Spending a few days with my 92-year-old grandmother feels like completing a crash course in stand-up comedy. She’s witty, sassy and way past the age of caring about what anyone else thinks of her. Plus, she seems to have a knack for making people laugh at the simplest things.
And apparently, she’s far from the only hilarious elderly person out there. Below, you’ll find photos that Bored Panda has gathered from around the internet showing some of the funniest things grandparents have ever done. From editing photos to coming up with innovative ways to complete tasks, there’s nothing that an elderly person can’t do with a sense of humor. Enjoy scrolling through these pics, and be sure to upvote the ones that inspire you to continue honing your comedy into your old age!
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My Best Friend's Grandma Made These Before She Passed Away To Give Out At Her Funeral. What An Icon
My Grandma Found A Clever Way To Incorporate Her Walker Into Her Halloween Costume
From Great Strength Comes Great Responsibility
Aging is something that a lot of people are scared of. For some reason, we tend to fear the day when we start noticing grey hairs and wrinkles, and we try as hard as we can to stay looking youthful. But with age comes wisdom, and as the photos on this list prove, wisdom can come with a great sense of humor as well!
I’m lucky enough to still have two living grandparents, and I have to say that they’re both hilarious. Despite being in their 80s and 90s, they are both active, as sharp as ever and absolute riots. I’m not sure if they always intend to make hilarious jokes when they do, as sometimes their sass and sarcasm appear to come out so effortlessly. But they’re both joys to be around, and they inspire me to keep my sense of humor until my last day on Earth.
For Christmas This Year, My 97-Year-Old Grammy Gave Us A Calendar With Photoshopped Pictures Of Herself For Each Month
My Gift From My Grandparents Today
Grandpa's First Attempt At Cosplay, Leia And R2-D2
Along with losing some of our physical capabilities as we age, the New York Post claims that our senses of humor start deteriorating as well. According to a Gallup poll, after 23, the amount of times that a person laughs or smiles on any given day starts to go downhill.
“We grow up, enter the workforce, and suddenly become ‘serious and important people,’ trading laughter for ties and pantsuits,” the authors of Humor, Seriously write. “Before long, we lose levity entirely in a sea of bottom lines, slide decks, and mind-numbing conference calls.”
Apparently, the pursuit of professionalism is one of the major reasons why people start becoming more serious and leave less time for laughter in their days. But this certainly doesn’t have to be the case.
Grandma Got Game
My Grandfather Carried This Photo Around In His Wallet And Asked People If They'd Like To See His "Pride And Joy"
He passed away 20 years ago. Ever since then, I've had it in my wallet to honor his memory.
My Grandmother Celebrating 105 Years
The amount of laughing and smiling that we do each day does start to decline after the age of 23, but it also sees an uptick after the age of about 80. And it keeps increasing until the end of a person’s life, even if that’s over the age of 100. But we should all be focusing on getting some more humor into our lives because it can actually be beneficial for our health.
“It has this extraordinary impact on your physical health,” Jennifer Aaker, co-author of Humor, Seriously says. “It also makes others feel good. At a moment in time when we need to cultivate a culture of inclusivity and make others feel valued in more thoughtful ways, shared laughter is an incredible tool that we’re simply not using. And it’s free.”
My Grandparents Died A Year Ago But They Were My Definition Of Relationship Goals
Grandpa Found Out He Could Do His Hair With The Vacuum Cleaner
This Money Pizza My Grandfather Made For Me
Does getting old make people funnier, or does being funny make people live longer? It’s hard to say exactly, but according to Scientific American, women with a strong sense of humor have been found to live longer, even if they become ill, and elderly men who continue to laugh can even be protected against infections. A 15-year long study in Norway found that women with high humor scores had a 48% lower risk of death from all causes, as well as a 73% lower risk of death from heart disease. These funny women even had an 83% lower risk of death from infection.
My Grandpa Lost His Foot And Came Out Wearing A Pirate Hat
My Grandmother Bought A Whole Extra Bed Just For Her Cat
This Old Picture Of My Great-Grandmother, Far Left, Makes It Look Like The Cameraman Just Stumbled Into A Secret Meeting Of The Grandmas
We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but it’s not simply something that your mother says to turn that frown upside down. There’s actually some truth to the statement. According to HelpGuide, laughter is a very powerful tool. It can relax our bodies, boost our immune systems, flood us with endorphins, protect our hearts from cardiovascular problems, burn calories, relieve stress and anger, and might even help us live longer.
