking I must have forgotten something that I'd ordered and was psyched to be getting something! Thankfully I never even click legit links so all good, but the disappointment of not getting that magical package lol

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Scam phone calls are not a uniquely American issue, though. In fact, the United States ranks 20th on the list of countries receiving the most spam calls annually. According to Truecaller, the country that is plagued by the most spam calls, by far, is Brazil. In 2021, Brazilians received on average 32.9 spam calls a month. The country with the second highest scam call rates was Peru, with the average person receiving about half as many calls as citizens in Brazil. What is even more shocking is that, during their deep dive into spam calls, Truecaller determined that one single spammer in India made over 202 million spam calls over the course of one year. “That’s over 664,000 people that were disturbed by spam calls every day and 27,000 people every hour – from just one phone number,” their report explains.


Most Disgusting Thing I‘Ve Seen All Year. American Pos Pretending To Be An Ukrainian Citizen, Trying To Get Donations

Most Disgusting Thing I‘Ve Seen All Year. American Pos Pretending To Be An Ukrainian Citizen, Trying To Get Donations

[deleted] Report


I Thought I Was Worth A Bit More Lol

I Thought I Was Worth A Bit More Lol

Pumpkin__Butt Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dude, just kill me already. On the other hand, I think it's funny that my life is worth that much.

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So how did online and phone scams snowball into the monstrosity that they currently are? I know for a fact that when I was in high school, I was not receiving the same amount of calls about my car’s extended warranty or made-up charities begging me for donations. According to Walt Hickey at Business Insider, there are a few reasons these scams have been able to flourish. First, he credits technological advancements for this plague. It has become far too easy for scam artists to create countless numbers of robocalls that can’t be traced. He also notes that scammers can make a lot of money off their victims, so it is an enticing “career path” for those lacking a conscience. Lastly, Walt writes that it is incredibly easy for people to get away with these crimes, due to a lack of legislation concerning them and under-funded law enforcement groups. Even if they are seen as a serious issue, they are a beast to confront.    


This Sub Has Made Me Aware Of Literally Every Scam Before It Happens

This Sub Has Made Me Aware Of Literally Every Scam Before It Happens

Right-Shelter Report


Booked A Beautiful 2 Bedroom Condo On Airbnb. Host Cancelled And “Upgraded” Me To This “4 Bedroom Dream Home”

Booked A Beautiful 2 Bedroom Condo On Airbnb. Host Cancelled And “Upgraded” Me To This “4 Bedroom Dream Home”

rockhavenrick Report


My Mother Had This Thing In Her House Blinking Red And Yellow. She Says It Protects Against 5g. Is This Thing Real?

My Mother Had This Thing In Her House Blinking Red And Yellow. She Says It Protects Against 5g. Is This Thing Real?

The1cyrus Report

Walt goes on to explain just how profitable phone scamming can be. "They work," Aaron Foss, founder of Nomorobo, a company that blocks spam calls, told Business Insider. "The response rates are abysmal, a tenth of a percent response rate. But the risk of getting caught is so, so low, and the rewards are so high." For example, 125,000 minutes of robocalls from Message Communications Inc can be purchased for only $875. If each receiver of these calls stays on the line for an average of 3 seconds, that $875 funds 2.5 million calls. And if only one out of 10,000 calls is successful, one hour of these robocalls can bring in $1,750 in profits. 


My Mother Got Scammed For At Least $20k After Everyone Warned Her. This Was The Last Text She Sent To Me

My Mother Got Scammed For At Least $20k After Everyone Warned Her. This Was The Last Text She Sent To Me

nooneknows153 Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I actually find it really sad that she keeps falling for these things though :/

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This Is The Single Most Creepiest Link I’ve Ever Seen.. Thoughts?

