179 Times Fathers Couldn’t Hold Back Their Emotions After Seeing Daughters In Wedding Dresses For The First Time
The father-daughter relationship is a beautiful thing - she is forever his little girl, no matter the age.
In honor of Father's Day, Bored Panda gathered a list of images of dads seeing their girls on the wedding day. Pictures below celebrate the touching father-daughter bond and show that even the toughest of the dads shed a tear seeing their daughter in a gorgeous white gown.
Take a look at these beautiful moments of love and real emotions and vote for your faves.
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Probably a grandfather? Or an older dad... Either way, bless him - I want to give him a great big hug!
Can someone gather all these dads for me so that I can give them a great big group hug?
Dads love their daughters, don't they? This is so beautiful to see.
All these women are so lucky. I for one know my father will never look at me that way, because 1) I don't want to marry and 2) he is a deadbeat who cut me out of his life many years ago. I never had a father figure growing up or to this day.
This is a really beautiful and honest image. It derserves to be higher up the list!
Probably pretending that he has something in his eye. ;-) SO sweet!
What a gorgeous photo this is! The delighted dad in the doorway, the mirror, the daughter’s reflection... it’s just perfect!
Nope....not giving her away. Taking her right back home again. :)
He’s in awe by the beauty of his daughter in her lovely dress!! How sweet!
I have to say, of all the photos this is my favorite-the composition is exquisite and unique. You do not sacrifice the view of the dress and the daughters reaction for the fathers. It captures both in a beautiful way and it encapsulates the moment and it’s emotions for both. Well done.
I'm thinking this is a beach wedding. Dad has his boutonniere and his champers.