The truth is out there. And I personally plan to get to the bottom of things with all of you Pandas at my side, no matter how spooky and supernatural everything might turn out to be. Twitter users have been sharing the eerie and downright creepy things that their kids have said after psychic medium and empath Melisa Gillett started up a viral thread, sharing what her grandson told her. That’s right, we’re about to enter into the creepy realm of real-life ghost stories.

There are literally chills running up and down my spine as I was reading through these paranormal posts about kids possibly having the 6th sense and I really hope that you’ll feel the same way. Got your flashlight, teddybear, and safety blanket? Got your chocolate to ward off any Dementors that might ambush us on the way down? Good, let’s delve deep into the Bored Panda Files… [Cue thunder, lightning, and distorted music box melody.]

To learn more about spirituality and the big questions in life, Bored Panda reached out to Jane Kuepfer, the Schlegel Specialist in Spirituality and Aging at the Conrad Grebel University College. "Spirituality is simply a reminder that there is more to life than we perceive at first glance. It is about our connectedness—to our selves, others, nature, the transcendent. Religion can be a way to access and express the spiritual dimension of life, but all of us have the capacity to perceive life as spiritual, regardless of religious identity." Read on for Kuepfer's other insights.



cre8aha Report



FormerGOP_Mom Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok...that one is hard to explain and would sent a chill down my spine.

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jeamar914 Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Perfectly explainable with childrens' imagination but still really creepy.

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According to spirituality and aging expert Kuepfer, people like to believe that we can control life by putting it in boxes for our own understanding. "Science has become the religion of our age—it is what we have learned to trust to explain life. But much of the wonder of our experience is beyond explanation. Spirituality allows for mystery, and for life/’God?’ to be bigger than we can get our human minds around," she said.

Kuepfer also shared her belief that, as time progresses, our spirituality may actually increase rather than decrease. "In my opinion, if humanity continues to flourish, we will be growing in the direction of greater openness to spirituality, to wonder, to possibilities beyond what we can contain and control. Spirituality invites us to seek and discover meaning and purpose in life, so I hope we won’t deprive ourselves of it any time soon.



LeinLorraine Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This broke my heart a little. Gettysburg was a really difficult and tragic battle and there are reportedly a lot of ghosts in the area because of it. I would give the man in the uniform a hug, regardless of what side he was on. No one deserves to see the horrors of that battle in person.

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Melisa’s thread had over 185.8k likes on Twitter, as well as nearly 16k retweets at the time of writing. Considering how much attention her post got, it’s easy to say that a lot of parents have been in situations where their kids scare them with what they had to say.

As odd as it may sound, there have been numerous attempts to scientifically prove the presence of the paranormal. For example, books like ‘Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today’ have tried to systemically approach and verify ideas about life after death by analyzing children’s stories.



Hayley_DrPH Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a kid 1y but I hope I will avoid such things because I'm scared of paranormal.

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“Eminent scientists explain how many of these children's stories have been followed up to verify whether their statements have any foundation in fact. Incredibly, when subjected to scientific investigation, children's memories about their past lives can invariably be confirmed in every detail,” the book’s blurb explains. Naturally, everyone’s a bit of a skeptic. But once you widen your gaze, you start coming across things that can’t be explained by conventional logic alone.

As Live Science points out, getting solid evidence (pun very much intended) about the existence of ghosts and spirits is incredibly difficult and there are plenty of contradictory accounts between people.



EvaRoby3 Report

Not to mention that far from every story is true: there are plenty of charlatans out there, preying on people’s grief, as well as ‘ghost hunters’ looking to make a quick buck. On the flip side, there are genuine psychics, spirit mediums, and exorcists, too, who aim to help people (even if they sometimes fail). Completely discounting their experiences would be unfair, just as accepting them word-for-word would be, too.

There are lots of small indications around us that the paranormal might be, well, normal. I’ll let you in on a little secret, dear Pandas, if you promise not to tell anyone else. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had prophetic dreams about small snippets from everyday life that later turn out to be true, just like most of my family members. And while you could try to explain déjà vu away by saying that it’s someone’s brain short-circuiting, being the nosy scientist that I am, I’ve tested my dreams, again and again, to make sure I’m not making things up.


My conclusion? Everything checks out and I’m still waiting for my letter to go study at Hogwarts. So there’s not a shadow of doubt in my mind that there’s something deeper in life that science hasn’t been able to catch up to yet. Either that or there’s something weird going on with the Weave of Time! But whether or not you believe me is completely up to you. However, I know that some of you Pandas might be in the same boat as I am! So be sure to share your own paranormal stories in the comment section below.

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CandieDeLong Report

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Zena Marsh
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why not? I believe we are one gender in one life, in the next the opposite.

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Scientifically, déjà vu has been associated with temporal lobe epilepsy and neurological anomalies related to electrical discharge in the brain, thus creating a strong sensation that an event has happened before. But as some of us know from firsthand experience, this doesn’t account for the fact that some of us have quite literally dreamt the scenes days, weeks, and sometimes months in advance.

Scientists have also tried to link déjà vu to mental disorders like schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, and anxiety, but found no correlation. However, there is a possible genetic link! Specifically, the LGII gene on chromosome 10 is being studied because certain forms of the gene are associated with a mild form of epilepsy.


Meanwhile, Scientific American writes how one study found that after scanning the brains of 21 participants as they experienced a lab-induced sense of déjà vu, the areas of the brain involving decision-making (rather than memory) were triggered. This suggests that déjà vu might be our mind’s way of resolving conflicts.



NumbZombieMom Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To make the story even creepier; and that's why a young man is now wearing Old Spice....

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“They interpret this result to mean that déjà vu could instead be a result of our brains conducting some form of conflict resolution. In other words, our brain checks through our memories like a rolodex looking for any conflict between what we think we’ve experienced versus what actually happened to us.”

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In the future, I’m sure that scientists will discover a lot of hidden truths about the world that we felt were real but could never prove with hard evidence. But what do you think, dear Readers? Which of these spooky stories did you enjoy reading the most? Do you have any similar tales to tell? Do you think it’s time we gave Sam and Dean Winchester from ‘Supernatural’ a call?

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k_fernholz Report

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Lorelai Purvis
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

and she discovered the story of a woman called aunt bedelia who sheltered slaves on the underground railroad

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Note: this post originally had 77 images. It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.