This Is The Single Most Creepiest Link I’ve Ever Seen.. Thoughts?

jackel_fried39 Report


This Email Had Me Rotfl. Yahoo Boy Almost Had Me

This Email Had Me Rotfl. Yahoo Boy Almost Had Me

lyttleman Report


Apparently, phone carriers are also not particularly interested in stopping these calls because they often cannot prove for a fact that any illegal activity is taking place. They are also fearful of blocking too many calls, leaving customers missing important information. “A pharmacy may contact a patient about their COVID-19 vaccine appointment with an automated call, and if a carrier blocked that there would be hell to pay,” Walt writes. “Carriers avoid interfering in gray areas, and will only block a gateway carrier or caller when given ample grounding to do so, often by federal action against a bad actor.”


This Is Truth Needs To Be Said , Don't Fall So Easily For Those Cheap Mails Guys

This Is Truth Needs To Be Said , Don't Fall So Easily For Those Cheap Mails Guys

Mary-Sylvia Report


Is This A Scam?

Is This A Scam?

Answer_2_Everything Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm on the fence here- I would just keep it- but also I'd feel bad if it was an honest mistake

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We hope you are much more entertained by this list of hilarious and pathetic spam messages than you are by answering your phone 10 times a week to find a robo message on the other end. Keep upvoting the pics that you’d like all of your fellow pandas to catch, and then let us know in the comments if you have any hilarious encounters with spam callers or messengers that you’d like to share. Remember to always be suspicious of links you find in your inbox and calls from unknown numbers, and if you’re desperate to earn some extra cash, I have a great business opportunity to share with you. If you follow the link I have sent you, you can start earning enough to retire in the next 5 years– *cut to the dial tone*.


Watch Out For Support Monkey Scam

Watch Out For Support Monkey Scam

fredtheunicorn1 Report

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cgaboone avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate it when I pay good money for fake monkeys. I mean, this feces is not gonna throw itself, y'know.

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I Guess She Really Wanted To See It

I Guess She Really Wanted To See It

Tazzy1337 Report

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autisticwolf avatar
Autistic Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow a real human female. - One of these days I'm going to learn to just have a bot respond to another bot just to create an unending loop and possibly cost the sender some kind of data charges (which I'm pretty sure are still a thing in India and Nigeria where most of these come from)

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coralinethecorgi Report

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ltdn_org avatar
Karen Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's not suspicious at all! I mean, it's so nice of them to reassure you that it's not at all illegal for a total stranger to ask you to keep some nondescript packages in safekeeping discretely, right? :-p

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Youtuber Who Exposed Multiple Scam Call Centers Leads To Shutdown And Arrest Of 15 Involved Individuals

Youtuber Who Exposed Multiple Scam Call Centers Leads To Shutdown And Arrest Of 15 Involved Individuals

systemfrown Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes, Mark Rober for the win!! He's a great guy and if you've never heard of him you should go check out his YouTube channel, he posts a lot of science stuff but it's actually exciting and there's a lot of big and messy stuff.

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I Knew Someone Would Try Sooner Or Later. I'm Still Missing My Cat

I Knew Someone Would Try Sooner Or Later. I'm Still Missing My Cat

JustNothing5464 Report

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k-haslam avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Had this happen to me, too. The only thing I'd like more than finding whoever sent it and slowly cutting their fingers off with a dull knife would be to have Bubba back.

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Bro I Can’t- 💀💀

Bro I Can’t- 💀💀

tiredofmissingyou Report

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zedrapazia avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why should someone want to buy an old account in the first place ...? I don't have Reddit do it sounds very odd to me

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These Scammers Are Nicer To Me Than My Own Friends

These Scammers Are Nicer To Me Than My Own Friends

ashcash1234 Report

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censorshipsucks9 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

just ask them to drop a live location, whatsapp does have that feature and I can see from the background image that it's whatsapp.