My Grandparents In The 1970s And 2014
That’s Class
At My Grandma's House. She Put A Magazine Cutout Of Leonardo DiCaprio Over Her Late (Not So Nice) Husband's Face. The Over 80-Year-Old's Version Of Photoshop. I Can't
If you’re looking for a way to improve your mental health, laughter might be the simplest solution. HelpGuide explains that laughing can stop the negative emotions that a person may be feeling, including anger, anxiety and stress. It can also help us relax and recharge. Laughter can even help us shift our perspective on things. Being able to see the humor in any situation can make life much more manageable. And of course, laughter can draw us closer to friends and loved ones, as bonding over a joke or funny experience can be great for our relationships.
I Asked For A Car Full Of Money For My Birthday, Grandmother Delivered
"Grandma, Do You Have Some Rice That I Can Put My Phone In? It Got Wet". She Pulls This Out Of A Cabinet
My Grandpa, Everyone (During The Quarantine In 2020)
While we all know that laughing is enjoyable, bringing more hilarious moments into your life can be easier said than done. So if you want to get giggling more often, HelpGuide recommends starting small. Try incorporating more smiles into your day first. Smile at your colleagues and people you encounter when walking to work. Keep your eyes peeled for moments around you that might make you smile, whether it’s a cute dog you pass on your way home or a beautiful flower that’s blooming in your garden.
This Grandmother Made The Right Decision
Just Got My Christmas Gift From My Grandparents. I'm 31
Grandpa's Artwork
Laughter is also contagious, so if you know anyone who’s always laughing and having a good time, making an effort to spend more time with them can be a great step in getting more giggles into your days. Make an effort to tell others funny stories, and they’ll likely have another hilarious experience to share too. Take in funny content on social media or through television and films, and remember to look for the humor in any situation!
Going Through Some Of My Grandpa's Things After He Passed. Apparently, He Didn’t Like What The Doctor Suggested To Him For His Diet Plan
So he crossed out certain words to make his own diet.
This Magnet On My Granny's Fridge
I Took A Spill And Broke My Collarbone A Bit Ago. My Grandma Was Thoughtful Enough To Send Me A New Bike That Was "More My Speed". She Just Thinks She's So Funny
We hope you’re enjoying these hilarious pics of the best things grandparents have ever done, pandas. Remember not to lose your sense of humor as you age, and keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly wholesome! Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more adorable and funny posts from Bored Panda about grandparents, look no further than right here.
Did A Christmas Scavenger Hunt. This Is What My Grandpa Sent For 3 Wise Men
My Barely 5-Foot-Tall Grandfather Wanted Me To Show "Those People On Your Phone" His Zucchini. But First, He Needed Sunglasses So That He Would Look Cool On The Internet
Also, the last picture is of him doing what he will do to those who say that his zucchini is ugly. Bless his soul.
My Grandpa's Got Jokes
My 96-Year-Old Grandmother Recently Started Watching The Simpsons. She Drew These
My Grandpa Mac, 92 Years Old, Just Got New Security Cameras Around His House. He Has My Cousin, Aaron, And I On The Online Login, So He Sends Us Random Messages Through The Cameras
My Boyfriend's Grandfather Figured Out How To Use Photoshop And Has This Framed In His House
My Grandpa Recently Got A New Car That’s Black, He Nicknamed It The "Batmobile", I Came Over For Dinner And He Came Out Wearing This
I Put Googly Eyes On My VR Glasses And Let My Grandparents Try Them Out
My Grandparents Included This Note In Their Christmas Gift To My Sister's Fiancé
My Grandpa When We Pulled Into His Driveway
My Grandfather Sent Me A Very Formal Letter When I Was A Baby
Grandparents Came Over On My Birthday. My Laptop Was On The Table. This Is What I Found On My Computer The Next Day
And to all those who think boomers aren't computer literate, note all these entries of photoshop and other stuff.