These 30 Doctor Memes Are The Best Medicine If You Need A Laugh (WARNING: Some Are Really Dark)
To become a doctor you have to spend four years of your life in medical studies, then 3 to 7 more in residency, before finally getting your license. To endure this much of student life, you either have to be really determined, a little bit coo-coo, or have a dark sense of humor to numb the stress that comes with being a soon-to-be doctor.
With so many years spent pursuing a career, many funny stories and medical jokes are bound to be accumulated. And since people say that laughter is the best medicine, we have compiled a list of the best doctor memes from all around the internet. And who among us hasn’t had a memorable visit to the doctor? You get poked, prodded and asked some pretty bizarre and invasive questions.
Well, what happens when you combine these uncomfortable stories with the less than memorable faces on stock photos? Hilariously funny memes. Yes, our collection of photos below will have you chuckling from the waiting room to the exam room. From horrifyingly expensive doctor’s visits to awkward questions, it's all there. Scroll down below to see the comedic side of all the things about going to the hospital you never thought could be funny. There's also a good chance, that if you yourself are a doctor, you'll find these funny memes about work very relatable.
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These 93 Doctor Memes Are The Best Medicine If You Need A Laugh (Warning: Some Are Really Dark)
Connect The Dots
We Are All Going To Die
O have the opposite, they tell me its oke, but i want the numbers
And The Credit Goes To...
Doctor Scribbles
Nobody Runs
Language Differences
You need universal healthcare in Australia, everything that lives there either has sharp teeth, too many legs and is hungry or a kangaroo will kick your face off ;)