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So, I've Been Contacted By "Keanu Reeves"

So, I've Been Contacted By "Keanu Reeves"

Naomian1984 Report

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ansistargirl avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So the Lady Gaga one had also a "ra ra ra ra ra". The Michael Jackson "Hee Hee". Shouldn't Keanu have atleast "Woah!" to make it more belivable? 🤔😉 Maybe "YOU are breathtaking! Woah." ? 😄

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The Message That’s Printed On Government-Issued Envelopes In My City 🙌

The Message That’s Printed On Government-Issued Envelopes In My City 🙌

TopperMadeline Report

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Private Landlord Insists On Application Fee

Private Landlord Insists On Application Fee

Mr_Unbiased Report

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cgaboone avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Where would someone get thirty five dolls? I would offer four Barbies and a Kelly doll without a head, but that would be my final offer.

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Received This In The Mail All By Itself, Addressed To Me With No Paper Work. Hmmm. Should I Plug It In? Ha!

Received This In The Mail All By Itself, Addressed To Me With No Paper Work. Hmmm. Should I Plug It In? Ha!

Eric12345678 Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hm. I'd actually be curious to see what's on it though, wonder if there's a way to do that without getting a million viruses downloaded onto the computer?

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I Know This Is A Scam, But What’s The Point?

I Know This Is A Scam, But What’s The Point?

DontFeedTheTech Report


I Was Just Offered My Dream Job, Should I Accept??

I Was Just Offered My Dream Job, Should I Accept??

gingersnatch_ Report

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lovisnixe avatar
Jellicle bat
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They just need your name, address, cat's name, social Security number, credit card information...

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A Hitman Is Asking For $100k To Not Kill Me. Is It A Good Deal?(Noob)

A Hitman Is Asking For $100k To Not Kill Me. Is It A Good Deal?(Noob)

McworreK Report


A Scam Crafted To Target The Kindness Of Your Mother

A Scam Crafted To Target The Kindness Of Your Mother

Salt_Paint_1074 Report

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ansistargirl avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Scammer: hehehe... I almost has it in the bag... 😈 Mother: reverse UNO card. 🤣

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Can You Guys Help Me? I’m Losing Hope

Can You Guys Help Me? I’m Losing Hope

DutyIcy2056 Report


In Case You Got Ptsd From The Oscars, You Can Get Over 1 Million Dollars!

In Case You Got Ptsd From The Oscars, You Can Get Over 1 Million Dollars!

Cyclone221 Report

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yeboitabbyd avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Anyone else notice that his department abbreviates to 'SCAM'?

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My Brother Is An Idiot. He Actually “Cashed” The Check And Used It To Pay His Rent

My Brother Is An Idiot. He Actually “Cashed” The Check And Used It To Pay His Rent

Ragarianok Report

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ltdn_org avatar
Karen Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They are going to be sad when that check bounces and the bank wants their money back.

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These Cameras Arrived At My Home And Nobody Purchased It

These Cameras Arrived At My Home And Nobody Purchased It

shibe9000 Report

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jesi avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don’t sell them, destroy them. They’re probably spy devices.

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Will An Old Post On Reddit Get Me Into Court

Will An Old Post On Reddit Get Me Into Court

antmaster208 Report

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bobbygoodson avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In case anyone didn't know, if law enforcement has issue with your posts they aren't going to you about it. Not at first at least

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I Finally Received One Of These! I Feel Like A Full Member Of Society Now

I Finally Received One Of These! I Feel Like A Full Member Of Society Now

baramobacka Report

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See Also on Bored Panda

A Crypto Class? This Is Basically A Scam, Right?

A Crypto Class? This Is Basically A Scam, Right?

highlandpolo6 Report


My Fiancée’s Mother Bought A Dozen Boxes Of Theses Patches That Promise You Will Lose Weight Just By Using It A Couple Of Hours Daily

My Fiancée’s Mother Bought A Dozen Boxes Of Theses Patches That Promise You Will Lose Weight Just By Using It A Couple Of Hours Daily

aviitor Report

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ansistargirl avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hopefully it could work through the placebo effect? I feel sorry for people falling for scams. 💔

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Please No One Fall For This Shot On Instagram, This Is My 10th Friend Getting Their Account Hacked On This Same Bitcoin Bull. At Least This One’s Funny Af Though Lol

Please No One Fall For This Shot On Instagram, This Is My 10th Friend Getting Their Account Hacked On This Same Bitcoin Bull. At Least This One’s Funny Af Though Lol

