Birds might be one of the rare animals who we humans would swap places with, even considering all the perks and comforts of civilization. The ability to fly, go anywhere, and escape nearly everything is simply too good of a deal to pass up and birds sometimes seem to know it.
The “Birds with threatening auras” Facebook page gathers and shares pics of avians who do not give a single damn. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorite posts, and be sure to share your own thoughts and bird-encounter stories in the comments section below. We got in touch with the page's creator to learn more.
More info: Facebook
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When it's cold enough to see the melody
Bored Panda got in touch with Julia Morales the creator of the “Birds with threatening auras” Facebook page and one of its current admins. She was kind enough to answer some of our questions, starting with how the page was formed in the first place.
“So the story behind this page's creation is that one day I sat down and wondered “What would be a funny bird group name?” and didn’t want a name like “birds” and “bird memes” so that’s how “Birds with threatening auras” was born!” she shared with Bored Panda. Since then, the page has received thousands of regular visitors.
We also were curious to hear how she would describe the name to someone less familiar with internet culture. “I would explain a threatening aura as something bad a bird is doing or hidden undertones. Such as, for example, swans making traffic stops and making people angry just so they can walk across the road with their little swan family.”
Birds have ended up in their fair share of memes, so we wanted to hear Julia’s thoughts on the page’s popularity. “I think it’s the name and the birds being “bad” in some way. It’s a funny genre and I think it’s also due to people calling birds government drones,” she shared with Bored Panda, referencing the satirical “Birds Aren’t Real” campaign.
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I’m just imagining the peacock turning around and then sprinting after the girl lol