Jumpy_Vacation_3151 Report

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amzhang avatar
Down With Agent Hedgehog!
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Scammer scamming a scammer, who is scam scamming scammers scam, scammers scamming scam scammers…

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Don’t Buy Chains Off Of Smaller Websites Using Tiktok To Advertise, Most Likely A Scam

Don’t Buy Chains Off Of Smaller Websites Using Tiktok To Advertise, Most Likely A Scam

paceysewell Report

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jacintafinn_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't have a lot of sympathy for anyone who buys anything from social media sites

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FBI Contacted Me, Finally I Will Get My 10,3 Million😁

FBI Contacted Me, Finally I Will Get My 10,3 Million😁

Bluetex110 Report


So After A Week Of Talking To This Guy To Buy My Truck For $19,000, He Sends Me This 🙄

So After A Week Of Talking To This Guy To Buy My Truck For $19,000, He Sends Me This 🙄

sa-northerner Report

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Damage A Scammer Can Do With Elderly Person's Credit Card In 5 Short Days

Damage A Scammer Can Do With Elderly Person's Credit Card In 5 Short Days

MikeTheAvocate Report


You’re Trying To Get Into The Online Influencer Ambassador Program?! Me Too!

You’re Trying To Get Into The Online Influencer Ambassador Program?! Me Too!

Altruistic-Neat-30 Report


Can’t Believe I Fell For This Feel Like An Idiot

Can’t Believe I Fell For This Feel Like An Idiot

MegaFatcat100 Report


Is This Legit?

Is This Legit?

Due-Entrepreneur-570 Report


I Need Help I Lost My Cat Last Night And This Random Person Said They Found Him, I Have Not Posted Anything Online But These Messages Look Really Weird

I Need Help I Lost My Cat Last Night And This Random Person Said They Found Him, I Have Not Posted Anything Online But These Messages Look Really Weird

Ordinary-Star-657 Report

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strej_cezet avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This guy is trying to break in to your Google account. When someone attempts to log in to your account using unknown device, Google will ask for a verification number they sent to your phone just to confirm it is you and not some scammer that acquired your password somehow. And this is said scammer asking you for that number. If you've actually received this code from 22000, you should probably change your Google account password.

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I’m Running An Event And Within 30mins Of Posting It On Fb, I Deleted At Least 10 Fake Accounts Trying To Sell Tickets

I’m Running An Event And Within 30mins Of Posting It On Fb, I Deleted At Least 10 Fake Accounts Trying To Sell Tickets

ShaneWarrn-ambool Report


Wife Thinks This Is Legit. I Do Not. What Do You Think?

Wife Thinks This Is Legit. I Do Not. What Do You Think?

Igglethepiggle Report

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Strange Scam Call. "My Son Lost His AirPods And They Are Pointing To Your Address"

Strange Scam Call. "My Son Lost His AirPods And They Are Pointing To Your Address"

jay--mac Report


Feels Scammy - What's The Story With These?

Feels Scammy - What's The Story With These?

fugensnot Report

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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Top response on reddit comes from user AlertThinker: It's an auction where half the people are "in" on the scam and the other half are innocent victims. They'll have one or two "real" items, like a patek philippe watch, or Cartier, but then everything else is fake or counterfeit. But like gambling, the innocent people will want to bid on everything and will win some fake stuff.

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Is This Site A Scam?

Is This Site A Scam?

Slimguy24 Report


Today I Received This Text Message On My Personal Phone, Should I Be Worried? I Have No Idea Who This Is

Today I Received This Text Message On My Personal Phone, Should I Be Worried? I Have No Idea Who This Is

Due-Foundation-8853 Report

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ericc_ avatar
Eric C.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But if you kill me and my families, you still won't get your money. 🤔

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After Someone Sent Me Money On Paypal, I Got This Seemingly Legitimate Message From Paypal Support, And It's Breaking My Brain

After Someone Sent Me Money On Paypal, I Got This Seemingly Legitimate Message From Paypal Support, And It's Breaking My Brain

AmcillaSB Report


President Joe Biden Sent Me An Email Himself!

President Joe Biden Sent Me An Email Himself!

randomlyterepi Report


This Is A Scam Right?

This Is A Scam Right? Report

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ameliaoxborrow_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What bothers me is that the phone's on 1%- who else saw this??

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Scammer Posing As Us Airforce

Scammer Posing As Us Airforce

Aggressive_Western51 Report

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Thanks To This Subreddit, I Avoided Being Scammed Today!

Thanks To This Subreddit, I Avoided Being Scammed Today!

valhalla_visitor Report


This Is Fake, Right? Friend Was Shown This As "Proof" Of Why Their Long Distance Military Boyfriend Can't Do Any Video Calls. I See Several Errors And These Officials And Legal Statues Don't Seem To Exist

This Is Fake, Right? Friend Was Shown This As "Proof" Of Why Their Long Distance Military Boyfriend Can't Do Any Video Calls. I See Several Errors And These Officials And Legal Statues Don't Seem To Exist

H3d0n1st Report

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sandmen-boring0t avatar
Cashme Outside
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OKAY soo Ive legitimately been deployed in a status where we could not do video chats due to security, and Ive heard about this scam a few times, so Ill break down whats wrong here. First of all, that is not what an official document will ever look like coming from the US gov’t in any capacity. Second, if you can’t videochat, they aren’t gonna be okay with you sending a picture of anything to a civilian. Third, the wording on that “document” is laughable. As for how it worked- we were flat out ordered not to do it and had already signed an NDA for what we were doing. 100% of our phone calls were monitored and we were not to discuss anything regarding any part of where we were, what we were doing there, or our job. There was no paper handout saying not to do it, it was known that doing any of those would have you pulled from the unit extremely quickly, and you would be sent home. Any further punishment would be conducted stateside.

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What Is "Alaye" And Why Does It Deter Scammers? Tried This Myself Today, Got Blocked

What Is "Alaye" And Why Does It Deter Scammers? Tried This Myself Today, Got Blocked

mmofrki Report

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cc_11 avatar
Eva Shogoki
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wiktionary says: "a code word used by scammers to reveal themselves to each other"

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Is This A Scam? My Info Is Actually Sent Including My Name And Address And I Did Receive An Amazon Package That I Didn’t Order About A Week Ago

Is This A Scam? My Info Is Actually Sent Including My Name And Address And I Did Receive An Amazon Package That I Didn’t Order About A Week Ago

jasiekkffasola Report

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mathall avatar
Mat Hall
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Scam. Who knows where they got your information from, but the general gist is that they'll send you some piece of junk in an Amazon box then make vague legal threats in an attempt to get you to "reimburse" them.

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My Uncle Bought $200 Worth Of Ground Beef From A Facebook Ad And Got Scammed

My Uncle Bought $200 Worth Of Ground Beef From A Facebook Ad And Got Scammed

brebre431 Report

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sergyyeltsen avatar
Sergy Yeltsen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't know what is worse - the scam done, or the hideous minced meat in a can. Truly revolting.

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I Received This Text This Morning… The Only Person I’ve Been With Said It Wasn’t Her, And I’m Hesitant To Click On The Link To See If It Brings Me To A Legit Website. Chances Of This Being A Scam?

I Received This Text This Morning… The Only Person I’ve Been With Said It Wasn’t Her, And I’m Hesitant To Click On The Link To See If It Brings Me To A Legit Website. Chances Of This Being A Scam?

Solly8517 Report

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faeriewoman27 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just go to your regular doctor & get tested. Don't take the chance of clicking on the link. Better safe than sorry.

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Someone Hacked My Instagram: Need Help. Hacker Is Asking For $100 Or He Will Sell My Account To An Indian Scammer. Anybody Can Help With This? Any Solutions?

Someone Hacked My Instagram: Need Help. Hacker Is Asking For $100 Or He Will Sell My Account To An Indian Scammer. Anybody Can Help With This? Any Solutions?

abac18 Report


Does Ticketmaster Even Sell Airline Tickets Or Is This Fake?

Does Ticketmaster Even Sell Airline Tickets Or Is This Fake?

Fine-Match-3159 Report

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ltdn_org avatar
Karen Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

With the number of spelling mistakes in there along with the fact that ticketmaster does not book airline tickets I think we can say it's a fake.

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Amazon Scammed Me. What Should I Do?

Amazon Scammed Me. What Should I Do?

Complementary-Tea Report

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ltdn_org avatar
Karen Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That is someone selling through Amazon, not Amazon itself but yeah, contacting Amazon is the right step. Amazon needs to know what the seller is doing.

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Freelancing Job Wanted Me To Send Money To Sketchy Gmails. They Sent Me This Email After I Refused To Send Money To A Sketchy Gmail. I Asked For A Company Email And Got This On Return. What Do I Do With The Money

Freelancing Job Wanted Me To Send Money To Sketchy Gmails. They Sent Me This Email After I Refused To Send Money To A Sketchy Gmail. I Asked For A Company Email And Got This On Return. What Do I Do With The Money

satanswallows Report

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frothytrout5436 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No way! The FBI is a security company, not a group of American federal agents?!

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Boyfriend Was Trying To Sell On Ebay And Received This In The Mail, Thought It Was Legit Until I Told Him It Was 1000% A Scam

Boyfriend Was Trying To Sell On Ebay And Received This In The Mail, Thought It Was Legit Until I Told Him It Was 1000% A Scam

SpicyMackerel Report

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Seems Sketchy? I’m Selling A Couch On Craigslist And Unsure About Potential Buyer

Seems Sketchy? I’m Selling A Couch On Craigslist And Unsure About Potential Buyer

mgg3427 Report


So My Friend Contacted Me After Months With This… This Is Definitely A Scam Right? And If I Didn’t Give Them Anything Will They Try To Hack Me? I’m Scared Now…

So My Friend Contacted Me After Months With This… This Is Definitely A Scam Right? And If I Didn’t Give Them Anything Will They Try To Hack Me? I’m Scared Now…

sv816 Report


I Really Need To Check My Junk Mail Folder More Often

I Really Need To Check My Junk Mail Folder More Often

300blkdout Report

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Restaurant Takeout Order Scam?

Restaurant Takeout Order Scam?

SnomDax Report

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smuttirox avatar
Stephanie A Mutti
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It could be legit OR someone hoping for a kind hearted donation of food. Can't hurt to send the take-out menu.

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Is This A Scam? I Think It Should Be Fine If I Cash The Check First

Is This A Scam? I Think It Should Be Fine If I Cash The Check First

VentusApolox Report

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ltdn_org avatar
Karen Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Any time they want to mail you a check, especially if they're going to be out of touch... Run!

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Does This Feel Scammy To You Guys? The Mutual Friends We Have Have No Relation To My Mom

Does This Feel Scammy To You Guys? The Mutual Friends We Have Have No Relation To My Mom

Pdubz91 Report

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ellenranks avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wish they would try this on me. My mom died 14 years ago.

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If You Have To Ask If It’s A Scam, It’s A Scam (More In Comments)

If You Have To Ask If It’s A Scam, It’s A Scam (More In Comments)

AthleticNerd_ Report

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melanieking avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I see no more in comments. Come on BP, you can at least edit headlines to make sense if you're gonna do all that censoring

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I'm Trying To Sell Some Stuff On Ebay And Idk

I'm Trying To Sell Some Stuff On Ebay And Idk

ThatGermSquad77 Report


Did I Dodge A Bullet/Is Buying Reddit Accounts A Thing?

Did I Dodge A Bullet/Is Buying Reddit Accounts A Thing?

Ifyouhav2ask Report

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Posted On Facebook Market Place, This Lady Seems Suspicious

Posted On Facebook Market Place, This Lady Seems Suspicious

RujiarinChef Report